
One Piece: Bai Ye Deputy Captain of the Straw Hats

Bai Ye, hailing from the mystical Wudang Mountains, is a skilled cultivator. He finds himself in the world of One Piece through the power of an enigmatic book. This twist of fate intertwines his path with that of the charismatic Luffy, the aspiring Pirate King. With his unique cultivation techniques, Bai Ye becomes Luffy's trusted deputy captain. Together, they embark on thrilling adventures, braving the seas to find the legendary treasure, One Piece.

PapaSmurf0700 · Anime & Comics
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189 Chs

Chapter 70 Gifts for the Crew

Author: Xiao Yifeng

Translator: PapaSmurf0700

"I've mentioned this before," Bai Ye began, his eyes sweeping over the crew lined up on the deck of the Golden Merry. "As a Daoist priest, my role includes offering support to our team." His crewmates nodded in understanding; they had grown accustomed to Bai Ye's unorthodox methods and were eager to learn more.

Bai Ye held their attention as he spoke, "It's not just empty words when I say I have ways to support all of you."

With a casual flick of his wrist, several pieces of paper with intricate markings appeared in his hand. "These are talismans, a fundamental yet powerful aspect of my Daoist teachings. They're incredibly versatile."

To demonstrate, Bai Ye pinched one of the talismans between his fingers and flung it toward the ocean. "Ice Talisman - Activate!" he commanded.

A sharp, sudden chill spread from where the talisman made contact with the sea, instantly transforming the water's surface into a sheet of ice. The spectacle was a clear display of the talisman's power, though Bai Ye acknowledged, "This is an offensive talisman, and while impressive, it doesn't match the Qimen techniques I've used before versus Hawkeye, but it's still very strong."

Then, with the ease of someone performing a well-practiced trick, Bai Ye presented another talisman, this time directing it at Luffy: "Hegemony Talisman - Activate!"

The result was less dramatic but no less extraordinary. A soft glow of pale gold wrapped around Luffy, casting a warm sheen over him. "This one," Bai Ye explained, "is for defense."

"Whoa, this is cool!" Luffy marveled at the golden aura clinging to his form and, caught up in the excitement, called out to Zoro, "Hey, Zoro, try and slice through this!"

Zoro gave a half-smile, his voice tinged with amusement, "Been looking forward to something like this, Captain."

With a series of metallic clangs, Zoro's swords struck only to be repelled by the shimmering light. The deck of the Golden Merry echoed with the sounds of Luffy's delighted laughter and Zoro's grumbling.

Without rushing, Bai Ye prepared two more talismans, and with a swift motion, he tossed them towards the duo. "Fixed Talisman—Activate!" Instantly, Luffy and Zoro froze in place, unable to move a muscle.

A mere thirty seconds later, motion returned to them as if nothing had happened. "And that," Bai Ye announced, "was an auxiliary talisman."

Having demonstrated the power of the talismans, Bai Ye then brought out a collection of them, sorted and stacked neatly, and distributed them to the crew. "These are a selection of the most useful talismans I've put together. Take them, and use them wisely. In the battles to come, they could very well tip the scales in your favor."

The crew accepted Bai Ye's generous offering with gratitude, recognizing the potential benefits in the heat of combat. Luffy, ever the eager one, was already thinking up ways to test out his new gifts, but Nami, ever practical, swiftly intervened with a well-timed knock of discipline.

Bai Ye paused for a moment before speaking again, "I have prepared something special for both Nami and Usopp."

Upon hearing this, Nami and Usopp were taken aback, their surprise evident in their unified gasp, "Huh?!" It had seemed to them that Bai Ye's focus was primarily on enhancing the fighting capabilities of the crew's heavy hitters—Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji. The idea that he would have something just for them had not crossed their minds.

"Nami," Bai Ye said, capturing her attention. With a fluid motion, he materialized a staff in his hand. "This look familiar?" he asked, offering the staff to her.

