
Chapter 338 The Devil's Den

Nora's point of view….

The way Ben acts sometimes does not always sit well with me, I feel he is somehow rude. 

  I did not really know much about him before I found out he is my mate but I think the little time I knew him, he was not like this. He was more of a gentleman but these days, he is more of a lion. I like his kind of lion and the person he is becoming and I think it has to do with his witch blood taking over his system but I feel he should be more calmer, not to get offended easily.

  I sighed and palmed my face in resignation.

  "Nora, I know my attitude back then is eating you up but I can't help it. The lady's aura is of evil. I don't have hitches before but I after mating with you, I sense danger easily and I think you should not associate yourself with that lady"

Ben said, glancing at me as he spoke. I understand him well or maybe I don't. I really don't seem to see dangers until it is at close range. Ben is not just my mate but my soulmate, so he has my interest at heart and I will listen to him.

"Alright, I have heard you but I will grace her party tonight. I promised her already and after that I will stay away from her. I give you my words."

I said and he relaxed back.

 Xylie's point of view…..

    We have been in this journey of silence for close to a few minutes and I was not getting comfortable. Rory was frowning too and it has to do with how I am treating Rosie. She does not understand that I am trying to protect her from someone like Rosie but what can a mare human do to an ancient witch so I think I need to rephrase. Maybe Rosie and I did not start well, let me try and get to know her and who knows she might not be who I thought she is. 

   But if after everything, I am proven right then, she would have to stay at arm length.

  "I halted and faced Rosie.

"Rosie, do you have a place in mind we could start with. You know, we can't possibly tour round the city today so let's start with a place you think would be a nice start"

Her eyes shined brightly when she realized I was talking to her.

"Yeah, I know of a place we could begin with. It's not far from here. It's the devil's den"

"The devil's den, why the name?"

Rory could not keep her curiosity in check.

"Yeah, it's funny but I don't think it is. I have been to the place but I have not made it inside for fear that the story told is true"

  Rosie smiled but there was something behind her smile. She was trying to mask it with a smile. 

  "I wonder what could make the almighty Rosie to fear. I would love to check the Devil's Den out. If you don't mind, can you take us there?"

I said.

   "You think it's a good idea?"

"Why not"

I responded and Rory agreed with me.

  "Okay but I don't think you both will handle it"

She said and started walking forward and Rory and I followed her.

   I was wondering what's up with the attitude in which she displayed a while ago. I don't think Rory noticed but it was like she was trying to hide her excitement. I might be reading meaning into that but my hitches never fail so I think she is up to something.

  "So why the name Devil's Den?"

Rory asked with her hand intertwined with mine.

  "Like I said, I really don't know much but there was a story behind the Devil's Den"

She said and took left.

We were walking down the street of Beverly, we are not close to the highway so no much vehicles in sight. It was not really lonely but a bit.

 "Okay, I think we are all ears, you can also as well tell us before we get to the place. So we need to know what to expect from the place and also to know if it's a place to go to."

Rory said and Rosie stopped and turned towards both of us. 

   "Don't think you need to see things for yourselves. Telling you will kill the fun"

She replied and smirked then turned and began walking again.

  Rory and I exchanged glances.

"I am I the only one who noticed that Rosie is behaving weird?"

Rory whispered to me and I shook my head.

   "No, I thought I was the only one. I don't know but I think she is up to something. Let's just watch her"

I replied and we continued following her.