
One Piece - Rise of the King

Ryo wakes up on a Shore in Wano. Watch as his story unfolds and he is becoming the strongest Pirate in the word. On his journey He builds a crew that is going to dominate the seas. This story takes place in the world of One Piece. There are things that are different from the official work. So it's like an alternate Universe. This is my first time writing, so be warned that it is not perfect. English is not my first language. This is not the original One Piece Universe, there could be characters that are portrait different than in the original series.

Torpedo18 · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 10: Awakening

Yamato tossed and turned in her bed, trapped in the torment of her nightmares. Each time, the scene played out in excruciating detail—the moment Kaido struck down Ryo with his kanabo. She felt powerless, unable to intervene as the tragedy unfolded before her eyes. As she jolted awake, her heart pounding in her chest, she found herself drenched in sweat, her breath coming in ragged gasps.

With trembling hands, Yamato wiped away the tears streaming down her cheeks and gazed upon Ryo's lifeless form lying on the table beside her. The sight sent a shiver down her spine, and she couldn't shake the feeling of despair that threatened to consume her.

Struggling to compose herself, Yamato rose from her bed and approached Ryo's body. She studied his face, etched with a serene expression even in death, and felt a pang of guilt gnawing at her heart. "I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "I couldn't save you."

With one last touch against his hand she walked over to the open window. She began to sing a small melody her mother taught her when she was a little girl. It helped her every time she was sad, but not now. Her grief about how she just stood there as her father killed an innocent person just before her eyes. It was unbelievable painful to her.

Suddenly a calm tone entered her mind. "Such a beautiful voice. Please, I never want to stop hearing you voice again." Yamato's breath caught in her throat. As she turned around to face the source of the voice disbelief washed over her. "You're alive," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

Ryo offered her a reassuring smile. "But how? This can't be true. I saw you die." "It is true. I was given a second chance. Destiny or rather Death herself was kind enough to send me back to life", he chuckled. As he saw the confused look on her face he told her that this story has to wait for another time.

Yamato's mind reeled with disbelief, but a glimmer of hope began to flicker within her. If Ryo was truly alive, then perhaps this can free her from the grief she felt.

As Yamato's whole body was still trembling in disbelief he took her hand. "I know this is much to take in right now, but I have to get out of Wano. Would you do me the honer and bring me to the docks?" After asked she nodded slightly and they set off.

They made their way through the corridors of the castle towards the docks, Ryo explained his plan to escape from Onigashima and Wano. He knew that he couldn't defeat Kaido with his current abilities, but he was determined to become stronger and challenge the tyrant once he is capable of doing so.

Their conversation was interrupted by the blaring of alarms, signaling that the castle was now aware of Ryo's return from the dead. Apparently a guard was stationed somewhere near Yamato's room. He must have seen them leaving together. With urgency in their steps, Ryo took Yamato's hand, and together they sprinted towards the docks, making her blush in embarrassment. "Why does he make me feel this way every time I even think of him", she thought to herself.

As they where running towards the docks, Ryo sensed that something was changing inside him. His senses changed and he could feel, hear and see even more than before. He was aware of many details now. Something that would be unthinkable a few days ago.

With heightened awareness, Ryo sensed a powerful presence next to him—a pressure unlike anything he had ever experienced. It was exhilarating, almost intoxicating, and he couldn't help but marvel at the sensation coursing through him.

Turning his attention to Yamato, he was struck by the sheer power of her aura, every detail illuminated with newfound clarity. It was beautiful, she... everything about her was breathtaking. Almost if she had been blessed by the gods themselves. But he had to concentrate for now.

As they reached the docks, Ryo reached into his pocket to retrieve the miniature ship given to him by Zoe, but a faint whisper echoed in his mind. "Not yet, my dear. Wait until the time is right." Accepting these words as a sign, he withdrew his hand, his senses suddenly sharpening to an unprecedented degree.

Hovering above them, Kaido's azure dragon form cast a menacing shadow over the docks, his intent clear as he descended towards them with lethal precision.

With a mixture of determination and trepidation, Ryo braced himself for the inevitable confrontation, knowing that their journey was far from over.

Next chapter is going to be a first for me. I don't really know how to write a fight, so don't be too excited.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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