
One Piece: Devil Fruit? Ninjutsu, Boy.

[Following the boat is not an invincible article]“Navy, this battle is undoubtedly your victory!”“But within five years, I, Lot, will start another war!”“A war that sweeps the world, changes the world, overthrows the world government, a war that kills all the pigs sitting on the red earth continent!!”“Look forward to it! Marines! Look forward to that day! Let’s see! Which is my pain more, or your belief in loyally protecting the Lord!!”At the top of the war, under surveillance phone bugs, in front of the whole world, the vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, wrapped in a golden tail beast suit, and awakening the Samsara Eye, Lott declared war on the world.The Celestial Dragons who were executed in front of the whole world, the purple giants who were far higher than the giant clan, the meteorites that covered the sky and the sun.At this moment, the navy who were still complacent about the death of the legendary whitebeard generation realized that they——Created a more terrifying monster! ! !The World Conference broke out in the Holy Land, Onigashima fought against the Straw Hat Pirates and became the Twin Emperors, and Egghead Island was broadcast live all over the world to encircle and suppress the Five Old Stars. The era of great pirates has gone wild! !….This book is also called: “My Pain Is Above Yours” “Anecdotes about the Vice-Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates and Princesses from Various Countries”Slow heat is not invincible flow

Md_King_9028 · Anime & Comics
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106 Chs

Chapter 62

"Humph! That woman Nami really didn't kill you!"

The moment he saw Lot, Aaron's eyes flashed with surprise, but then he said with relief.

"You're finally back, you guy…"

Zoro, whose head was being pinched, also saw Zoro's figure from the corner of his eye, and he whispered weakly.

He was not in good condition at the moment. The hideous wound on his chest that had been cut by Hawkeye had been properly sutured, but it had split apart after a fierce battle, and bright red liquid continued to flow from the flesh and blood interspersed with lines. gurgling out

"I'm really sorry that I behaved in such a shameful manner right after I boarded the ship, and in front of the lovely Miss Nami…."

Sanji, who was lying on the ground, also arched his back and struggled to get up. The wounds on his body were better than those of Zoro, but they were still full of wounds as if they had been hit by bullets.

"No, that idiot Luffy slipped up at a critical moment again. I didn't expect it. This should be regarded as my mistake.——"

Lot shook his head. He walked to a place less than ten steps away from Aaron and stood up."Why hold on to a seriously injured person who has not yet recovered? You should want to kill me more than him, right?" , after all, I——"

After a pause, Lot showed an incomprehensible smile and continued:"But I chopped up dozens of your fellow fish~ I have to say, it is indeed better than what I caught when I was a fisherman. The fish is a little different, it's harder to chop, and it must taste a little bit tougher, but no one probably wants to eat that disgusting fish…."


Lot's extremely sarcastic words not only made Aaron's eyes widen instantly and became bloodshot, but also shocked the villagers watching the show at the back. No wonder there were only a dozen fishmen seen from beginning to end this time, and there were already more than half of them. Before that, he was solved by this inconspicuous young man.

But the most angry person present was none other than Aaron. He was already an extremely racist man, but when he heard Lot compare his compatriots to those who were put on the chopping board to be slaughtered by others, in his eyes he was only slightly higher than human beings. Ordinary fish, your lungs will explode

"You think so, Sanji, as a chef, you think I'm right, right?"

This is not over yet. Lot even had the leisure to ask Sanji next to him.

"Indeed, they are all fish, but this group of fishmen looks obviously not delicious, and I can't eat them."

Sanji, who probably understood Lot's thoughts at the moment, agreed.

"!!"If reality were a game and everyone had an anger gauge above their head, you would know that Aaron's anger gauge was about to explode without even looking at it.

But at this moment, when all his attention was focused on Lot, he was lying on his back.

Sanji, who was watching on the ground and had no fighting power, suddenly jumped up and kicked Aaron hard on the jaw with a rolling sideways kick.

In pain, he squeezed Zoro's hand and subconsciously relaxed.

Sanji seized this opportunity and He hugged Zoro's body and kicked it hard, running to a position far behind Aaron.


Aaron touched his aching jaw, glanced behind him, and finally returned his gaze to Lot. He grinned and said with a sneer:"I see, you have been irritated just to save you." Companion…"

As he spoke, he put on a disdainful face:"Actually, you don't need to go to such trouble, because I will quickly let you understand that I can easily tear you apart whether there are hostages or not.——"

"Nami, listen, I don't want to kill you, but you don't want to get rid of us either. I want you to be our surveyor forever!"

