
One Piece: Bai Ye Deputy Captain of the Straw Hats

Bai Ye, hailing from the mystical Wudang Mountains, is a skilled cultivator. He finds himself in the world of One Piece through the power of an enigmatic book. This twist of fate intertwines his path with that of the charismatic Luffy, the aspiring Pirate King. With his unique cultivation techniques, Bai Ye becomes Luffy's trusted deputy captain. Together, they embark on thrilling adventures, braving the seas to find the legendary treasure, One Piece.

PapaSmurf0700 · Anime & Comics
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190 Chs

Chapter 69 What Wonders Does Bai Ye Hold?

Author: Xiao Yifeng

Translator: PapaSmurf0700

Vivi's expression showed her dismay as she confronted Miss All Sunday, "Why would you do such a thing? What are you after?" Her voice wavered slightly, betraying her uncertainty about how to deal with someone whose motives were completely obscured.

But Miss All Sunday seemed unfazed by the tension, gracefully walking through the room and seating herself across from Bai Ye. She crossed her legs elegantly and spoke with a cool detachment, "Who can say?"

Her gaze then drifted to the crew, "I was curious about a naive princess trying to save her country, but what a turn of events - stumbling upon the Straw Hat Pirates, with a notable bounty of 245 million."

Bai Ye, from across the room, couldn't help but respond, "The surprise is mutual, don't you think?" He then addressed her by a different name, "Nico Robin."

The use of her real name made Robin pause for a second, then she fixed a curious eye on Bai Ye, "It's flattering that a priest would recognize me."

Bai Ye offered a wry smile, "It's a pastime of mine to collect the bounty posters that float around these seas. You're aware, aren't you, that there are powerful figures who prefer the cover of shadow?"

He continued, with a glance at his captain, "Given the kind of trouble we tend to find, it pays to be ready, doesn't it?"

With a flick of his wrist, Bai Ye presented a bounty poster, "Devil Child Nico Robin, notorious for demolishing six naval warships at the tender age of eight, with a bounty of 79 million."

While Bai Ye spoke, a light-hearted smile played on his lips, "I have to admit, I feel a bit bad for only managing a bounty of 100 million at my age."

His revelation sent ripples of astonishment through the group. "Wow, that's impressive!" Luffy's eyes sparkled with excitement. Zoro repeated the figure under his breath, clearly impressed by the amount.

Robin chuckled at the mention of her past deeds, her laughter light and carefree before she reverted to her composed self, "Those days are long gone, of no consequence now."

She then, as the story goes, warned Luffy of the perils awaiting them at "Little Garden," their next island stop. She handed him an Eternal Pose that pointed to Nanimonai Island, which lay just before Alabasta. Vivi, torn and unsure, watched as Luffy unhesitatingly crushed the Eternal Pose, declaring, "We won't let anyone else set our course."

In an unexpected turn, Robin then offered to escort Igaram to Alabasta herself. Vivi, utterly baffled, demanded, "What are you trying to do? Whose side are you on? Crocodile's or Alabasta's?"

Robin faced Vivi's intense questioning with an unruffled demeanor, "Who can say? Perhaps I was simply seized by a momentary fancy."

Her eyes then settled on Bai Ye, insightful and probing, "I'm aware of your scheme and that you've acquired the Eternal Pose from Mr.5. But with the unpredictability of the Grand Line, how do you plan to ensure survival?" Her words clearly referred to Igaram's safety.

"Maybe you, as a priest, have a method to protect him, but could there be any safer passage than one under my personal care?"

Bai Ye met Robin's gaze, one filled with an enigmatic sense of anticipation, as she posed her question, "What's your decision?"

Without hesitation, Bai Ye gave her a warm nod, "I'll be entrusting you with this task, Miss Robin."

This was not the response Robin had anticipated. She had run through countless scenarios in her mind, but Bai Ye's straightforward agreement was the one she had least expected. A flicker of intrigue sparked in her eyes as she regarded Bai Ye with newfound curiosity. "You're an enigma, Mr. Bai Ye. It's intriguing, who you really are?"

