
One Piece: Devil Fruit? Ninjutsu, Boy.

[Following the boat is not an invincible article]“Navy, this battle is undoubtedly your victory!”“But within five years, I, Lot, will start another war!”“A war that sweeps the world, changes the world, overthrows the world government, a war that kills all the pigs sitting on the red earth continent!!”“Look forward to it! Marines! Look forward to that day! Let’s see! Which is my pain more, or your belief in loyally protecting the Lord!!”At the top of the war, under surveillance phone bugs, in front of the whole world, the vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, wrapped in a golden tail beast suit, and awakening the Samsara Eye, Lott declared war on the world.The Celestial Dragons who were executed in front of the whole world, the purple giants who were far higher than the giant clan, the meteorites that covered the sky and the sun.At this moment, the navy who were still complacent about the death of the legendary whitebeard generation realized that they——Created a more terrifying monster! ! !The World Conference broke out in the Holy Land, Onigashima fought against the Straw Hat Pirates and became the Twin Emperors, and Egghead Island was broadcast live all over the world to encircle and suppress the Five Old Stars. The era of great pirates has gone wild! !….This book is also called: “My Pain Is Above Yours” “Anecdotes about the Vice-Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates and Princesses from Various Countries”Slow heat is not invincible flow

Md_King_9028 · Anime & Comics
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106 Chs

Chapter 61

On the sea, some distance away from the Cocosia Village Island, there is a warship parked

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!!! I couldn't stop laughing!! There are 93 million Baileys!!"

Colonel Mouse looked at the big box filled with jewels and Baileys, and his face almost burst into laughter. A total of 93 million Baileys, although only 30% went to his own pocket, and the rest had to wait for those fishmen. He sent someone to take it away, but what he had was enough to last him a lifetime.

"But Colonel, every piece of money has blood, mud and other things on it, and it's very tattered…."

A sailor nearby who helped with the counting picked up a pile of dirty Baileys and said

"Zhizhizhi, money is money, just spend it if you can. This poor little girl believed in the coming of freedom, and spent eight years diligently and conscientiously…."

Colonel Mouse took the Bailey picked up by the sailor, counted them one by one, and smiled sinisterly:"I worked hard to save it like a fool!! squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak!"


Led by Colonel Mouse, bursts of laughter broke out on the ship.

The sailors and Colonel Mouse were in a nest. Although they couldn't eat meat, they could still drink some soup, so they had no idea about the origin of this treasure. They don't care, it doesn't matter what kind of freedom, what kind of civilian suffering, what kind of little girl. As long as they know that some of the money will come to them, that's enough to make them happy.

"Oh no! Colonel!"

Suddenly, the soldiers in the watchtower shouted in a hurry.

"Someone is coming towards us!"

"people? who? Colonel Mouse, who was still immersed in the joy of this heavenly fortune, was interrupted by his subordinates and frowned:"If it is not the group of fishmen and it is definitely the enemy, just fire and destroy his ship!""

"That person is running on the sea and is rushing towards us!!"

The sentry looked at the figure running flatly on the sea in the telescope and added with a shocked expression.

"Running on the sea? ?"

Colonel Mouse suddenly widened his eyes.

Devil Fruit user?! But why are Devil Fruit users looking for him? ?

"Everyone pick up their guns and prepare to fight!"

Recalling the"good things" he had done in daily life, a Devil Fruit ability user suddenly came to the door. No matter how he thought it was a good thing, Colonel Mouse quickly put his men on alert,"And the bombardier, give me an opportunity. Blast him!"

'Did you find me?…'

In his sight, the sailors on the warship suddenly ran to the side of the ship. They raised their guns one by one. It seemed impossible that they were here to welcome him. Lott immediately began to form seals.

That's right, the person who came was none other than Lot.

After he decided to go to war with Aaron and his gang, he didn't go to Aaron's Paradise with Luffy and the others first.

But he still remembered that Nami spent eight years in exchange for it.

Bailey is still in the hands of these scum, and it will be a lot of trouble if he waits for them to return to the branch and then chase them back.

In addition, he himself kills every one of these navy who do evil things in the name of justice, so , he decided to take care of this group of scum before going to Aaron's Paradise, even to make sure that it was the main body that came over, after all, the clone would disappear if accidentally hit.

Based on his understanding of the strength of Aaron's group, it would not be difficult for Luffy and the others to deal with them. Maybe by the time he returns, everything will be over, so he comes here so confidently and boldly.

"Water escape! Water Bullet Dragon Technique!"

