
One Piece: Explosion(Discontinued, will reboot)

The story of One Piece, but with an added character who possesses the Nito Nito No Mi. He will journey with the Strawhats as one of their own, and achieve his dream of seeing the world.

XOmni · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Ch 5 Down with Buggy the Clown

Alex, Luffy, Zoro, Nami, and the mayor stand on one side of the beach, Buggy and his crew stand on the deck of their ship.

Mayor: " I will face Buggy on my own."

Alex: " That's not a good idea, he'll kill you."

Mayor: " I don't care, I won't let him keep destroying my town!"

Luffy punches the mayor in the gut, hard enough to knock him out.

Zoro: " The hell was that!?"

Luffy: " If I let him fight Buggy, he'd only get himself killed."

Nami: " But did you have to knock him out?"

Alex: " There was no talking him out of it."

Nami: " I guess you're right."

Luffy: " Hey, big nose! Come down here and fight!"

Buggy: " Big nose!? Blow them to smithereens!"

Buggy's men fire a Buggy ball from the cannon, is flies through the air, towards Luffy and the others. Luffy inflates himself like a balloon and blocks the cannon ball, it bounces off of him and flies back at Buggy's ship. It blows their ship to pieces, but Buggy emerges unharmed, having used two of his crew mates as shields, a man named Cabaji also comes out unharmed, having used the lion Ritchie as a shield.

Mohji: " Ritchie! I'll get you for that Cabaji!"

Mohji charges at Cabaji, but is sent flying by a kick to the face. Mohji flies towards Luffy, who punches him out of the air.

Buggy: " Cabaji! Kill the kid in the strawhat!"

Cabaji: " No problem captain."

Cabaji charges forward on his unicycle, his sword drawn. He nearly reaches Luffy, but his sword attack is blocked by Zoro, who has two of his three swords drawn.

Zoro: " I'll be your opponent."

The two quickly begin their duel with Cabaji going for an overhead slash, but Zoro easily blocks it. Zoro goes for a slash to Cabaji's chest, but the acrobat nimbly dodges. Cabaji goes for a quick kick to Zoro's side, hitting him right in his earlier wound. Zoro falls to the ground, as blood seeps through the bandage.

Alex: " Damnit!"

Alex launches himself forward using his explosions, he comes up right next to Cabaji and throws a punch at his gut. Cabaji avoids his punch but fails to avoid the explosion created by it, he's sent flying back, but he easily corrects himself, landing on his unicycle.

Cabaji: " Two against one? That hardly seems fair."

Alex: " We're pirates, I don't think fair is in our nature."

Cabaji: " It doesn't matter, I'll simply have to kill you both."

Cabaji charges at Alex, as he approaches Alex throws his fist forward in an attempt to attack the circus pirate. Cabaji leaps off his unicycle, and flips over Alex. As he comes down, Cabaji slams his foot into the wounds on Alex's back. Alex falls to the ground as blood leaks from the three large gashes on his back.

Cabaji: " The great Roronoa Zoro, you can't even defeat me on your own."

Zoro: " Why don't you stop with those cheap shots, and I'll show you what I can do."

Alex struggles to stand to his feet, the loss of blood from his wounds finally taking its toll on him.

Alex: " Damn that fucking lion. If it wasn't for it, I'd be fighting you at full strength."

Cabaji stands over Alex and brings his sword down on him. Alex quickly sweeps Cababji's feet out from under him, knocking him to the ground.

Cabaji: " Ugh! Damn you!"

Alex: " Go down, damnit!" He yells, as he brings both fists down on the fallen Cabaji. The impact creates an explosion strong enough to create a small crater underneath Cabaji.

Cabaji kicks Alex in the face, sending him flying out of the smoke, landing next to Zoro.

Zoro: " You alright?"

Alex: " I'm good." He states, returning to his feet.

Cabaji rides out of the smoke on his unicycle, he charges at Zoro, aiming his blade at his neck. Zoro quickly brings up his sword, blocking Cabaji's attack.

Cabaji: " Not bad. But you're gonna have to do better."

Cabaji slams his foot into Zoro's wound, once again knocking Zoro down.

Alex charges up behind Cabaji and slams both fists into his back, the impact creates a small explosion that knocks him towards Zoro, who slashes him across the chest with both swords. Cabaji holds the fresh wounds on his chest, he quickly rides his unicycle away and up the side of a nearby house. Cabaji reaches the top and ramps into the air, he falls back to the ground towards Alex, sword aimed at Alex's head.

Alex claps his hands together, releasing a large explosion at the incoming Cabaji. The explosion stops Cabaji mid fall and sends him flying back into the air. Cabaji falls through the roof of the house he had ridden up.

Alex: " Did we get him?"

Zoro: " I'm not sure."

Cabaji comes stumbling out of the house, beaten and bloody, holding the wound on his chest.

