
Chapter 73 - Confession


People were nervous and tensed after finding out who Lepus and his two women were.

However, Lepus just smiled a little and wasn't too surprised to see their reaction.

Then Lepus walked over to Doflamingo who couldn't move while talking to him.

"Doffy-san.... Doffy-san.... You think that you are very smart. But.... How many times have you been fooled?"

Lepus arrived in front of Doflamingo and seemed to be holding his chin in thought.

"Hmm.... Let me remember.... Fooled by Rosinante-san. Fooled by Law. Hmm.... Anything else? .... Ah! I remember! Of course fooled by me too!"


Doflamingo was silent.

Lepus then limited the sound that could be heard and made Doflamingo unable to speak with Loud-Silent Boundary.

Then Lepus drew closer to Doflamingo and whispered in his ear.

"You know why? Because, Brisa and I once joined your Family just to strengthen ourselves! We are neither loyal nor cared for you! But.... I'm really grateful to you guys. You guys trained us well. And you even gave the Buki Buki no Mi to Brisa. I'm very, very grateful! Because that's our main goal! Hehahahaha!"

Hearing Lepus' confession, Doflamingo was quite angry inside!


"Ah! There's another reason too.... I used to say that my devil fruit's power was to make my body empty like it was just an illusion.... But, that's a lie~. My true power is to manipulate boundaries! Anything that has boundary, I can manipulate and control it!"


This time, Doflamingo was dumbfounded at the realization of Lepus' true power!

"I know you really want to be like a god with a long and eternal life. And that's why when you found out about Ope Ope no Mi, you want Rosinante-san to eat it to achive your ambition.... But, did you know that at that time Rosinante-san had actually been a devil fruit eater for a long time? He was the Nagi Nagi no Mi eater. His power is to create silence. So there's no way he can eat the devil fruit again of course. That's why he went ahead of you to stole the Ope Ope no Mi and gave it to Law.... Surprised?"


Doflamingo was again surprised to hear that Rosinante used to be a devil fruit eater!

"There's something even more stupid. Did you know that in one of the loot chests you got that day, Law was hiding in it? And he managed to stealthily escape when you were caught off guard for a moment before Rosinante-san died and the effects of his powers wore off. Rosinante-san also the one who planned it. Very clever, right?"


"And so, your ambition to become an immortal by using the Ope Ope no Mi was dashed. But… did you know that my power can also do it? Age or time more exactly is also a boundary. So I can manipulate it too! Hehahahaha!"


Doflamingo was even more surprised to hear what could be done with Lepus' power. He felt as if the world was always toying with him! What he wants and yearns for is always owned or taken by someone else!

"Oh, and I was secretly met and discussed with Rosinante-san during the first midnight I joined.... I knew from the start that he could talk. I know about his devil fruit power. I also knew his secret identity as a Marine.... But we both made a deal to keep silent and not disturb or get in the way of each other in the Family! .... Apart from that agreement, Rosinante-san himself was also kind of afraid of me. He's afraid that I will be a calamity for the Marine if I seriously turn myself into their enemy.... That's all the reasons why Rosinante-san who was usually rude and violent to kids never been rude to me or Brisa.... Oh! Speaking of Marine, I also knew from the start that you were cleverly sneaks Vergo into the Marine. Even Rosinante-san didn't know about it. I wonder what would it be if I told Sengoku that there's a rat in G-5 over there. Hmm.... I'm sure he will investigate it! Hehaha!"


"Doffy-san, Doffy-san.... You always thought that you are a great Mastermind. You planned this and that and so on. But... you didn't realize that you're actually just a chess piece or puppet too! .... It's quite ironic how you call yourself the 'Joker', when you are in fact just a entertainment to me! .... So, play your role well, Donquixote Dopawnmingo.... Hehahahaha! Hehahahaha!!"


In his heart, Doflamingo was furious and cursed Lepus and Rosinante, who apparently fooled everyone in his Family from the start.

Then Lepus calmed down after he had finished confessing all of that.

"Well, that's enough.... I'm not interested in killing you, taking you hostage, or anything like that. You still have an important role in the story later.... Let me kindly send you home."

Lepus then opens the gap then connected it to Dressrosa.

Doflamingo was once again surprised to see what what Lepus can do.

Lepus then smirked and bid farewell to Doflamingo.

".... Good bye~."

Lepus then threw Doflamingo into the portal gap connected to Dressrosa and then closed it.

Lepus then returns to Brisa and Muret who are treating Bellamy's wounds.

While the other people can only be amazed to see Lepus who can easily 'get rid' Doflamingo who is a Sichibukai.