Nami's eyes widened as she recognized the shape. "Is that... my three-section staff?" she asked, a memory of her usual weapon. In the original story, staff was upgraded to a climate-controlling tool by Usopp in Alabasta.

"Exactly," confirmed Bai Ye, "but with a twist. I've etched various talismans into it. Ice, Fire, Thunder, and Wind to be precise."

He then proceeded to instruct Nami on how to wield this new version of her weapon. "As our navigator, you have an affinity for the elements. It seems only fitting that you have the means to wield weather as a weapon."

Handing the modified staff to Nami, he watched her eyes light up with anticipation and excitement. "This is perfect, Bai Ye," Nami exclaimed, hardly able to contain her enthusiasm. "It's exactly what I needed!"

Watching Nami receive her remarkable new staff, Usopp's anticipation grew, a mix of nerves and excitement about what his own gift might be.

"Usopp," Bai Ye called out, drawing the sharpshooter's attention. With a casual flick of his wrist, a pair of sleek pistols materialized in his grasp. These weren't the makeshift, often unreliable firearms typical to One Piece's world but rather replicas of the Desert Eagle—a formidable handgun celebrated in numerous films from Bai Ye's original world, the Blue Star.

Usopp's gaze was glued to the pistols; they were unlike anything he had seen before. "Is that... for me?" he stuttered, already enamored with their sophisticated design. His usual preference for slingshots seemed momentarily forgotten as he marveled at the pistols.

"Ah! So cool!" he couldn't help exclaiming. The thought alone made him want to declare, "This gun is the ultimate dream of a man!"

Amused by Usopp's visible enthusiasm, Bai Ye continued, "Considering you're our sole sniper, who else would I bestow them upon?"

"These pistols are extraordinary," Bai Ye explained, "they operate like any other gun, but they're enhanced. You see, they don't require bullets."

He clarified for a captivated Usopp, "I've inscribed the handles with five elemental runes: Wind, Ice, Water, Thunder, and Fire. Before you shoot, activate the desired rune to unleash an elemental bullet."

"The specifics of their power and how you might combine them, that's for you to discover through practice."

With every word from Bai Ye, Usopp could feel the dormant gunslinger within him stirring to life. His mind raced with possibilities—what if he combined thunder and fire? Would it create an explosion? The potential was thrilling, and Usopp couldn't wait to explore it.

"Nami, Usopp," Bai Ye addressed them with a serious tone after the excitement of the gifts had simmered down. "These gifts, they'll surely make you stronger. But remember, they can't replace the power of Haki. Against truly formidable opponents, you'll need to awaken and harness at least one form of Haki."

The light-hearted mood shifted slightly; Nami and Usopp felt the weight of his words, understanding the importance of the training ahead.

Bai Ye, however, smoothly changed the subject. "Now, let's talk about the medicinal pills I've prepared." He presented a variety of pills, each crafted to heal wounds and replenish vitality. "You might recall the healing pill Zoro took, or the blood-enrichment pill, and the one Kaya used. I've brought plenty for all of you."

He distributed the pills with a confident flourish. "These will be crucial when we face strong enemies," he declared.

Luffy and Zoro exchanged knowing smiles, perhaps thinking of future battles where these pills could tip the scales in their favor.

Bai Ye then turned his attention to Zoro, his wrist turning once more to reveal the sword he wielded in his duel with Hawkeye. "Take a look at this sword, Zoro," he said, offering it to the swordsman.

Upon receiving the sword, Zoro's senses, attuned to the essence of blades, immediately recognized its superior quality. He didn't hesitate to begin testing it, comparing it to his own collection of swords. "It seems this sword is made of a material that's stronger and sharper than my current ones," he noted.

Confirming Zoro's observation, Bai Ye nodded. "Indeed, it is. This is another aspect of what I bring from our Daoist sect—the unique art of Artifact Refining."