All his men were defeated. Even in this situation, Aaron still showed great confidence. He looked past Lot's figure and looked at Nami:"I plan to kill everyone except you, but if you are sincere, If you return to Aaron's group and continue to draw sea charts as a cadre,...I can spare the guys in Cocosia Village over there!"

"But these guys in front of me can't do it. They are too wanton, especially this guy who killed dozens of my compatriots.——"

Speaking of this, Aaron's face was covered with a shadow:"Choose! Are you a partner of my Aaron's group, or a partner of this group of low-level pirates in front of me!"....why is it like this...If it's Luffy and his friends, everyone will be killed. If it's Aaron's or the Eight Gates, then everyone in the village can be saved. Everyone's life or death depends on my words….

Nami pursed her lips tightly, feeling extremely tormented inside.

If it were just her, she would not hesitate to choose to be Lott's companions, but if everyone in Cocosia Village was added, the balance in her heart would become unstable….

"There is no doubt about it, I will save you…"

"Of course!!"

Suddenly, Lot's gentle eyes appeared in front of her eyes, and Luffy's angry shouting rang in her ears. Nami's eyes suddenly widened. At this moment, her heart became clear, and all her doubts disappeared without a trace.

I can't Doubt their words!

"Sorry everyone! Be with me…go to hell!!"Nami turned to the villagers behind her and said with a smile. At this moment, there was no more burden in her heart.

"Great, it's decided!!!"The villagers of Cocosia Village burst into cheers.

They are not afraid of death. What they are afraid of from beginning to end is that they will become a burden to Nami, and the choice Nami made at this moment is exactly what they want.

"snort…I want to die together…"Aaron's face was instantly full of murderous intent

"Hello…I said to you, is it too arrogant to ignore me and push Lailai all the time?…"

After hearing Nami's decision, Lot moved and was in front of Aaron in the blink of an eye, kicking him in the head with a roundhouse kick.

Aaron, who was thinking about how to kill all the humans present, came to his senses and wanted to defend himself, but Lot's speed was too fast. Before he could raise his hand, Lot's feet came to his face. In front of him, there was a"bang" sound, and he was hit in the face, flying out and knocking down a pillar.

"Amazing! He actually kicked that Aaron away!"

The onlookers in Cocosia Village burst out in exclamation, and their eyes lit up. Aaron didn't seem to have any flaws? Lot didn't care what the people in Cocosia Village said about him. At this time, he only had Aaron in his eyes.

Before Aaron could get up after knocking over the pillar, he ducked in front of him again, took out a kunai from his pocket, punched it a few times on his fingertips, and then punched Aaron in the head.

However, Aaron was He opened his big saw-toothed mouth and bit the kunai into pieces, then grabbed Lot's arm before he could retract it, stood up and threw him out.

This time, it was Lot who said"Boom""Knocked down another pillar with a sound.

After spitting out the scraps of iron in his mouth, Aaron taunted Lot:"Why, you don't use your Devil Fruit ability and choose to fight me in close combat. Are you desperate to die?"

From what he learned from the black belt, he knew that Lot was a Devil Fruit ability user. He just had to make strange gestures for 1 to 3 seconds before using the ability. Before the battle started, he always paid attention to Lot's hand movements. , but what he didn't expect was that Lot actually chose to fight him in close combat, giving up the advantage of his Devil Fruit ability.

It was precisely because of this that he was kicked away unexpectedly.

"Ah…I just want you to know that a fish is a fish after all. Even if I grow legs, I can still kill you with a knife and a little breath like a fisherman."

After cleaning up the gravel that fell on his body and patting his clothes, Lott retorted. Aaron already knew the prelude to releasing his ninjutsu, so he must be on guard. Of course, he couldn't really use it. Ninjutsu is banned. Fighting between pirates requires unscrupulous means. If there is a good opportunity, Lot will not hesitate to release ninjutsu.

"I will let you know the difference between the low-level human race and the high-level fish-men race like me!!"A very simple provocation method, but it really angered Aaron. He raised his hand and grabbed his tooth, and then pulled it out with force.

"Hahaha! That Aaron is so stupid! He actually took out his own teeth that could crush iron! Kill him Lot quickly! I'll cover you from behind!"

At some point, Usopp found a hole that allowed most of his body to be blocked by the wall, with only a little of his upper body exposed. He raised his slingshot and shouted at Lot.