Then, with a teasing glint in his eye, Bai Ye suggested, "Who knows, perhaps one day you'll join our crew and have plenty of time to figure me out."

Vivi, caught off guard by the turn of events, began, "Bai Ye, are you sure it's wise to let Igaram go with her?"

Before she could finish, Igaram himself stepped forward, his voice steady, "Your Highness, I am ready to go. If it means aiding the princess and Alabasta sooner, I am willing to depart with Miss Robin."

Bai Ye's agreement was rooted in his knowledge that Robin was inherently good, despite Igaram's offer seemingly like a leap into the unknown. It was a testament to his loyalty as the captain of the Alabastan royal guard.

Touched by his dedication, Vivi moved closer to Igaram, whose curls were as prominent as ever, and embraced him tenderly, whispering, "Wait for me back there."

"With certainty, Your Royal Highness," Igaram assured her.

Then they all made their way to the harbor, where they witnessed Robin and Igaram setting sail aboard a giant turtle, a sight that left Luffy shouting in awe and amusement.


With the immediate issues addressed, the group started their preparations to set sail. Nami, ever the adept treasure hunter, managed to scavenge the town's riches. Despite a significant portion already claimed by Crocodile, Nami's persistent search uncovered nearly 100 million Belly's worth of treasure, much to her delight.

Bai Ye, meanwhile, had a few loose ends to tie up. His first task involved dealing with the two peculiar animals known for their stealth and cunning. Direct elimination was an option, yet Bai Ye opted for a subtler approach. He chose to use puppet charms to manipulate them, ensuring they would report back only partial truths to Crocodile — specifically, that Vivi was alive but omitting any rescue by the Straw Hats. This partial information was meant to plant seeds of doubt in Crocodile's mind.

The second matter on Bai Ye's checklist concerned the bombastic duo, the explosive man and his partner. Bai Ye had already crafted a strategy for handling them, ensuring every piece of his plan was in place.


Once the Log Pose had gathered enough magnetic force:

The Straw Hats, together with Vivi and her loyal pet duck, Karoo, dashed onto the deck of the Golden Merry. Vivi was immediately taken aback by an unexpected sight.

"Are these... people?" Vivi asked, her voice laced with bewilderment as she observed the paper figures bustling about the ship.

Nami offered an explanation, "These are paper soldiers, yet another of Bai Ye's remarkable creations."

Vivi, still processing the sight before her, turned to Bai Ye. She recalled the varied mysterious items Bai Ye had revealed before: from the puppet talisman to the talisman that summoned rain, and now these animated paper figures. Overcome with curiosity, she couldn't help but inquire, her voice filled with wonder, "Just how many treasures do you possess?"

To her surprise, this question seemed to pique the curiosity of the entire Straw Hat crew.

Luffy, with a smack of his hand, exclaimed with genuine interest, "Yeah!"

"I've been wondering, Bai Ye, what other wonders are stashed away in your personal space? And when can I enter inside?!!!" His eyes sparkled with the anticipation of a child awaiting a magic show.

Nami pivoted towards Bai Ye, her own curiosity mirrored in her eyes, "Exactly, you've got pills, talismans, these paper soldiers... what else have you been keeping secret?"

Usopp chimed in, not to be left out, "And we mustn't forget Bai Ye's golden light!" His tone suggested a mix of awe and a touch of envy. "He's also the one who helped Luffy and the rest to awaken their Haki."

Sanji, always the contemplative one, interjected with his usual cool demeanor, "My interest lies in the extent of Bai Ye's pill stash."

Zoro, spurred by Sanji's comment and with a one-track mind, asked with a hint of hopefulness, "Speaking of which, you wouldn't happen to have some fine wine hidden away too, would you?"

Surrounded by eager eyes full of curiosity, Bai Ye clapped his hands with a smile that promised revelations.

"Well then, it seems we have much to discuss—"

"And let's use this opportunity to boost everyone's strength as well!" Bai Ye declared, his voice hinting at the exciting prospects ahead.