
One Piece: Becoming the strongest pirate (COMPLETED)

An ordinary person from earth gets transmigrated into One Piece world. He wakes up in an uninhabited unknown island in east blue. Follow his struggle as he tries to survive in this cruel world and become the strongest pirate. (MC is not Ace) Disclaimer: I do not own one piece or any of its characters and I also do not own the cover image.

Captain_Erebus · Anime & Comics
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145 Chs

Yonta Maria Grand Fleet

[New World, Standing Kingdom],

On the island of Standing, nestled amidst the azure waters of the New World, lies the magnificent Standing Kingdom. As you approach the kingdom's bustling port, a vibrant scene greets your eyes. Ships of various sizes and origins dock along the harbor, their sails billowing in the gentle breeze. Traders and merchants move about, engaged in lively transactions, their voices intermingling with the cheerful chatter of locals.

The port of Standing is a hub of activity and commerce, bustling with energy and excitement. Sturdy stone buildings line the waterfront, painted in hues of sea blues and warm pastels. The scent of saltwater mingles with the aromas of exotic spices and freshly caught seafood wafting from the nearby market stalls. The sound of seagulls fills the air as they swoop and dive, seeking morsels from the fisherman's bounty.

Leaving the vibrant port behind, you enter the regal corridors of Standing royal palace. The grandeur of the architecture takes your breath away as you walk through opulent halls adorned with intricate tapestries, ornate chandeliers, and gilded columns. Soft sunlight streams through stained glass windows, casting colorful patterns on the marble floors.

As you step into the throne hall, your gaze is drawn to the majestic throne at the end of the room. Carved from the finest ebony, the throne stands tall and imposing, adorned with intricate engravings depicting scenes of valor and triumph. It is embellished with gold and encrusted with precious gemstones, emanating an aura of power and authority.

Seated upon the throne is King Alaric, the ruler of Standing Kingdom. Clad in regal robes of deep crimson, he cuts an imposing figure. His silver hair cascades in waves around a wise and weathered face, etched with the marks of time and experience.

Just as King Alaric is contemplating matters of state, the doors of the throne hall swing open, and a loyal servant enters, bowing respectfully before the king. The servant, clad in the kingdom's royal livery, delivers urgent news with a tone of urgency: "Your Majesty, I bring grave tidings!...A-A pirate ship has been sighted on the horizon, it's sailing towards the island"

"A pirate ship…just one?" King Alaric calmly asked, demanding confirmation.

"Yes but--"

"Then why the panic, sending a few ships from our naval fleet to deal with it" the king said, cutting off his servant in the middle of the sentence.

"That's not it!...It's the Emperor 'Demon of The Sea' Ashen!" The servant informed the king, a look of panic on him, which translated to the king's face as well.

"An emperor of the sea?!" the king said, immediately standing from his throne "This is bad, why is an emperor here, no it's still one ship…we have the Yonta Maria Grand Fleet, send orders to Orlumbus to go out and take down that pirate ship at all cost!...good thing he still hasn't left for his next expedition"

"Your majesty what if we anger him, that Demon w--"

"Then try to settle things peacefully, if it doesn't work then we have no chance but to fight…a pirate is a pirate, we can't trust them after all"


Standing Island Port,

"Orlumbus-san!...did you receive the orders?!" said one of Orlumbus men.

"Ah, prepare the fleet we're going out immediately, we'll intersect them before they approach the island any further" Orlumbus replied.

"Are we sure about this? Aren't we basically going on a suicide mission?"

"Emperor or not, it's still one ship, we have fifty on our side…we'll just overwhelm them with firepower and sink them into the depths of the sea!" Orlumbus declared.

"Set Sail!"

A few minutes later…The sea near Standing Island,

The Sword of Xebec,

"Boss!!...We are in trouble, a massive fleet just left from the island's port and its sailing towards us!" Ken informed Ashen, who was standing with his arms crossed on top of the ship's prow that was shaped like a demon, he was wearing a huge smile in his face seeing the Yonta Maria Grand Fleet approaching them.

"The Yonta Maria Grand Fleet…Hehe! That little shit Orlumbus thinks he can stop me with few ships" Ashen said loudly.

"Don't say that captain! It's more than a fifty ship!" Diana said, looking a little worried about the situation.

"Don't be a chicken…you can hide inside if you're that afraid" Ian said in a mocking tone of voice.

"Shut up blockhead!"

"Enough you two!" Calvin shouted at Diana and Ian before he changed his attention to Ashen "*CLICK*…Puff…What should we do?" he calmly asked while lighting a cigarette.

"Let's see, prepare the cannons…" As Ashen gave orders everyone started moving down to the powder magazine and brought the cannon balls and started loading the cannons.