On the sea, surrounded by water, Lot naturally chose the most powerful water escape ninjutsu.

The sailors on the warship had just raised their guns, but before they could take aim, Lot had already summoned three water dragons and launched an attack. In one fell swoop, all the sailors on the side of the ship were wiped out.

There was no one to defend them. Taking this opportunity, Lot, who had come to the side of the warship, jumped onto the warship with a big jump.

"quick! You bunch of freeloaders, get rid of him quickly!!"

When he saw the person summoning a water dragon from the water to attack, Colonel Mouse was extremely sure that he must be a Devil Fruit user, and that the person coming was evil.

Therefore, when he saw Lot jumping onto the boat, panic immediately appeared on his face.

He pulled all the sailors around him in front of him, and he took the opportunity to run towards the cabin. Seeing the greedy for life and fear of death on the other side, Lot shook his head and thought it was funny, you can run on this sea Where to go? Unless you can run on the sea like me or fly

"Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique!"

Although the sailors were equally frightened, they still raised their guns. It was just that Lot was one step faster than them. After throwing out the shurikens, he completed the seal. The number of one suddenly split into dozens, and they were overwhelmingly directed at them. The sailors flew away

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

There was a sudden scream on the deck, but these screaming soldiers were lucky because they were still alive, and the less lucky ones had turned into hedgehogs and fell on the deck without making a sound.

Fortunately, the soldiers on the warship wanted to protect them. Colonel Mouse gathered together. Therefore, just under the first round of Lot's attack, almost all the sailors on the warship were wiped out. Those who were still alive could only roll on the deck with blood and scream.

There was no Out of compassion, Lott dealt with the remaining sailors one by one, who would soon bleed to death even if left unchecked. Soon, the warship became silent, with only the rat captain's frightened begging for mercy remaining..

He was specially taken care of by Lot and survived under the sea of shurikens, but his legs were stabbed several times. At this moment, he could only lie on the ground dragging his lower body while crawling and begging Lot for mercy.

"Please let me go!! Don't…Do not kill me…"

Being arrogant and domineering in front of the villagers of Cocosia Village, he burst into tears and runny nose at this moment, and his already disgusting face became even more disgusting.

"Money, you want money, right? There are 93 million Baileys! You can take them all!"

"If it's not enough, I will give you the money I have saved over the years when I return to the branch. Please let me go! Do not kill me!"

"Save up?"

Rotte, who was slowly walking towards him, had a gloomy expression, his eyes were emitting a strange red light, and he had already opened his Sharingan,"I'm afraid they were collected from civilians everywhere."

"without…That's right, I collected them all! You can take them all!"In order to survive, Colonel Mouse immediately admitted that whatever Lot said was true.

Although this was indeed the case.

But the next second, when he noticed Lot's eyes, he suddenly widened his eyes and subconsciously exclaimed:" red…Red eyes!! Are you the brutal pirate who destroyed Branch 18 and Green Island?!!"

"oh? It seems that I am quite famous in your navy…."Lot sneered.

"No…No, I don't know who you are!"

Colonel Mouse, who was afraid that Lot wanted to hide his identity and killed him, immediately changed his story.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you, at least not now."

Stepping on the wound on the mouse colonel's foot, Lot slowly squatted down and pinched the former's face, causing the mouse to scream like the mouse he stepped on when he was exterminating rats before. come to an abrupt end

"After all, I still have to experiment on you.~"

"woo woo woo woo——"

Although he didn't know what the experiment Lot was talking about, under the gaze of those scarlet eyes, Colonel Mouse's face turned pale and he was sweating profusely. However, his mouth was blocked and he could only utter syllables of unknown meaning.

Without saying any more words, Lot grabbed the mouse colonel's hand and a burst of blue chakra emerged. In the latter's frightened eyes, it penetrated from his eyes and went straight to his brain.


Colonel Mouse struggled suddenly, his eyes rolled up, and only the whites of his eyes were left. Veins popped up on his forehead and neck, and cold sweat flowed wildly. He seemed to be enduring something extremely painful. The strangeness came and went quickly. , Colonel Mouse calmed down again, Lot let go of the hand holding his face, and moved away the foot that was holding him down.

Strangely, Colonel Mouse, who was begging for mercy and trying to escape just a few seconds ago, was now quiet. , just staring at Lot with his eyes wide open and his mouth wide open.

"Tell me, what you did, were all the sailors in your branch involved?"

Seeing the other party's appearance, Lot asked in an uncertain tone.

