
One piece (Raging flames)

[currant date] |1470| [24 years before the great pirate era] Ryū no Shima was an island located near the land of wano. It was home to a clan of many highly skilled swordsmen that were said to be the descendants of the sword god ryuma, the island was a peaceful place one with amazing waterfalls, rivers, and grasslands. One day pirates flying the jolly roger of the R.O.C.K.S pirates attacked the island leaving nothing behind except for a child... A boy no older than 5 years old [Note] there will be no harems or anything like that this story is PG18 For it's graphic depictions of violence and death. P.S this is my first ever time writing a fanfic or anything of the sort so don't judge me since I'm on my phone because autocorrect is a bitch

Lazy_author_Sama · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

(Chapter 42) Training and party

__________Bullet's Pov___________

It's been a few days since I joined the Roger Pirates and honestly, I don't regret it a single bit

I wake up at 6 in the morning train with either Ryu or Mister Rayleigh, I'm more of a punching type than a sword wielder so I sometimes go to Nozdon

Have you seen the guy?! He's one huge motherfucker and he taught me some close-combat fighting styles that work perfectly for me

But currently, I'm just looking out on the crow's nest since Sunbell was doing the night shift last night

We were getting closer to an island and I immediately knew where we were, 'So the white city, Not sure why Captain would want to visit Flevance of all places, Has he not heard of amber lead disease?'

_____________General Pov__________

The ship soon circled the island as they docked near a rock formation close to the forest, Taro Gaban and Erio got off the ship and started heading towards the city while the rest of the crew stayed near the ship and set up camp near the formation

Bullet and Ryu were blindfolded as Rayleigh used a wooden sword to swing at them while they dodged, Meanwhile, Roger threw larger pebbles coated in armament haki towards them as they dodged both them while simultaneously dodging the blonde swinging at them

Two Hours later the pair fall on their backs as they try to catch their breaths, Soon the group that went into the city walked back as they had 2 carts full of supplies with them, Rayleigh walked up to them and he checked the supplies as he ticked some boxes in a notepad he had

The two boys took off their blindfolds and stood up before going to the kitchen to get some grub as they climbed up the side of the ship

Rayleigh glanced an eye towards them as he smiled, Roger noticed this as he patted him on the shoulder, 'They're pretty good for a bunch of rookies aren't they?'

Rayleigh nodded as he closed his notepad, Roger soon spoke, 'So we're going supply ourselves with food using a large amount of the treasure we collected in paradise, Train the rookies up in some island for a year or two and then go back to the grand line?'

Rayleigh just nodded, 'That's the plan, But let's hope we don't need to stay longer than planned, We still need to go after the Rocks pirates as fast as possible' A seagull wearing a hat soon landed on the cart filled with supplies as roger smirked tossing a coin towards it

The bird caught the coin with its beak before putting it in the backpack behind it as it produced the newest news article and passed it to the captain

Roger looked at the picture in the front of the paper as he furrowed his eyebrows as his smile disappeared, 'Good thing we decided to leave the grandline for the moment look at this' He said showing his first mate the front of the ship

The title named "THE JUSTICE SEEKER MASAYOSHI IS ON THE MOVE", Rayleigh sighs as Roger continues reading the paper as he

His face soon turns grim as he looked at the picture of the Ceaser pirate's ship now nothing more than a burnt pile of scrap is it floated in front of the ship as the Fleet admiral and an admiral looked on towards it

Ryu soon appeared behind them as he held an orange juice box and sipped on it while reading along with Roger, 'What's the Masayoshi Roger-san?'

Roger's eyes almost fall off their sockets as he looks back to the boy who startled him, Rayleigh just rolls his eyes looking at his overreacting captain as he explained

'The Masayoshi is the biggest and strongest the Marines have in their arsenal, 20 Year's ago it stopped a revolution started by the draconic Pirates and their supporters and fully destroyed the island they were based on' said the man, The boy nodded along as he realised what this meant

'So the Marines have the power to destroy islands fully, Why don't they use it more often?' Rayleigh just shrugged

'Who knows it might be fuel consumption or even lack of staff, As the ship is so large I'm not even sure how someone would successfully pilot the thing' He explained

Bullet soon jumped off the side of the ship and landed on the soft sand, 'I'm ready for round two, Now that I have something in my stomach I should be able to last longer'

Roger grinned as he tossed a pebble up and down as Rayleigh gave them their blindfolds back, 'Well let's get right to it' said the blonde before taking a swing towards both their heads


Marco smiled as he rode on slightly larger dog as the now-nicknamed Whitebeard smiled drinking some booze as he looked at his evergrowing family

Their newest member thatch is a 16 year old kid that he found on his voyage to the north Blue, The kid was abandoned by his family on a trip and found abandoned on a secluded island

The kid knew how to cook up a good meal as he was stuck on that island with nothing but a pan and wooden spoon and used the nature around him to learn how to cook a decent meal when needed

They were now all in sphinx as they partied celebrating Marco's First year of joining the Family, Thatch used his skills to cook up a large banquet and was able to feed the entirety of the town

The dog soon stopped as Marco got off of its back as he petted it, The kid named it Terunishu

Whitebeard himself didn't even know where he got the name from as he laughed along when he first heard it, A man in the crowd soon ran up to the giant blonde before telling him that there was a pirate ship that had just arrived at the docks

Newgate stood up but before he could go confront the unwanted visitor his voice came from a building on the right of the massive man, 'Oi Whitebeard sorry to interrupt your kid's party but we have a tiny emergency

Newgate sighed as he gazed up at the man as he jumped down and landed in front of him, 'Good to see you Guzman, It's about the Masayoshi isn't it' stated the massive man

Guzman nodded as he looked at the tiny boy that stood next to his father's shoe, 'So this is Marco huh? He looks even closer in person then The picture reminds me of my own kid'

The little boy just waved at the man who was looking at him as he hid behind his father, Newgate just grinned before taking his son into his arms and passing him along to Juzo who was nearby

'I guess there's no time to waste' Said the blonde as he started heading towards the docks allowed by his vice-captain as he waved back towards the kid


Hope you enjoy ;p

The War is going to be interesting not sure what I'm going to call it and yes there will be a time skip :)

Anyways if your enjoying the story so far I appreciate the power stones it motivates me to write more and if you have any ideas do write them in the comments since I'll try to reply to anyone who does

Anyways have a nice day 👋😃