"Enel, stay focused, you will use your future vision to stop any enemy cannon ball from hitting our ship…for every scratch on the ship you'll be doing 10,000 pushups wearing Seastone, you understand?" Ashen said.

"W-What?!...Okay I got it" Enel responded, getting ready. He will be using his high speed and future vision to prevent any cannon ball from hitting the ship.

A few minutes later,

The Sword of Xebec was completely surrounded by the Yonta Maria Grand Fleet, more than fifty ships led by none other than 'Massacre Ruler' Orlumbus himself, standing on the flag ship.

"Turn your ship and leave pirates! You are not welcomed in this country!" Orlumbus said.

"Welcomed? We are pirates, we do whatever the fuck we want!" Ashen declared in confidence, his voice carried a hint of arrogance "How about this?…You get out of my way or I'll sink you the fuck down, sounds good?"

"So, you're not planning to settle this peacefully?"

"SCREEECH!!...You stupid little shit" As Ashen took a glimpse at the next five seconds in the future, his forehead veins bulged in anger as he saw Orlumbus firing dozens of cannon shots at him.

*SWOOSH* Ashen immediately jumped out of the ship and flew towards Orlumbus ship.

"Ashen?...did he see the future?" Calvin muttered to himself seeing his captain jumping out of the ship.

On the opposite Ship,

"That's, 'Demon of The Sea' Ashen!" one of Orlumbus men pointed out in shock.

"He's flying towards us alone, is he a mad man?...Quickly, tell everyone to shoot them!!" Orlumbus gave orders, as got ready to fight Ashen.

"Don't get cocky you little shit, you are light years away from fighting me" Ashen said, as he unsheathed Shusui mid-air, infusing it with Haki and his flames, and with a simple swing he cut the ship in half while the flames engulfed it and caused explosion as it made contact with the explosives.

"Celestial Cleave!!"

*BOOOOM* Yonta Maria's flag ship was sunk just like that, and with it it's captain, Orlumbus. Although, Ashen made sure not to kill him on the spot since he might be useful if he managed to take over the country.

"Gyaah!! Orlumbus-san!!"

"Quickly save him!"

Seeing that, the other ships started firing at the Sword of Xebec.



"I won't let you scratch the ship!" Luckily, Enel foresaw that using his future sight and immediately used his lightning power to intersect and destroy the cannon balls mid-air before they hit the ship.

Calvin used Geppo and Soru to fly and join Ashen in his offensive. He proceeded to coat his fist with Advanced Armament Haki and Advanced Conqueror's Haki while emitting a Hasshoken shockwave.


While mid-air, Calvin emitted his Haki and the Hasshoken shockwave towards one of the ships downwards, creating a massive explosion, and causing everyone on board to lose consciousness before the ship started sinking a little bit after that.

Yamamoto was using his devil fruit power to shrink the cannon balls, threw them at the enemy before he changes their size back again and multiply it many times.

"Where did these massive cannon balls come from?!"

"They just popped out of nowhere--!!!*BOOOM*-*BOOOM*"

At the same time Amber used her giant Quetzacotlus form to carry Moria and fly him towards the enemy ships. The latter sent his shadow bats flying from a distance, before he shaped them into a massive black gavel, and struck down one of the ships.

"Brick Bat…The Gavel of Judgment!"

Ken made sure to keep the Sword of Xebec moving and maneuver as to not make it an easy target, while the rest took over the cannons.

"Make sure to aim right!" Urouge said to Franky as he was reloading the cannon. Franky adjusted the aim, applied fire to the breech and shot one of the enemy ships.

A few seconds later…

"You guys move back!...I'm done playing games, if they don't want to surrender, then I will eradicate them!" Ashen declared as he flashed a hostile look at the fleet in front of him. They were able to take down more than twenty ships in a matter of seconds.

"What is he trying to do?!"

"What's those blue flames?"

The enemy looked in confusion at the flying Ashen.


Ashen summoned his flames and compressed them as much as could into a small purple fire ball, before he hurled it at the middle of the enemy's fleet. When it made contact with one of the ships, the result was devastating.

The burst of raw fire energy, expanding outward in a spherical shockwave like a supernova. The scorching heat radiated from its position, immolating anything caught within its range and reducing it to ashes.

"Celestial Flames…Eternal Hell!!"

*BOOOOM* The explosion was unlike anything else so far. When the shockwaves caused by the attack ended, all that was left of the Yonta Maria Grand Fleet are a several ships that were not caught in the explosion, which Ashen used compressed fire beams to destroy as well after that, leaving nothing but shipwreck.

"Alright, time to invade this fucking place"