
One Piece: Boundary Master (English ver.)

==== SYNOPSIS: A young man is suddenly found himself in the world of One Piece with rejuvenated body and his memories still intact. Then, using his knowledge of One Piece series, as well as the power of Devil Fruitruit to manipulate Boundaries, he will begin his new life and adventure. ==== ==== ==== ==== AUTHOR'S NOTE/WARNING: - Back to Basics: There are no System-like-thing in this fan-fic! So there are none of cheat-like method for characters to get stronger or develop outside of common sense! - Simple MC: The MC is a simple and relaxed person (and a bit cunning maybe). He just wants to enjoy his new life in the One Piece world but with a bit dreams of having a crystal palace/harem and ambition to reach the top of the world! - Light Story: Not too intricate plot but still not really bad. Don't hope too much for many dramatic or hot-blooded scenes! This fan-fic is better enjoyed just as a light and relaxing read/interlude, so don't take it too serious! - Wish Fulfillments: This is the first fan-fiction I created! And this fan-fic is actually just a wish-fulfillments of mine! - Flaws: Surely there are some/lots of flaws in this fan-fiction, so don't expect too much it's a great masterpiece! ====

rtlps_360 · Anime & Comics
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131 Chs

Chapter 9 - Disturbance


it's been almost two years since Lepus and Brisa were in Groundhog Town.

Several things happened and changed during their community life in this small town.

They both work and live at the N&H Restaurant. The two of them are on good terms with Nora and Hector, the owners of the restaurant where they live and work. The customers and the owners of other places near the Restaurant were also quite friendly and familiar to the two of them.

Brisa also became more expressive.

Today too, as usual the restaurant was quite busy with customers.

"Brisa-chan! We want three beers!" A customer orders.


Brisa who listened to the order immediately took the customer's order. Even though she was still a little girl, she had no trouble carrying three large glasses of beers on the tray because she and Lepus were still secretly train physically and mentally in their free time.

"Here's the beer!"

"Thank you, Brisa-chan! You are the best!"

Customer A who was a young man praised.

"Oi, oi. Don't seduce, Brisa-chan. She'll be mad, you know!"

Customer B who was also a young man rebuked.

"That's what's cute about her. Hahahaha!"

Customer C, who looked middle-aged, was joking and laughing.

Brisa who was used to the behavior of customers was only a little annoyed and pouted.

"Mouu! Uncles please don't tease me!"

"Hahahaha! Brisa-chan, please marry me!"

"Shut up, lolicon!"

"Brisa-chan just marry my son! That way I can see your cuteness every day at home! Hahahaha!"

"Hmph! No way! I have Onii-sama!"

Brisa answered firmly and went to serve another customer.

Meanwhile, Customer A looks disappointed.

"Ahh... Failed again."

"Hah! If Brisa-chan already mentions 'Onii-sama' no one has any hope!"

"That's right! Hahahaha!"

It was noon now and since it was lunch time, the restaurant was getting busier with customers.

However, suddenly a group of people came into the restaurant armed with guns and sharp weapons and then the biggest person shouted.

"Everybody get down or we'll kill you! Give me all your money and valuables! Give me all the booze here too!"

Seeing these people who clearly intended to rob them, the restaurant customers were so shocked that they fell silent and didn't move.

Looking at the people who were just silent, one of the robbers said,

"Boss! They are not responding!"

Seeing this situation, the robber who appeared to be the one with largest body, the Boss, responded.

"Oi! Are you guys are deaf!? I said everyone get down or we'll kill you all!"

Then the Boss fired his gun into the ceiling!



After the Robbery Boss shot, some of the female visitors screamed.

"I'm telling you one more time, get down or we'll kill you!"

The people in the restaurant one by one immediately fell prone on the floor and put their hands on their heads.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen Brisa was sitting in rest. Meanwhile, Lepus, who was washing dishes in the kitchen, stopped his hand and frowned after hearing the gunshots.

"Now what? Hah~.... Brisa you stay here."


After sighing, Lepus then walked towards the door to the restaurant and opened it.


After opening the door and seeing the tense atmosphere in the restaurant where about ten people were standing holding guns and sharp weapons while the others were prone on the floor with their hands above their heads, Lepus realized what had happened. Then he looked at the robbers and calmly said,

"... Don't disturbing here. Go or you'll regret it."

Hearing Lepus' words, the pirates were shocked and then responded with ridicule.

"Hah!? There's a big boy in here! Hahahahaha!"

"Oi, boy can't you see who we are? We're bandits not market thugs!"

"Don't think we don't dare to kill a brat!"

"Hey kiddo, you better go home to your mama! Hahahaha!!"

Hearing the scorn of the bandits, Lepus frowned. Then, he responded back by looking at the bandit Boss and then walking towards him.
