
One Piece: Boundary Master (English ver.)

==== SYNOPSIS: A young man is suddenly found himself in the world of One Piece with rejuvenated body and his memories still intact. Then, using his knowledge of One Piece series, as well as the power of Devil Fruitruit to manipulate Boundaries, he will begin his new life and adventure. ==== ==== ==== ==== AUTHOR'S NOTE/WARNING: - Back to Basics: There are no System-like-thing in this fan-fic! So there are none of cheat-like method for characters to get stronger or develop outside of common sense! - Simple MC: The MC is a simple and relaxed person (and a bit cunning maybe). He just wants to enjoy his new life in the One Piece world but with a bit dreams of having a crystal palace/harem and ambition to reach the top of the world! - Light Story: Not too intricate plot but still not really bad. Don't hope too much for many dramatic or hot-blooded scenes! This fan-fic is better enjoyed just as a light and relaxing read/interlude, so don't take it too serious! - Wish Fulfillments: This is the first fan-fiction I created! And this fan-fic is actually just a wish-fulfillments of mine! - Flaws: Surely there are some/lots of flaws in this fan-fiction, so don't expect too much it's a great masterpiece! ====

rtlps_360 · Anime & Comics
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131 Chs

Chapter 72 - Reunion


"Hm~.... Is that so?"

Doflamingo who was laughing and the others who were still in shock and closed their eyes or turned their heads because they couldn't bear to see the tragedy that had occurred, suddenly heard someone's voice say in a slightly sarcastic tone.

They were shocked and then opened their eyes, turned around and saw what happened.


"Bellamy.... is not dead?"

"Look! Sarquiss' big knife is being stopped!"


"Ah! Right!"

"Who is that?"


"A maid?"

They saw a woman with long black curly hair and a black and white maid uniform held Sarquiss' large knife with a sword! .... No! Her hand which turned into sword more exactly!

Seeing the woman, people were shocked!


"No! It's not! It's hand!"


"Her hand is a sword!?"

"Could it be...."

"Devil fruit user!"

They watched the woman and then they realized that two other unknown people besides her had suddenly appeared here.

The two people were a man and a woman. The man appeared to have short gray hair, tall and thin but sturdy stature, dressed in black jacket and black trousers. While the woman, with long pink hair, her face looked quite beautiful and mature with a small mole under her left eye, and her stature looked slim but quite busty.

The three people who suddenly appeared were of course Brisa, Lepus, and Muret.

Previously, Lepus from a distance saw Sarquiss about to slash Bellamy, so he immediately ordered Brisa to move first and stop Sarquiss' slash.

"A new age huh.... I'm sure I can survive that.... Isn't that right, Doffy-san?"

Lepus spoke again and smirked at Doflamingo.


Doflamingo was very surprised to see Lepus here! And then he also realized that the woman in maid uniform who stopped Sarquiss was Brisa! It might have been more than ten years they didn't see each other, but Doflamingo could still recognize Lepus and Brisa.

Lepus then greeted Doflamingo in a still sarcastic tone and smirked.

"Heya, Doffy-san! Long time no see! .... Or should I call you as Young Master like used to?"

"Fufufufufu! .... Brat, how dare you reappear in front of me after all this time?"

Doflamingo looked calm and could still laugh though he was quite surprised to see Lepus appear before him again.

Lepus also laughed.

"Hehahahaha! .... Why not?"


Seeing Lepus laughing and grinning at him, Doflamingo was slightly offended and he intended to move his fingers.

But, sadly Lepus acts faster!

"Idle-Move Boundary!"

Doflamingo was suddenly unable to move! Doflamingo tried to move and escape in various ways, but nothing worked!

Seeing this, people were very surprised! They didn't think that Donquixote Doflamingo who is a Sichibukai with a Bounty value of more than 300 million Beri could be restrained by someone else!

Then one of crowd remembered something and shouted!

"Ah! I remember! I know that person!"


"Is that true!?"

"You know who he is!?"


"He's Rex Lepus! I have his wanted poster!"

Then the one who recognized Lepus showed the wanted poster of Lepus to the others.

And after seeing the value on Lepus' wanted poster, people were in complete shock!

"95 million Berries!"

"What!? 95 million!?"


"95 million Beri but he can restraints a Sichibukai worth over 300 million!?"

"That's terrifying!"

"Then how strong is he really!?"

Then the person who had the wanted poster spoke again while taking out several other posters.

"Rex Lepus is the Captain of the Ouroboros Pirates! .... Look! This is wanted poster of all of their members who have a bounty value!"

That person then showed and mentioned the wanted poster of Lepus and the rest of the Ouroboros Pirates.

"Rex Lepus the "Empty Hare", 95.000.000 Berries! Brisa the "Chaos Maid", 57.500.000 Berries! Shimotsuki Kuina the "Moon Storm", 40.000.000 Berries! Nova Amber the "Berserker", 41.500.000 Berries! Muret the "White Hand", 24.000.000 Berries! And Recht Max the "Twin Fangs", 20.000.000 Berries! .... Their total bounty value is more than 270 million Berries!"

"What!? That high!?"


"Not only the Captain, but some of the other members also have bounties!?"

"Just how strong they really are...."

"Ouroboros Pirates...."

People are nervous and tense about the current situation.