"Yes, that's right, everyone in the 17th branch is involved, because only in this way can they be caught by me. Those who refuse to do it will be thrown into the sea to feed the fishes, and then they will lie to the outside world. Died in a battle with pirates."

The mouse colonel answered Roth's question blankly.

Upon seeing this, Roth nodded with satisfaction.

The experiment was successful. It stands to reason that whether it is normal ninjutsu or the illusion used by Sharingan, there is no such thing as The world of chakra is useless, because only the person being casted has chakra in his body, and the illusion can disrupt his brain by disturbing the chakra.

And Lot has always had a conjecture that since people in this world have not checked Kara, then if I forcefully inject a burst of chakra into their heads and then use illusion, will it be effective?

Obviously, Colonel Mouse's current state proves that his guess is right.

Although in a normal battle, It is difficult for evenly matched enemies to seize the opportunity to infuse him with chakra, but it is still useful to him at the moment.

"After you return to your branch, put a bunch of bombs in your office, bombs that are guaranteed to blow up the entire office. Remember, put them in an inconspicuous place so that no one else notices, and then put them in the branch. All the sailors are called to your office. Once everyone is there, lock the door and detonate the bomb. Do you understand?"

Rotter continued.


Colonel Mouse nodded blankly.

"Very good. After I leave, you can go and take care of the wounds on your body. If the marines from the branch ask, just say that you accidentally fell.——"

After talking a lot and ensuring that the plan was okay, Lot watched Colonel Mouse climb up with difficulty and limp into the cabin to find medicine to treat his leg injury.

And he himself packed the box of treasures belonging to Nami in the original bag, then carried it behind his back, jumped off and ran in the direction of the warship where only one person was left.


When he returned to the coast of Cocosia Village, he unexpectedly ran into Usopp. Judging from the situation, this guy actually attracted a cadre of Aaron's group here, and then successfully killed the enemy in a sneak attack with various props.

"Well done! Usopp!"

Rotte gave him a thumbs up without hesitation.

"Hum! I am a brave sea warrior. I am just a fishman. Isn't it just a matter of holding hands?"

Usopp, who was praised proudly, put a finger on his nose and rubbed it back and forth.

"Let's go back to Arlong Paradise. I hope Luffy and the others are finished."

Getting carried away after being praised by others, Lott was speechless for a moment in his heart. Remembering that there was still business, he took Usopp in the direction of Aaron's Paradise.

Of course, Usopp is a skinny guy. A rough and thick man, he naturally couldn't hold Nami in a princess hug like he did in Silob Village. Instead, he grabbed the bag containing the treasure with one hand and grabbed Usopp's back collar with the other hand. Just like that, they carried him and hurried away in ninja style.

Usopp kept screaming along the way, and his butt kept getting bumped by stones or branches.

When they got to Aaron's Paradise, a crowd gathered in front of the door. After catching the orange figure among a large number of villagers, Lot dodged and landed next to her.


Seeing the person who suddenly appeared next to her, Nami, who had recovered after bandaging her wounds, exclaimed in surprise

"Where have you been?!"

"Went to help you get your money back."

Lot put the bag filled with treasures back at her feet. Usopp, who was also thrown to the ground by him, continued to scream while holding his sore butt.

"What about the navy?"Nami asked subconsciously

"killed by me"

��Te's crisp answer caused the villagers of Cocosia Village who were a little confused to exclaim.

"Wait, now is not the time to talk about this!"Nami suddenly realized something, and she quickly motioned for Lot to look inside Aaron's Paradise,"Hurry up and help them!"

"Brother Lot! You are finally back!"

"Woo hoo, Brother Lot, go and help Brother Zoro and Brother Sanji, they can't hold on any longer!"

Originally they said they were leaving, but Johnny and Joseph, who overheard Nokigao telling Nami's past and then voluntarily stayed, also hurriedly shouted.

At this time, the battle situation inside was not good for their side. , although there was only one fish-man left standing and the others were killed, this standing fish-man easily killed Sanji and Zoro. One fell to the ground and the other was grabbed by his head. Lift it.

And this fish man is Aaron

"Where's that idiot Luffy?"

Lot asked solemnly.

"road…Brother Luffy trapped himself, and then was thrown into the water by Arlong. Johnny said with an embarrassed look, and then immediately added:"But don't worry, someone has already gone to save Brother Luffy!""

"Alas, this fool! The chain slipped again at a critical moment…."

Before he saw Luffy's shadow, Lott basically guessed what happened. Johnny's words just made him sigh helplessly, then he lifted his feet, crossed the gate and walked into Aaron's Paradise.