
One Piece: Duke’s Odyssey

So like usual dude died then got reincarnated into one piece with 3 wishes WOW so original. Wish fulfilment don’t like them don’t read this. This will be very slow. Not sure I’ll even do romance cause I’ve never been in a relationship and I don’t think one piece is the best place for romance sure it has hot girls but it’s more about the adventure. I’m writing from the top of my mind and don’t know where to go with this so there won’t be any frequent updates. I have shit grammar so yeah enjoy Found the artwork on Pinterest https://www.pinterest.it/pin/619385754994533387/?nic_v2=1b5dQx2g3

Pimple_Face_13 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

69 ties

*2 years later*

Putting down my brush to admire my painting has been a common thing I've been doing lately. Taking the time to relax and paint is very therapeutic. This brush is my favourite being a present from my parents for my 5 birthday. It's simple black wooden handle allow for a comfortable hold, the bristles of the brush are synthetic since I don't like using oil paint as they take so long to dry.

They also gave me my own nunchucks since I only used practice nunchucks. The sticks are metal making the very durable being the average length of 30cm. The length of the chain is 14cm allowing for a balance of speed, strength and control which a lot of control is needed since the chain is joined to the sticks with a ball bearing swivel.

Engraved on the sticks is my initials D.B and a white tiger standing on clouds. (Obviously the cover)

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*3rd POV*

A six year old and 8 year old were standing a meter apart. The 6 year old was hold nunchucks spinning them around with extreme speed hoping to distract his opponent. The two kids were obviously Duke and Eli. This was their 269th spar with both with 100 wins and 69 ties.

Staring at each other waiting for any openings. Eli finding none charged in getting annoyed at this staring contest. Kicking towards Duke's head he lowered to the ground the instant Duke leaned to the side dodging the kick.

Seeing Eli defenceless on the ground Duke swung the stick to his face with a flick of his wrist. Only to get kicked off balance as Eli swiped under his feet. Not perturbed by this Duke simply twisted himself midair whacking Eli's back.

Grunting in pain Eli moved away his focus more on his pain than the fight, using this to his advantage Duke closed distance between them again. Arms stretched to maximise the reach Duke brought his nunchucks down in a diagonal from the right to left hitting Eli on the temple. Changing directions from the left to right Duke hit Eli again but on the right knee, but Eli wasn't out of the fight yet pushing his left leg ignoring the stinging pain on his right knee he managed to kick Dukes hand.

The nunchucks went flying, seeing his weapon gone Duke backflipped away. The staring contest began once again both trying to maintain their breathing rate and looking for openings they managed to make.

Dukes right foot forward with his right knee slightly turned inward, his left knee slightly bent and heel lifted off the floor. Left hand if front of his chest open, right hand clenched in front of his body.

This time Duke initiated sending a quick jab to Eli's face who put his arms up to block leaving his stomach open, pushing from his ankle twisting his hips Duke sent a devastating punch to Eli's liver. Eli spun around to minimise the force and used it to send a back spin kick to Dukes defenceless right side sending him flying, landing conveniently next to his nunchucks.

Pushing himself off the ground grabbing his Nunchucks rushing towards Eli.

"Stop! It's a tie." Before they could continue again Max, Dukes dad yelled out.

Hearing his words the two fell down exhausted and groaning in pain.

"You didn't hold back on your swings did you." Eli said while clutching his right knee and temple.

"You didn't hold back on your kicks as well." Duke said groaning in pain as he prodded his ribs.

Both chuckled at what the other said only to start wincing in pain again. Shaking his head with a wry smile Max helped them get up.

Fights are pretty fun to write

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