Aaron used his teeth to hit Lot's The weapon was chewed to pieces. Usopp's jaw almost dropped when he saw that scene, but he didn't expect that Aaron would actually take out his extremely powerful teeth. He was really stupid.

But soon Quickly, Usopp couldn't laugh anymore.

Because Aaron had become bald, and his gums like an old man grew a new set of sharp teeth at a very fast speed, and he took out the new sharp teeth. , and finally a new pair will grow.

Now, Aaron has one on his left hand and one on his right hand, plus the ones in his mouth, he has a total of three sets of sharp teeth that can easily crush iron.

"come on! Lot!"

Usopp immediately shrank behind the wall.

'Why is this guy so different from his partners? '

Looking at Usopp's timid appearance, the villagers of Cocosia Village thought speechlessly.

"I'll go down and rescue Luffy. Is it okay for you to lie down here?"

Seeing that the battle situation was relatively stable on the other side, Sanji planned to go into the water again and kick off the big rocks that locked Luffy's feet.

"no problem…"

The wound on his chest was still bleeding, Zoro gasped and replied.

After receiving the answer, Sanji didn't stop for a moment and immediately jumped into the water.

"My teeth can grow countless times, and they will become harder and sharper. Look, murlocs are such a superior race!!"

Aaron said, while forcefully opening and closing the sharp teeth on his hand, making a"click, click, click" sound.

"Iron tooth skill!!"

Aaron just grabbed his teeth and attacked. Lott ducked over, and his sharp teeth bit the remaining half of the stone pillar under the former's grasp, and then with a fierce force, he tore away the remaining stone pillar. Half of the fish's body was also completely destroyed.

Before Aaron could continue his pursuit, Lott had already circled behind him and jumped up high. He grabbed the fin around his neck with one hand and took out a new fin with the other hand. Wu, aimed at his chest and pierced it.

This time, holding the sharp teeth in both hands hindered Aaron's movement. The kunai pierced into his chest smoothly, but before Lot could forcefully press the kunai in,… The dragon exerted force on his waist to control his body and threw him backwards.



Being pressed under him and unable to escape in time, Lot's back came into close contact with the earth, and the earth beneath the two of them cracked open instantly. He tried to hold back the hot liquid that surged into his throat and spit out, Lot rolled over and rolled out of the crater.

Aaron also turned over, and with a small spurt of blood, he pulled out the pain stuck in his chest, and then attacked Lot again.

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

The technique that only required one seal exploded with a burst of smoke that obscured Lot's figure. Then with three"咻廻咻" sounds, three identical Lots broke through the smoke and attacked Aaron from different directions.

Between the three of them , Under the siege, Aaron seemed a little unable to resist. Although he had three sets of sharp teeth at his disposal, most of the attacks were dodged by Lot's deft movement. Even conversely, before the clone disappeared, Lot and His clone caused far more wounds on his body than the wounds he caused on Lot.

Some were punching, kicking, or cutting the kunai.


The kunai was bitten by Aaron, and Lot did not take it. Come back, but sink down, concentrate all the strength on one point, bulge the arm muscles, and then punch the enemy's chin with a"drink" sound, the kunai bit by the sharp teeth shatters, after a while, Ah The dragon's teeth were also shattered.

Aaron's body was thrown up by the fist, and he was about to fall backwards. Lot took advantage of the victory, used his left foot as the fulcrum, used his waist and legs to drive his body to rotate, and kicked him with a roundhouse kick. On top of his head, the body that was originally in mid-air changed direction under this step and flew out towards the house.


Rotte was about to give chase, but he heard an octopus man shouting and jumped into the water regardless of the stab wound on his body.

No! This is trouble to find Sanji!

Helplessly, Rote could only temporarily I gave up the idea of chasing and turned to face the pool, planning to jump in too.

"Don't worry about that guy, his wound will open…"

Sauron spoke up to stop Lot's action. Although he was a little puzzled, Lot still believed in Sauron's words and did not jump.

And what happened underwater was exactly what Zoro said. Hachi wanted to stop Sanji from saving Luffy, but when he was about to attack Sanji in the middle of the swim, Zoro chopped out the wound on his chest. The wound suddenly burst open, and a large amount of blood dyed the seawater around his body red.

Even a fishman can only bear the severe pain in this situation, and his body can't help but float upwards.

"Scared me!"

Sanji breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked Nokigao, who had been thinking about pulling out Luffy's feet, to get out of the way, and kicked him up. The stone that trapped Luffy instantly shattered. Fei was also saved. Pulled by the rubber elasticity, his body flew towards the head on the water at an extremely fast speed.