
Chapter 337 She Said Yes

Ben's point of view…..

   Nora saying yes made me the happiest person on Earth. You can imagine how I am feeling now to have the heart of the one I love. It's like she has given herself wholly to me.

   I am on a whole different new level and it's all because she said yes.

 I pulled away from her and kissed her lips passionately, she responded with the same passion as mine and I could tell that I'm not the only one who is on that. 

   We could go on like this and nothing will matter but I think I want to make today special for her.

   I broke the kiss and she smiled shyly.

"It looks like Someone is shy huh?"

I asked and she blushed. Her face was so reddened and I chuckled. It was just my words, what if I show her what I want to do to her at the moment, she would go under the ground then. Nora being shy is unfathomable.

   "I am not shy, Ben"

She replied and I shrugged off my shoulders.


I said and looked her over. She was putting on a light flowery gown. It's so light that it feels like she has nothing on and I love how it makes her. The dress is so simple and the simplicity coupled with Nora's simplicity makes it what it is.

  "We are going out, let me go spoil my baby girl"

I told her and her eyes lit up.

"Where are we going?"

She questioned with curiosity written all over her face.

  "Somewhere you will love, can we go now my lady?"

"Alright, let's go. I can't what to see where it is"

I took her hand and we walked out of her apartment after she had locked it.

   Her neighbor was on her pavement and she smiled when she saw us. My mood changed the moment I saw her and I was beginning to think she just mounted herself there to monitor what goes on in Nora's apartment. Nora noticed my mood and she looked up at me worriedly. I tried to smile to cancel my frown but failed.

   "Are you okay?"

"I think I am, I just don't like that lady"

I replied and she Chuckled.

  "She means no harm Ben, she is just my neighbour. You can just not like her. It's not everyone we get to like"

She said and waved at the lady who waved back.

  "It seems you both are going out?"

The lady yelled and Nora nodded at her.

"Yes, we are going out."

"That is nice but what about the little boy. Did you leave him all by himself?"

She further asked. I her question get pissed me off. Why would she ask after Jeff and what's her business? It seems to me that she doesn't mind her business.

  "Of Course he can take care of himself, we will be out for just a little while"

I replied not allowing Nora to speak, Nora looked up at me sharply and afterwards narrowed her eyes.

   "Why did you lie to her?"

She whispered.

"I am not comfortable with  her kind of questions, so that's a better answer to give to her"

I responded and she kept quiet. The lady was still watching us and I thought maybe we were done with her so I gestured for us to leave and Nora gave no objection. 

  "Alright see you both later and Nora please don't forget my birthday dinner party"

The lady said after we had taken about two steps.

   Nora mumbled alright with an uneasiness which I can't place my hand on settled in. I ignored the feeling.

  I felt Nora's mood. I don't know if Nora is angry because of my attitude towards the lady or if something else is bothering her.

   We got to my red sports car and opened her side of the door and helped her inside.

  I walked over to my side and helped myself inside and in less than a second, the car roared into life and I drove off.

Writer's point of view…. 

  Loveth watched as the red sports car drove off and she sighed.

She can't understand what's wrong with the young man. He seems not to like her and she has wondered if she has given him a reason to dislike her except for yesterday night, she nearly beat the little boy. The boy was annoying and needed to be taught a lesson.

   She stood up and went inside her apartment. Her birthday party comes up in less than 12 hours so it's better she prepares for tonight because a lot will happen tonight, not just her party.

   Jeff on the other hand watches Ben and Nora as they leave in Ben's car and drafts his attention back to Loveth. He narrowed his eyes on her and smirked.

   "It seems you have more than planned tonight but it's only fools that would want to reap where they did not sow."

With that he vanished, he has to prepare because more things are to happen tonight.