
One piece (Raging flames)

[currant date] |1470| [24 years before the great pirate era] Ryū no Shima was an island located near the land of wano. It was home to a clan of many highly skilled swordsmen that were said to be the descendants of the sword god ryuma, the island was a peaceful place one with amazing waterfalls, rivers, and grasslands. One day pirates flying the jolly roger of the R.O.C.K.S pirates attacked the island leaving nothing behind except for a child... A boy no older than 5 years old [Note] there will be no harems or anything like that this story is PG18 For it's graphic depictions of violence and death. P.S this is my first ever time writing a fanfic or anything of the sort so don't judge me since I'm on my phone because autocorrect is a bitch

Lazy_author_Sama · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

(Chapter 43) New mission and New island


Zephyr Grit his teeth as he lifted the giant dumbell as it weighed over 5000 kilos on each side, He soon threw the thing to the ground and huffed

He glanced towards the wall on the far end of the room as he looked at the wanted poster hung there, He glared at the picture of the kid as his veins throbbed just thinking about that sneaky brat

He sat down on a nearby bench and lit himself a cigar as soon as someone opened the door to the public training facility, He glanced up to see Kong walking up to him

'Oi Grape brat I need you to do something for me' Said the admiral as the purple-haired man puffed a plume of smoke, 'What is it?'

'Sightings of the Roger pirates were sighted near Flevance in the North Blue, I need you and a few men to head there' But as soon as he mentioned Roger the doors flung open as a young man wearing a Captain's coat barged in

'I heard you say that bastard's name! I want in' Said the large man, It was none other than Captain Garp, Kong sighed as he sensed the man was outside the whole time

'Sure whatever just get it done, The Masayoshi can't enter the Blues for political reasons, This is why the fleet admiral needed someone to go after the Rookies' Xephyr just sighed as he looked towards the grinning Garp

'Whatever, Who else is coming on this mission?' Asked the Vice admiral as he distinguished his cigar on the side of the bench

'Other than you two Cheif petty officer dalmatian as well as Captain Strawberry and a handful of soldiers will be on the mission Said the Admiral as he started heading towards the exit

'You leave as soon as possible get ready to deploy' He said before exiting through the door and closing it behind him, Garp just grinned before leaving and waving back to Xephyr

The purple-haired man looked back towards the photo of the kid with a sadistic grin made its way across his face as he stood up exciting the room already done with his weight training


{North blue: uncharted island}

The Oro-Jackson spotted a random island to the west side of the North Blue as it circled around the place looking for a location to dock the ship for some time

Both Sunbell and Bullet were in the Crow's nest using binoculars to zoom into the island as the boy spotted a formation of vines covering what seemed to be a cave 'Hey Sunbell does that look like a cave to ya?'

The Fish-man raised an eyebrow as the boy pointed towards the direction of the vines he spotted earlier, The Fishman zoomed in as he grinned before putting the binoculars down and Ruffling the Boys head 'Good job there kid wouldn't have noticed it'

He then shouted down to the rest of the crew as Jackson steered the ship towards the island as they slowly approached the cave's entrance

Everyone's mouth's we're wide as they slowly entered the littoral cave, The crystal clear water reflected light to the side of the cave creating a beautiful visual for the people on the Oro-Jackson

Ryu sat on the front rails of the ship as the ship soon stopped not too deep into the cave as the people onboard the Oro-Jackson started gathering the supplies they needed and made their way outside the cave

Roger lead the group as they left the cave and entered the lush forest, The Island was approximately 17000 square miles and was covered by lush forests and had large a large mountain right in the middle as snow covered the top of it

The Crew soon found themselves deep into the island as they entered a clearing with a large lake that spanned over 6 miles in diameter, The men grinned as they started setting up camp

A few hours later they were all set as they had a total of 13 different tents as well as a large campfire in the middle of the clearing

It was already night time so some of the men decided to go hunting as they dived into the lake soon emerging with a large serpentine creature that lay in the deepest part of the lake as they cooked it up and started to feed on it

Ryu yawned as he held his bulged stomach as he lay down next to Bullet who was in the same predicament, Roger snickered as he looked at the two kids

The boy's have been training with Rayleigh all day and we're exhausted, Roger soon yawned as he stretched before heading towards one of the tent's deciding to hit the hay

Soon the rest of the crew did the same as only the two boys were left, Both of them sat on the grass as they looked on towards the crystal clear lake

They ended up staying there for a few hours just staring at the Lake before they both slept next to each other as Rayleigh emerged from his tent smiling as he carried them to their tent and tucked them in before leaving

'Aww Papa Rayleigh is taking care of his two brats' Came the voice of Gaban who leaned on a tree not too far away as Rayleigh smiled sheepishly

'What am I supposed just leave them outside?' Came his sarcastic reply as he rolled his eyes, Gaban just grinned as he clapped him on the back

'all I'm saying is that they're growing on ya' As he put an arm around his shoulder, Rayleigh smiled as he crossed his arms, 'I'm the one responsible for their well-being so of course I'm going to get attached their both nakama after all' As gaban's grin grew further hearing this


Hope you enjoy :D

Know the chapter is a bit shorter than usual but eh who cares right? Anyways keep those power stone's coming it helps keep me more motivated to write also comment down below any ideas for the story and the upcoming war that's going to happen

Anyways have a nice day 👋😁