
Chapter 101 - Escape


Shortly after Saint Charloss was knocked out by Luffy, the other members of the Strawhat Pirates also arrived with the Flying Fish Riders.

Seeing the situation getting more and more chaotic, Saint Roswald grew even more furious. But, unfortunately he was made unconscious because Usopp accidentally falling on him.

And at almost the same time, the other members of the Ouroboros Pirate also came and gathered.

Seeing her brother and father passed out, Saintess Shalria got angry then she went to the stage and intended to shoot Camie because she realized those 'lower beings' had come here to save Camie.

Seeing what Saintess Shalria was about to do, Lepus only said curtly.


Kuina without asking understood what Lepus wanted.

Kuina then used her lightning power to move as fast as lightning towards the stage and stop Saintess Shalria.


Kuina then knocked out Saintess Shalria by slightly electrocuting her.

Seeing Kuina use her lightning power, the pirates other than the Ouroboros Pirate were shocked!


"Isn't that!?"


"No way...."



"Goro Goro no Mi...."

And some members of the Strawhat Pirates are certainly no stranger to Goro Goro no Mi ability. Because they had seen and even fought against that power! And seeing that familiar power now used by Kuina, some of them realized that the former user of the Goro Goro no Mi was already dead!

"Nice.... My turn...."

After Saintess Shalria was dealt with and Kuina returned to her side, Lepus started to act!


Lepus uses Haoushoku Haki!

And one by one the mentally weak people in this hall suddenly fainted!



"What's that?"

"W-What happened!?"

"What power is that?"

"Devil fruit?"


The members of the Strawhat Pirates looked dumbfounded to see many people in this hall suddenly fall unconscious!

".... No .... Nyuu.... It's Haki.... But I don't know much about it either."

The members of the Strawhat Pirates thought that what Lepus was doing was due to the power of the devil fruit, but Hacchi denied it.

"Tch, haven't entered the New World yet but he already mastered Haki? You monster!"

Kidd comments on the mastery of Lepus Haki.


Law was silent and looked tense.

Having finished take down the mobs, Lepus walked towards the corner of the hall where Saint Roswald's slaves were.

Lepus then spoke to a shoulder-length green haired male slave who looked to be in his early 30s.

"Dover Kostas.... Want to come with me? I'll take that explosive collar off your neck if you want to."


The slave man, Dover Kostas, was slightly surprised and confused by Lepus' words.

".... Who are you?"

Lepus smiled a little and answered briefly.


Hearing Lepus' answer, Dover Kostas nodded and accepted Lepus' offer without much hesitation.

".... Alright.... Better than being a slave."

Lepus then uses his Boundary ability to release the explosive collar around Kostas' neck.

After the collar came off, Kostas then speak hesitatingly.

".... Could you take off her collar too?"

Kostas grabbed the shoulder of a brown-haired slave woman next to him.

Lepus was a little confused then asked.

"Who is she?"

".... My friend."

Kostas answered curtly.

Lepus nodded.

"Fine.... You can take her too."

Lepus then released the woman's collar as well.

"What's your name?"

Lepus asked the woman.

"I'm... Tia."

The woman, Tia, answered somewhat nervously.

"Alright.... From now on you two are members of my crew."

After that, Lepus brought Kostas and Tia back together with the rest of the crew.

After all the members of the Ouroboros Pirate gathered, Lepus then opened the gap. Then Lepus looked at Nami and the rest of the Strawhat Pirates and spoke.

"Alright.... Nami-chan, and the rest of you too.... We're going first. We don't want to deal with an Admiral. It's troublesome.... Oh, you guys don't have to worry yourself. There will be someone to help you later.... See ya~."

Lepus then enters the gap and leaves with all his crew members.

Meanwhile, the other three pirate groups could only be astonished to see the Ouroboros Pirates able to escape so easily.



#16th Member

Name: Pascia

Arcana: -

Epithet: -

Bounty: -

Position: Dancer

Hometown: South Blue

Age: 20

DF: -

Haki: -

Skills & Specialities: Dancing.

Information: -


#17th Member

Name: Linda

Arcana: -

Epithet: -

Bounty: -

Position: Maid

Hometown: Grand Line - Ferst Poin Island

Age: 22

DF: -

Haki: -

Skills & Specialities: Housework.

Information: Ryzer's childhood friend.


#18th Member

Name: Dover Kostas

Arcana: [The Hanged Man]

Epithet: "Silent Wanderer"

Bounty: 32.000.000 B

Position: Thief, Scout.

Hometown: West Blue

Age: 32

DF: Koso Koso no Mi/Sneak/Crawl/Creep (Paramecia)

Haki: -

Skills & Specialities: Thievery, Sneaking.

Information: Former famous thief in West Blue. Freed from slavery by Lepus. His DF gave him the ability to crawl on the wall/ceiling like a gecko.


#19th Member

Name: Tia

Arcana: -

Epithet: -

Bounty: -

Position: Maid, Musician.

Hometown: East Blue.

Age: 27

DF: -

Haki: -

Skills & Specialities: Housework, Playing musical instruments (piano/violin)

Information: Kostas' friend/lover. Freed from slavery by Lepus.
