
One piece -The New King

When the King speaks the world trembles , time stops , space cracks , waves rose just to follow the decree of the King. Follow Luca to know his journey and his ambition to be the King of the world .

Rakasa_dark · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter - 10 Luca's ambition

The king's Pirates sailed the South Blue for eight days.

They had an additional skilled ship doctor on board—Poison Q.

"Hey, listen up, you rascal," Bashas asserted his dominance to the new crew member."On this ship, strength is respected."

"Since I'm stronger than you, you'd better understand!"

Though Bashas' words might have been incomprehensible, his intent was clear.

Poison Q glanced at Bashas with pure malice, threatening voice said, "You can try."

Poison Q himself exuded a menacing aura. Even after joining King's pirate group, he couldn't discern Captain Luca's strength at all. However, this didn't permit others to walk over him.

(Image here )

"Weihahaha! I could knock you out with just one punch."

Still brooding over his defeat against Lafitte earlier, Bashas felt the need to strike hard at this new arrival. He needed to showcase his masterful strength; otherwise, no one would take him and his prowess of Bashas, seriously.

Saori and Baccarat stood together, chatting on the ship's second deck.

Baccarat: "I feel like none of the people who joined our crew are good people."

Baccarat sensed that without Captain Luca's influence, this motley crew might resort to fights or other dangerous deeds.

"Don't worry! They won't dare to misbehave, cause I'm here" Saori confidently assured Baccarat.

Lafitte kept smiling throughout, giving off an eerie vibe.

Luca responded solemnly, "gather around I need to discuss something!"

"I aim to compete for dominance over the land and sea region and will confront the emperors and the world government alike, for that we need a robust team!"

"The competition is intense in the latter half of the Grand line."

"Groups like the Whitebeard Pirates, Beasts Pirates, BIGMOM Pirates, and even the new Fourth Emperor Red-Haired Shanks and his crew."

"Can our strength alone overwhelm theirs and give us the title of the King there?"

"Becoming a new emperor is the first step of ours towards the goal of ruling the whole World."

Luca elaborated on the strategic goals for Lafitte and Capon beeg , being aware that Bashas and Poison Q's strength wasn't enough for his goals . It was also to prepare them mentally for what lay ahead.

As for Lafitte and Capon beeg, as seasoned seafarers, they were familiar with these legendary pirate groups. They'd thought Luca had ambitious plans, but now they realized Luca's aspirations for confronting the emperors were grander than they'd imagined.

Lafitte: "Captain Luca, what you said is true! We're too weak on our own to compete there for now, but we will prevail."

Capon beeg : "Captain Luca, let's go! I can't wait."

The current pirate ship, captained by Capon beeg,was impressive, and accommodating for thousands in a short span. However, Luca had a plan. Upon reaching the Water 7, he would commision for the construction of a ship befitting of a king using the precious Adam wood.

Pirate ships required the finest materials and as the king's ship how can his be any lesser than others.

Luca and the crew left the arena. Initially, guards moved to stop them, but sensing their might, the guards wisely backed off. Although two guards lost their lives, it wasn't a substantial loss for the arena.

Thankfully, they hadn't provoked this formidable crew, and their display of power left a lasting impact on them.

With the world government's eyes and the CP and Navy's presence, Luca's party had been exposed.

Word of this incident swiftly reached the Marine Headquarters and the World Governments ears . As Strength always drew attention from the Navy and the world government.

Undisturbed by the exposure, Luca wasn't afraid, not even of the Navy Headquarters' and his Admirals , he was that confident about his strength.