
One Piece:Fallen general

What is justice? The winner is justice! "I smoked, drank, cheated, addicted to murder, greedy for money, lascivious...but I was a good navy." Adam Rice, who holds the form of Paramecia Fruit, Phantom Beast, Fallen Angel, holds high the banner of justice, but like a devil, he tempts countless people to fall. Doflamingo is his intermediary in controlling the underground world, the Queen of Happy Street is his lover, the Amazon Lily is his back garden, and the golden emperor Tezoro is his cash machine... The raving of the devil is a temptation to indulge, and the flames of hell are the end of all things burning and destroying. This is the story of a fallen admiral. : "Man is Sailing, Fallen Angel General"; this novel and its characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated

DaoistBDe9N8 · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

chapter 94

Adam Rice just hung up the phone bug communication and was silent.

With Doflamingo's insatiable character, it is estimated that this time the Navy Headquarters was bleeding profusely.

No wonder the old man was so angry.

But this is also the effect Adam Rice wants to see.

Only by forcing the Navy Headquarters to spend a great deal of money into the next war can he, a naval colonel on the fringes of political power, have enough right to speak.


I just disappeared for a few days,

Kong has already started looking for him all over the world?

Just when Adam Rice fell into contemplation,

The incomparably huge elephant-shaped beast suddenly roared.

As if it saw that its own attack had no effect on the jumping ant in front of it,

And this ant actually ignored him directly,

It growled even more angrily.

The beast roared, the huge elephant feet was raised high, and gusts of wind were rolled up in the sky, and then it slammed down towards Adam Leis in a turbulent wave!

Adam Rice was interrupted by this deafening roar, clasped his ears with his hands, and murmured impatiently:

"You are too noisy."

While speaking, a cold and strange light suddenly flashed in his long and narrow eyes, and he slowly turned around.

In the pupil of the line of sight, the huge elephant trunk, which was enough to crush his entire body, was wrapped in a violent wind blowing towards his face.

Adam Rice twisted his neck, but this time he didn't choose to hide.

knees slightly bent,

jumped up from the spot,

The slender whip leg kicks out horizontally!


The dark green arc-shaped air wave poured up like a waterfall, and it blasted the elephant trunk directly, leaving a shallow trace on it.

This huge behemoth, the skin's defense is stronger than steel, blocking Adam Leis' stubborn feet!

But just as the feet of the elephant was blown away, the huge creature staggered back and caused the land to shake.

Adam Rice's figure disappeared from the place like a ghost.

the next moment,

He has came under the belly of the beast,

Legs full of amazing explosive power are contracted tightly like springs...

on the index finger,

A wisp of aura swept up like a spiraling storm.

Armed color!

The whole person shot up!

The giant elephant suddenly stop it's body,


A dull, flesh-and-blood explosion sounded suddenly.

On the back of the giant elephant like a hill, dazzling blood rose to the sky.

A slender figure was bathed in a fountain of blood and rose high in the air.

Zephyr frowned frequently, it was bloody enough.


The huge giant elephant swayed, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Countless birds were startled by the rich blood and turned into a large black net soaring into the sky.

at the same time,

That blood-soaked figure stood upright in the sky,

A pair of slender black wings broke through his shoulder blades from his back and slowly stretched out.

Evil, depraved, sinful, chaotic, murderous...

All kinds of negative auras slowly rippling from that figure, as if the legendary hell demon king came to the world.

Strangely enough,

It is this figure full of evil spirits and demonic aura,

His eyes were shining with divine star brilliance.

against each other,

It gives people an indescribable sense of harmony.

Roar! !

Roar! ! !

Roar! ! ! ! !

One after another, mourning, low-pitched roars came from all over the island.

It was countless strange beasts resembling giant elephants,

one head,

both ends,

three heads,

Hundreds of giant beasts with a wild breath,

limbs bent,

trembling huge body,

fell to the ground,

Towards the holy figure of the black angel,

Let out a roar of surrender.

—As if to meet their king.

high in the sky,

Adam Rice opened his arms and laughed wantonly, the black wings behind his back blocked the sunlight, like the ruler of the world.

on earth,

Zephyr, who was sitting on the ground, stared blankly at the god-like figure in the sky, his eyes were a little dazed.

This isn't the first time he's seen Adam Rice show off his fallen angel wings,

every time I see it,

He gave birth to a sincere sigh from the bottom of his heart.

He had never seen such a perfect creature.

Holy and depraved,

light and dark,

Streamlined muscles depict the beauty of violence,

The elegant figure is more noble than the king of any country in the world...

After Adam Rice vented, he put away the black wings behind his back and slowly landed.

"Teacher Zephyr, it's time for us to go back."

"War... is waiting for us."

He said lightly towards Zephyr.

Zephyr smiled and stood up from the ground with the barbecue in his hand still in the bonfire.

He was really looking forward to it.

What amazing performance will Adam Rice have in the next war.
