
One Piece : Buggy Breaks The Human Limiter!

A soul from the blue planet found itself traversing the world of One Piece, reincarnated as Buggy the Clown, who had just been imprisoned in Impel Down. Miraculously, he unlocked the human body's limiter, just like Saitama-sensei! Following Saitama-sensei's path, Buggy realized that he could become invincible and reach the pinnacle of this world within three years. However, with his knowledge of One Piece's storyline, Buggy knew that the protagonist, Monkey D. Luffy, would be vying for the title of Pirate King in just two years! Without any deviation the fate of this world would be decided in two years. Determined not to miss this grand era, Buggy began his rigorous training in Impel Down. Though he might not transform into this world's One Punch Man Buggy, he could still bring chaos and upheaval with his newfound powers. Buggy might not crave the Pirate King's throne, but he, Buggy, would surely seize the throne of The Holy Land Mary Geoise! ********** Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters. patreon.com/PirateKing24

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Chapter 44 : Escape!!

Thousands of meters from Impel Down, four Marine warships were anchored on the sea, their crews on high alert and closely monitoring the activity in the Impel Down. 

Since Ace was not being escorted to Impel Down, the Marine Headquarters had not dispatched additional warships to guard the prison against any potential intrusion by the Whitebeard Pirates. 

These four ships represented the Marine's regular defense force assigned to Impel Down. 

When Buggy and his group launched their assault on the sixth underground level, Magellan had instructed the commanders of the four warships to distance themselves from Impel Down. 

Although they were stationed far off, the Marine personnel were instructed to remain close enough to provide support should Magellan need it. 

"Sir! The gates of Impel Down are open!" 

On the observation tower of one of the warships, a Marine with a telescope suddenly spotted something and called out urgently. 

The ship's chief officer, alarmed by the shout, asked, "Who is coming out? A prisoner or a jailer?" 

"It's Warden Magellan!" 

The Marine on the watchtower responded loudly. 

The warship's commander let out a sigh of relief upon hearing this, reassured that the situation in the Impel Down had apparently been brought under control. 

At that moment, the Den Den Mushi in the chief officer's pocket began to ring.

The commander of the warship acted without hesitation. After answering the call, he inquired directly, "Magellan, what's the situation?"

Magellan, breathing heavily, replied, "It's under control now, but we've suffered heavy casualties."

Upon hearing this, the warship commander reassured him, "We're fortunate to have managed the situation so well! At least we didn't create any problems for the headquarters."

Magellan paused for a moment before responding, "I'll go and apologize to Fleet Admiral Sengoku once everything here is settled, but right now we need additional manpower to assist with the wounded."

"Understood, we'll be on hand to help!"

The warship commander, though concerned, had no doubts about Magellan's request. He could only lament the scale of the casualties at Impel Down, given that even a steadfast individual like Magellan was seeking help.

After ending the call, the warship commander gave the order: "Return to full speed! Medical personnel, prepare to assist at Impel Down with treating the wounded!"

Magellan stood on the dock, observing the four approaching warships. He gave a thumbs-up gesture towards the Impel Down.

Soon, the four warships docked at the pier, and the Marine prepared to disembark.

"Magellan, we can allocate 2,000 soldiers to your command. Just direct them as needed!" the chief officer of the warship called out from the bow.

Each warship has 800 regular soldiers onboard, totaling 3,200 personnel across the four ships.

The commander of the warship had only assigned 300 men to each ship to maintain their normal operations, allocating the rest of the troops to Magellan—a gesture he thought was quite considerate.

However, to his surprise, Magellan responded with a strange smile and said, "Since you've entrusted them to me, I'll send them all to hell!"

The warship commander felt a chill run down his spine and realized something was terribly wrong.

Before he could react, a figure wielding a longsword emerged from behind the towering form of 'Magellan.'

"One Sword Style: Thousand Cuts!"

A massive sky-blue slash cut through the air, heading straight for the four warships!

With a thunderous explosion, the four warships shattered into pieces, sending countless Marine soldiers plummeting into the sea like dumplings.

As Buggy landed, his eyes narrowed, and a menacing aura radiated from him, spreading outward.

Nearly all the Marines who fell into the water lost consciousness, their eyes rolling back as they sank into the depths of the sea.

Buggy sheathed his sword and stood up, casually waving his hand. The fragments in the sky reformed into four intact warships, which then docked as if nothing had happened—except for the thousands of missing Marines.

Bon Clay, disguised as Magellan, deactivated his ability, staring in disbelief at the scene before him, too stunned to speak.

Buggy sighed in relief and smiled, "There's still a lot to be done. This was just to clear out the minor distractions."

Killing thousands of Marines individually would have been time-consuming and might have damaged the warships. 

So, Buggy opted for a quicker approach, using his powers and the environment to handle them swiftly.


From afar, a distant call echoed through the Impel Down, accompanied by the sound of hurried footsteps!

"You've arrived just in time!" Buggy said to Ivankov, his eyes gleaming with urgency. "Ivankov, tell the control room to open the Gate of Justice. We're getting ready to leave!"

Ivankov nodded and quickly pulled out the Den Den Mushi to contact the control room.

After a brief wait, a group of prisoners from Impel Down, led by Luffy, Boa Hancock, Bullet, Crocodile, Mr. 3, Red-Earl, and World, arrived!

Upon seeing the open gate of Impel Down, the four massive warships docked at the pier, and Buggy standing proudly on the dock, the prisoners' excitement reached a fever pitch!

"Ah!!! Sunshine! I see sunshine!"

"The breath of freedom! This is the breath of freedom!"

"All hail Captain Buggy!"

"Buggy! Buggy! Buggy! Buggy!"

Everyone was in disbelief, feeling as though they were in a dream, unable to grasp that they had truly succeeded!

Buggy smiled, raised his hands, and instantly, the prisoners fell silent.

Hovering in the air with his body and feet separated, Buggy looked down at the crowd and declared, "Everyone, I promised you freedom, and I've delivered!"

"Now, you face another important choice!"

Although Buggy had reached a preliminary agreement with the prisoners on the sixth level of Impel Down, they represented only a small fraction of the prisoners present!

The other prisoners are a force to be reckoned with!

Feeling the intense gazes from the crowd, Buggy continued, "For those of you who are content with just gaining freedom, please board the two warships on the left and leave this place!"

"As for where you wish to go, that's entirely up to you. I won't interfere any further!"

"But for those who seek fame, fortune, and prestige in addition to freedom, please board the two warships on the right!"

"Right now, the Whitebeard Pirates, one of the Four Emperors of the New World, are locked in a fierce battle with the Marines at Marineford!"

"And we are the unexpected third force in this conflict!"

"Our involvement will shape the course of this war!"

"Our participation will undoubtedly make history! The world will remember it!"

"This is our golden opportunity to make a name for ourselves!"

"If you desire it all, then join me on the warship to the right, pass through the Gate of Justice, head to the Marine Headquarters, and seize a brilliant future!"

Buggy spread his arms wide as the massive Gate of Justice behind him began to open slightly, a beam of sunlight streaming down onto him!

Everyone stared at this spectacle in astonishment!

In this moment, Buggy appeared like a God descended from the heavens!


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