
One Piece: Cursed and From Another World

Imagine going to bed only to thrown into your favorite Anime World. Well, this is what happened to this unfortunate young man. He was tasked to help a certain someone become the Pirate King if he wanted to return home.

Drive_Night326 · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Redmane: The Prince, Artorias The Fierce

(Starrk's POV)

"The fuck is a Lion doing in the sewers?!" I exclaimed as I avoided a massive paw

I watched as the massive lion lunged past me and toward Jinbei.

Jinbei parried a vicious strike by the Lion as he looked at me.

"It appears it was guarding the sewers." He said

"A Lion? Guarding some sewers?" I said as I readied my sword, "Are you serious?"

The massive lion towered over us. This wasn't the ordinary regular-sized lion that you'd be used to. I know I ain't used to a lion that size. But for this thing to be in a sewer system, even if it was guarding it, it's just plain ridiculous.

The Lion then reared its head back and let out a roar.

I watched as Jinbei jumped at it and reared his fist back. Then, in an instant, he punched the lion in its face and sent it crashing against the wall. The lion let out a shriek of pain.

"Whoa, let's be careful." I said as Jinbei straightened up, "We don't want the whole tunnels to drop on our heads."

As I said that, I picked up something on my observation haki. I turned to the other end of the tunnel and sensed multiple people making their way toward us.

I looked over at the Lion, it was barely getting itself back up.

"We have more enemies approaching," Jinbei said

"Yea." I said, "Finish that lion off. I'll deal with the guards."

Before Jinbei could respond, the lion roared again and started to run toward where the guards were coming from.

"What?" I said

"It appears it'll regroup with its allies," Jinbei said

"If that's the case, that's one trained kitty," I said

Jinbei nodded, "So much for sneaking in." He said, "The lion must've smelled us coming and alerted the guards."

"A lion? Smelling us in a sewer?" I told him, "Now either that's the most ridiculous thing I've heard or that lion has one hell of a nose."

"You have a better theory?" Jinbei raised his eyebrow

"Someone with observation haki must've sensed us." I said, "Probably sent the lion to kill us. Just a theory. We won't know for sure."

We then heard dozens of footsteps approaching.

"Doesn't matter now." Jinbei said, "We still have to fight."

I sighed, "I guess so." I said raising my sword


After defeating the guards and the lion, Jinbei and I managed to make our way above ground. We climbed up some ladders and through a trapdoor into a large and dark room.

As Jinbei was closing the door and putting something heavy over it, I merely looked around the room. It looked like an old storage room. This could be one of the entrances to the sewer system. It didn't look used.

"Well, I don't suppose that we're in the clear." I said, "There's no reason that those guards alerted the rest of the damn fortress. We may be in the clear for a few minutes at best."

"Agreed." Jinbei said, "In the meantime, we must think of a plan to save my comrades and look for Nico Robin."

Before I could respond, I heard a knock on a door in front of me.

"Listen up intruders." I heard a voice say, "We have the whole storage building surrounded. You have nowhere to run."

I then focused my observation Haki outside, there were dozens of more guards outside. I was an idiot for not using it beforehand.

"Shit." I cursed

"So much for those few minutes." Jinbei said, "We fight again."

"I wouldn't think much about fighting." the guard outside the door said

"Oh yeah?" I said, "Why not?"

"Our leader wishes to speak to you." He said

"Why would he wish to do that?" I asked

"Ask him yourself." He said, "I am going to slowly open the door. Do not try anything funny. We have dozens of ballistae pointing at you."

I looked at Jinbei. He silently nodded at me, assuring me.

"Alright." I told the guard, "We'll talk. But just know that we'll kill you if you try anything funny. Fuck your ballistae."

After a few seconds of silence, the door slowly opened, letting the sunlight in.

"Alright, you can come out." the guard said, "But cautiously."

"I'll watch your back." Jinbei whispered, "Give the signal and we'll run for it."

I nodded.

"Alright, we're walking out," I said as we both slowly started walking to the door

As soon as I took a step outside, I felt an immense pressure hit me like a fucking train.

"What?!" I exclaimed as my body buckled slightly

"Is this...." I heard Jinbei exclaim, "Conquerors?!"

The pressure of the Conqueror's Haki was strong yea, but it wasn't strong enough to force us to the floor. It also wasn't strong enough to render us unconscious, it was strong enough to catch us by surprise.

I hadn't been hit with a wave of conquerors this strong since Shanks. But I believe Shanks had way stronger haki, he was just holding back on me.

As we both were standing outside, I focused my observation haki all over the courtyard of the storage room was at, trying to find whoever was hitting us with the Conquerors.

Before I could find anything, I heard someone clapping.

We both looked up to see a tall man standing on the ramparts in front of us. He had long black hair and blue eyes.

He looked down at us, "Impressive." He said as he gave us a slight smile, "Your will is strong enough to resist mine." He said, "You are strong."

"Starrk." I heard Jinbei say behind me, "Keep your guard up. This man is strong."

I nodded, "I can tell." I said

He was strong enough to focus his conquerors on us. Even if it wasn't enough to knock us out, it was impressive that he wasn't targeting his men. They all look rather unaffected by it.

Before I could say anything else, one of the soldiers wearing armor took a step forward and cleared his throat.

"Intruders!" He bellowed, "You two are in the presence of the First Son of the King of Redmane!! Prince Artorias!!"

Prince? This guy is the prince?

I raised my eyebrow, "You're the one who kidnapped Sandersonia?" I said

The prince frowned, "What did you say?"

"Boa Sandersonia." I continued, "You're the one who kidnapped her?"

I then saw veins pop on his forehead as the prince's face got an enraged expression. He didn't say anything for a few seconds, he looked like he was in deep thought.

"That foolish brother of mine." He growled, "Pulling this kind of shit at this time."

He then extended his arm outwards and didn't say anything.

A soldier then walked up to him carrying a massive greatsword and placing it on his hand, pointing down. The prince gripped the handle of the greatsword. I noticed a symbol of a wolf in the middle of the hilt. It looked familiar.

"Is that..." I said aloud

Before anything else, I watched as he swiftly raised his sword as it crackled with black electricity.

"Oh shit," I said as I widened my eyes

"Starkk!" Jinbei said, "That's-!"

Before he could finish, the prince had lunged at us. In an instant, I drew Ice and blocked his sword with mine, pouring as much armament as I could in such a short amount of time. The force of the attack was so great I could feel it in my bones.

I felt the ground beneath me crack as the force of the clash caused an immense shockwave. I struggled to keep my sword up but the attack was stronger than I anticipated.

I was sent flying backward to the storage room, crashing through the wall and inside. I hit the ground inside the room and I watched as the entire thing crumbled on top of me.

I then swung my blade upwards, to cut up the debris to keep it from falling on me.

I then watched as the prince lunged at me again, this time I had enough time to swing my blade at him with full force, clashing once again with him.

The force of the clash was powerful enough to send everything around us flying.

"What's your deal?" I growled as our swords were grinding against each other

He gave me a glare, "That stupid little brother of mine is up to no good." He spat

"So it wasn't you?" I asked, "Then why are you attacking me? You're mad at your brother or something? Then why take it out on me?!"

He pushed me off him and readied his blade once again.

"You're an intruder." He said, "But that aside, there is something odd about you. That sword of yours."

"That's Ice, isn't it?"