
One Piece: Cursed and From Another World

Imagine going to bed only to thrown into your favorite Anime World. Well, this is what happened to this unfortunate young man. He was tasked to help a certain someone become the Pirate King if he wanted to return home.

Drive_Night326 · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Redmane: Nico Robin

(3rd Person POV)

In the halls of the Fortress, a woman wearing a cloak darted around, avoiding the guards and the servants that were walking the halls. She quietly hid in the shadows as if she's done this many times before.

As the third patrol of guards passed her without noticing, She quickly made her way down the hall. She then snuck her way into a storage room. As she closed the door behind her, she pulled her hood down, revealing her face.

The woman was none other than Nico Robin, The Demon Child. Robin had her hair tied into a ponytail and she wore a pair of glasses.

She then crouched down and pulled out a transponder snail. She pressed the button on top of its shell.

"Come in, this is Robin," she whispered to it

The transponder snail did not respond.

She frowned, "Damn." She said, "The signal must be jammed...."

She sighed and stood back up. Looking around the room, she didn't see many things inside that could help her. She had snuck into the fortress seeking the cipher pol agent to get answers from him. She was willing to torture the information from him but it seems that the guards tried that to no avail.

The agent told her he will tell her anything he knows if she gets him out. She decided that it was the best bet to do that.

"I wonder if there's a way to distract the guards while I get that man out." She said as she placed her hand on her chin, "This place is heavily guarded and I have no communication with the outside. That being said, the massive presence I felt shortly after coming in."

She paced around the room, trying to think of a way. As she did this, she heard a commotion outside.

"Hm?" she said as she slowly opened the door a few inches, "What's this?"

In the halls, she saw multiple guards rushing their way outside.

"Hm, perhaps this is the distraction I need." She said as she quietly snuck out of the room and darted down the opposite way

As she avoided multiple guards, she overheard many of them shout out in panic.

"Hurry!" one of the guards yelled, "One of the Lions is rampaging about in the sewers! It probably sensed an intruder!"

"What the hell is one of them doing in the sewers?!" another exclaimed

Robin narrowed her eyes at this, "The sewers?" She said, "Who exactly is trying to get in here through the sewers?"

As she made her way to the warden's quarters to search for the cell keys, she immediately froze in place.

She then stood flat against the wall as her face started to sweat.

She had an extremely nervous look on her face. Something was telling her not to go through further down.

"What is this feeling?" She said as she felt an ominous presence, "My instincts are telling me not to continue."

Suddenly, she felt a powerful pressure push her down to the ground. She struggled against the pressure as she struggled to stay conscious.

"W-What is this???" Robin exclaimed as her entire body shook, "Is this some sort of attack?!"

The pressure then continued to get heavier as Robin continued to shake more.

This was no ordinary attack. This was an attack of Conqueror's Haki. This meant that someone with the qualities of a King was within the fortress. Someone had directed a Conqueror's attack at Nico Robin, to keep her in place.

The source of the Conqueror's attack came from one of the rooms at the top level of the Fortress. Nico Robin was in the left wing of the Fortress, several hundred meters away, with only dozens of halls and hundreds of servants and guards between them.

Inside the room, where the source of the haki was, a couple of armored soldiers walked inside. The room was more like an office. At the center of the room, a large desk with a couple of papers stacked on each other stood. Behind the desk, were large windows that overlooked the massive fields behind the Fortress.

Below the windows, on top of a large blanket, a man laid on his side, leaning on his arm. He faced the window as he watched the sky outside.

The soldiers slowly walked up to him. From behind, you could tell that he was a tall and muscular man. He had long black hair and a gray trench coat. His face was not visible. Beside him, leaning against the wall was a massive black and silver greatsword. On the hilt of the sword, an emblem of a Wolf was visible.

This man was the source of the Conqueror's Haki.

One of the soldiers stepped forward as he knelt.

"My Prince." He said, "Is there a reason for your sudden burst of Haki?"

The Prince did not respond to this.

"Sir, there are reports of dozens of our servants fainting." the soldier continued, "I humbly suggest you keep from-"

"You imbeciles." the prince cut him off, "There are flies that snuck into the Fortress. I am merely subduing them."

The soldier then immediately stood up, "But sir. If that's the case, tell us where they are and we will deal with it!"

"Two in the sewers and one in the left wing by the Warden's quarters." the prince said nonchalantly, "Go and squat those flies. They're interrupting my rest."

The soldiers bowed, "Of course. We will do it at once!" They said in unison,

"Prince Artorias!!"