
One Piece: A New Whitebeard

Reincarnated into the formidable Whitebeard, one of the most feared pirates in the Grand Line, our hero faces a world in turmoil. The dreaded Blackbeard incident has unfolded, resulting in the capture of Ace, Whitebeard's beloved "son" and one of the most powerful pirates in the world. As the countdown to Ace's impending execution begins, the newly reborn Whitebeard finds himself thrust into a high-stakes battle that will test his mettle like never before. With only six days remaining before the scheduled execution, Whitebeard must assemble his crew, the fearsome Whitebeard Pirates, and rally his allies in a race against time to rescue Ace from the clutches of the Marines. The odds are stacked against them, as the world's most powerful forces converge on Marineford for what promises to be an epic showdown. As Whitebeard faces insurmountable challenges and old rivalries rekindle, he must not only protect his pirate family but also confront the very essence of his legacy as a pirate captain. Will he be able to defy the might of the World Government and the Marines to save Ace, or will the clock run out on their daring rescue mission? In a battle that will shake the world to its core, the fate of Ace and the balance of power in the Grand Line hang in the balance. Get ready for a gripping tale of courage, sacrifice, and the indomitable spirit of pirates as Whitebeard leads his crew on a race against time to rewrite destiny itself.

Galaxy_Wonder · Movies
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89 Chs

Last Obstacle, Marine Hero Garp!

Marineford quaked violently, as if the very earth beneath it was rebelling. Massive, gaping cracks snaked their way across the island in all directions, voraciously tearing it asunder.

The once-proud buildings that adorned the island now crumbled helplessly, devoured by the relentless maw of the abyss. Even the towering symbol of justice, the tallest building in the headquarters, couldn't withstand the chaos. It shattered into ruins, its demise unfolding before the horrified gaze of all the Marines.

The entire Marineford headquarters was in disarray. Buildings lay in ruins, symbolizing the collapse of order and justice in the face of this overwhelming force. Whitebeard, the man responsible for this devastation, seemed to have unapologetically trampled the ideals of justice and peace beneath his very feet.

As the island trembled, the Admirals' attacks vanished into nothingness, leaving Whitebeard unscathed. Marines of all ranks, from Officers to Vice Admirals and even the enigmatic Warlords known as the Ouka Shichibukai, stood in utter disbelief at the unfolding spectacle.

Onlookers, including Marco, and the former prisoners from Impel Down, came to a stunned halt, their eyes fixed on the catastrophic scene before them. Shock rippled through the crowd, a collective realization that resonated like an unspoken oath.

They all had one thought in their minds at that moment: they were finally witnessing the true extent of the world's strongest man's power. In this confrontation, Whitebeard remained unharmed while bringing colossal destruction to Marineford.

"Is this how powerful Whitebeard truly is?" Hawkeye murmured, his eyes reflecting a profound shock. He lowered his sword and turned to Redfield. "This battle is over."

Understanding that he could not match the might of Whitebeard, Hawkeye made the wise decision to withdraw. He knew he had a long road ahead to reach the level of the man who had just shattered their perceptions of strength.

Redfield nodded in agreement, and without hesitation, Hawkeye sheathed his sword and walked away. Though the outcome of the war remained uncertain, he realized the futility of opposing Whitebeard's indomitable strength.

Not far away, Crocodile couldn't help but snort disdainfully as he watched Hawkeye's departure. But his attention swiftly returned to Whitebeard, his face now etched with solemnity. "This old man is still incredibly strong," he acknowledged.

"But more than that," Crocodile added, "he's even stronger than before."

Indeed, Whitebeard had surpassed his prime. The elderly warrior possessed not only unparalleled physical prowess but also a wealth of combat experience and mastery over his Devil Fruit abilities. Now, with both advantages in his grasp, Whitebeard had ascended to a level that could only be described as the pinnacle of strength.

"Can we really defeat Whitebeard?" The question hung heavy in the air, shrouded in doubt.

In contrast to the awestruck pirate crew, the Marine soldiers exhibited a deep sense of despair. Whitebeard's performance had been nothing short of spectacular, strong enough to crush their hopes and ignite a creeping despair that permeated their ranks.

Doubt began to gnaw at everyone, as they questioned whether the outcome of this war still belonged to the Marines. Just when all seemed lost, a sense of foreboding anticipation hung in the air, as if the world itself held its breath, waiting for what would happen next.

A resounding laughter filled the air, jolting everyone back to reality.


"This is no time for astonishment; concentrate on breaking through the Marine's defenses with all your might!"

Whitebeard forcefully drove the hilt of his Naginata into the ground, and his laughter reverberated through the surroundings.

He was fully aware that he had only momentarily halted the three Admirals rather than vanquishing them.

There existed a vast disparity between halting and defeating one's opponents.

Among the trio of Admirals, Akainu was the only one who fought relentlessly, pouring his all into the battle.

On the contrary, Aokiji and Kizaru mainly played the role of spectators, employing only a fraction of their skills, keeping their full strength in reserve.

Hence, the opportune moment was now. With this window of opportunity, they could rescue Ace!

"Yes, let's swiftly breach their defenses!"

Marco quickly regained his composure and launched a fierce assault on Vice Admiral Onigumo.

"Save Ace!"


"The victory in this war will undoubtedly be ours!"

The Whitebeard Pirates' crew erupted in cheers, their morale soaring high.

And in that critical moment, Bullet and Luffy charged toward the execution platform.

As Luffy beheld his brother in peril, a carefree chuckle escaped his lips.



Ace, on his knees, raised his head with a tense expression.

With the turmoil in his heart resolved, Ace made a firm commitment to endure, no matter what unfolded.

But even so, he couldn't bear to see Luffy risking himself to save him!

"They're coming!"

Sengoku's expression on the execution platform shifted as he tried to thwart Ace's rescue by the two.

However, before he could take any action, another figure abruptly materialized, positioning himself between Sengoku and the execution platform.

It was none other than the Marine hero, Garp!

In the eleventh hour, a figure emerged, propelled by an unwavering dedication to justice. With resolute determination, he firmly stood his ground, obstructing both Luffy and Bullet's path.

Luffy's eyes widened in sheer amazement as he beheld the approaching figure. "Grandfather?!"

"Step aside, old man!" Bullet demanded.

Garp, undeterred, responded with a stern declaration, "How can I step aside? I'm a Vice Admiral of the Marine Headquarters! I've been battling pirates long before you were even born, so if you want to pass through here, you'll have to defeat me first!"

A grave expression marked Garp's face, and a hint of anguish flashed in his eyes. Despite the familial connection with Ace, Garp recognized the distinction between their roles – one as a Marine and the other as a pirate.

"I don't want to!" Luffy vehemently shouted, refusing to yield, and continued his relentless charge.

In the ensuing clash, Luffy's skin turned a fiery red, and steam billowed from his body as he unleashed a devastating punch toward Garp. The fists drew nearer, and Garp's momentum reached its zenith.

For reasons unknown, Garp was suddenly reminded of Ace and Luffy in their youth. A tender spot in his heart was touched, causing his resolve to waver. "While there's no room for sympathy toward ruthless sea criminals, when it comes to family..." His irate gaze slowly softened.

Confronted with the force of Luffy's punch, Garp found himself unable to evade it. A thunderous impact resonated! The Marine hero, Garp, was sent hurtling backward by the sheer force of Luffy's blow.

In this critical moment, Luffy stood just a single step away from reaching the execution platform, the outcome of this clash hanging in the balance.


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