Cabaji: " I will not be beaten by some know body pirates!"

Zoro charges forward and slashes Cabaji across the chest. Zoro sheathes his swords as Cabaji falls to the ground, unconscious.

Zoro: " He's done. I think I'm just gonna rest now, if that's alright with you captain?"

Luffy: " Go ahead Zoro. I'll finish this."

Zoro falls to the ground and goes to sleep.

Alex: " I think I agree with Zoro." Alex states, falling to the ground, following Zoro's example.

Luffy and Buggy stare each other down, the tension in the air palpable.

Buggy: " That hat you're wearing; it reminds me of someone that I loathe."

Luffy: " Wait, you mean Shanks?"

Buggy launches his hands forward, in an attempt to grab Luffy, but he manages to avoid the flying hand.

Luffy: " Looks like I'm gonna have to beat the answers out of you!"

Buggy reattaches his hand and draws his knifes. He launches both of his hands at Luffy, attempting to slash him with both knifes. Luffy barely avoids the attack, the knifes nicking his shirt. Luffy stretches his arm behind him, then releases the tension, flinging his rubbery fist at Buggy.

Buggy easily avoids the punch, but Luffy doesn't give up. He uses the remaining momentum of his punch and swings his whole arm at Buggy, who easily avoids by splitting his body apart and putting himself back together.

Buggy throws both hands forwards, and they repeatedly slash at Luffy with incredible speed. Luffy avoids most of the attacks, but a few hit him, slashing him across the arms, chest, and face. Buggy finally stops his onslaught, Luffy's hat falls off his head, he catches and realizes one of Buggy's attacks nicked it.

Luffy: " My hat!"

Buggy: " So, that's important to you, huh?"

Buggy launches both hands forward, aiming directly for Luffy's hat. One of his knifes stabs straight through the straw hat, Buggy's hand flies back to him with the hat.

Luffy: " No! Give me back my treasure!"

Buggy: " This hat belonged to Shanks, didn't it? Oh, how I despise him! I'll curse him for the rest of his pitiful existence!"

Luffy: " Don't you dare talk about Shanks like that!"

Buggy: " I'll say whatever I want about him! It's his fault I'm like this!"

Luffy: " Huh? Why's that?"

Buggy then goes on to explain how him and Shanks were part of the same crew, and how he planned to leave the crew by hiding a Devil Fruit. Shanks surprised him and Buggy hid the fruit in his mouth, but accidentally swallowed it. He then said how he fell into the water and Shanks jumped in after him, getting him back to the ship.

Luffy: " Why do you hate Shanks? It sounds to me like he saved your life."

Buggy: " He made me eat the Devil Fruit, so not only did I lose my ability to swim, but I lost out on 100,000,000 berries!"

Buggy separates his top half from his bottom half and floats up into the air. He notices Nami as she walks out of a house with his treasure.

Buggy: " Hey that's mine!" He shouts at Nami.

Buggy's top half flies at Nami but stops short as Luffy kicks him in the groin.

Nami: " Sorry, but I'll be keeping this!"

Buggy splits the rest of his body parts and all, but his feet fly at Nami. Luffy grabs one of his feet and tickles it, he then pulls on it, messing Buggy up.

Buggy attempts to rejoin himself, but only his head, hands, and feet reconnect. The rest of his body parts are tied up by Nami. Luffy stretches both of his arms behind himself, he then releases the tension, slamming both of his fists into Buggy, sending him flying off into the sky.

Alex and Zoro both wake up and walk over to the others.

Alex: " Where's Buggy?"

Luffy: " We handled him. I don't think we'll be seeing Buggy again for a while."

Before they can continue their conversation, a large group of townspeople march up to them. They notice the town in ruins and their mayor unconscious.

Townsperson 1: " What happened here!?"

Townsperson 4: " Who are you guys?!"

Luffy: " We're pirates."

Alex: " Luffy!"

Townsperson 5: " Pirates!? They must've done this! Get them!"

The towns people chase after the straw hats, as they catch up to them, they are blocked off by Chouchou, who barks at them.

Townsperson 7: " Chouchou?"

Townsperson 9: " There getting away!"

Alex, Zoro, and Luffy jump into their rowboat, and Nami jumps into her own boat. The four leave the island, but as they leave, they notice the mayor on the shore.

Mayor: " Thank you for everything!"

As they sail away, Nami notices that she is missing half of the money she stole from Buggy.

Nami: " I'm missing some of my money!"

Luffy: " It's fine. I left behind half of Buggy's treasure to help pay for the town's repairs."

Nami: " What!?"

Nami reaches over to the other boat, grabs Luffy and attempts to drown him. Zoro laughs it off as Alex sighs with a small smile on his face.

Alex: " I think things are going to get a lot more interesting from here on out."

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