
One Piece: Boundary Master (English ver.)

==== SYNOPSIS: A young man is suddenly found himself in the world of One Piece with rejuvenated body and his memories still intact. Then, using his knowledge of One Piece series, as well as the power of Devil Fruitruit to manipulate Boundaries, he will begin his new life and adventure. ==== ==== ==== ==== AUTHOR'S NOTE/WARNING: - Back to Basics: There are no System-like-thing in this fan-fic! So there are none of cheat-like method for characters to get stronger or develop outside of common sense! - Simple MC: The MC is a simple and relaxed person (and a bit cunning maybe). He just wants to enjoy his new life in the One Piece world but with a bit dreams of having a crystal palace/harem and ambition to reach the top of the world! - Light Story: Not too intricate plot but still not really bad. Don't hope too much for many dramatic or hot-blooded scenes! This fan-fic is better enjoyed just as a light and relaxing read/interlude, so don't take it too serious! - Wish Fulfillments: This is the first fan-fiction I created! And this fan-fic is actually just a wish-fulfillments of mine! - Flaws: Surely there are some/lots of flaws in this fan-fiction, so don't expect too much it's a great masterpiece! ====

rtlps_360 · Anime & Comics
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131 Chs

Chapter 102 - Amazon Lily


Several days had passed since the incident at Shabondy and the announcement of the execution of Whitebeard Pirates' 2nd Division Commander, Portgas D. Ace.

Boa Hancock, as one of the Sichibukai was picked up by Vice-Admiral Momonga and asked to attend the summons to prepare for a major war between the Marines and the Whitebeard Pirates. But Boa Hancock refused.

And after returning to her palace on Amazon Lily, Boa Hancock also ignored Granny Nyon's persuasion to fulfill the call of war in order to maintain her status as a Sichibukai and protect Amazon Lily. And Granny Nyon was also expelled from the palace.

Some time later....


Boa Hancock seemed to be sitting and lost in thought.

Lately, Sandersonia and Marigold often saw their older sister looking quiet and lost in thought. But whenever asked, their sister always avoided to answer or denied it. They had never seen their sister act like that in their entire life together. They are also quite worried about this.

"Onee-sama.... You're daydreaming again...?"

Marigold asked somewhat hesitantly and frowned.

But, once again as usual Hancock always avoided the question.

"I want to bath...."

Hancock then stood up and walked towards the bathroom.


Sandersonia also frowned in worry.

But Hancock still didn't answer.


Currently a young man in a straw hat, Luffy, is on a fortress wall on a cliff.

"Hmm.... What should I do...? If I stay here, they will find me again."

Luffy is currently evading the chases by the Kuja warriors from the women's island, Amazon Lily.

"They say there's a Pirate ship here. If I could borrow it, that would be great.... No, Nami isn't here. If I sailed alone, I'd end up getting lost somewhere like Zoro."

Luffy intended to sail on his own, but he then shook his head because he couldn't.

"Hmm.... Ah! Then I'll just ask them for a ride! And I'll have them take me to Shabondy!"

Luffy nodded after getting a good idea.

"For that, I have to meet their high personage. And high people are usually in tall buildings.... Ahh!!! I'm dizzy from thinking too much! Anyway, to tall building!"

Luffy then without much hesitation jumped off the high cliff and headed for the tall building below.

"Hm! Safe.... Dowaahh!!! It's breaaakkk!!! "

At first Luffy landed on the roof of the building safely, but suddenly the roof collapsed! And so Luffy fell to below!

"Buhaahh!!! It's water!!! It's hot!! The water is hot!!! Aaahh!! I'm drowning!! I'm going to die!! Help!!! .... Ah! No, I can stand up...."

Luffy thought he fell into a deep hot pool and he panicked! But then he realized that the water was shallow and he could stand.

"Huh? Is this bathroom?"

Luffy looked around and he realized that here was a hot bath.

Meanwhile, a woman with long black hair who was bathing with her back to Luffy also noticed that someone else was suddenly here. And that woman, Boa Hancock, was quite surprised when she looked back.

"A Man!?"

The person who had fallen from the roof turned out to be a man!

Luffy also then realized that there was a woman bathing here. Luffy then accidentally saw Hancock's back.

"Ah! That symbol.... I've seen it before..."

".... You saw it!?"

Hancock was surprised the 'intruder' saw the symbol on her back. And she was also furious because right now she's naked and he saw her!
