
Chapter 339 Who Rosie Is

  She kept mute and continued walking while we followed her. It was like Rory and I were on the same page. We really want to know what she is up to. Rory suggested she tell us more about the Devil's Den but she insisted we see for ourselves.

  We walked about fifteen minutes without talking and she came to a halt in front of a building that looks a century old. 

  "Here we are, this is is the Devil's Den"

Rosie said with her hands spread apart.

Rory looked at me, she was trying to communicate with me and I understood her instantly.

  I stared at the old building, it was kind of a haunted building, it looked so spooky.

"What's this place?"

I asked with raised brows.

   "You asked for this, let's go check it out, we will figure out what it is soon enough"

She said and made her way forward and we followed her.

We got to the entrance and the door opened at our approach.

  We got inside, Rory and I stared in awe, this is so cool, it was nothing compared to how the outside looked.

  I looked at Rosie and she smirked.

"What were you both thinking, that I will lead you to the devil?"

 Rory glared at her and she chuckled.

 "Well, the owner of the place is called Devil Mark so many tourists nicknamed the place, the devil's den because the name brings curiosity to the heart of tourists and therefore, they would want to tour it. And then, the outer building portrays the name, Devil's Den. It was just a exaggeration"

There was a small smile on her face and I knew right there she had played both of us. She was not a fair player and I chuckled, to think Rory and I thought she was up to something.

   Rory sighed and walked further inside and we followed her.

  I finally made out what the place was all about and it was a museum with different kinds of historical artifacts ranging from counties to countries.

  From where we stood, there was much to see and I wondered if we get closer, how much are we to see then?.

  The place was filled with different types of people, colour, races and Someone outside would not know that activities really go on inside.

   Rosie took us to the counter and we got three tickets for each one of us.

   "So there was no creepy story about this place, you just wanted to scare the shit out of Rory"

I said to Rosie and winked at Rory who in turn eyed me then hissed.

  "You don't have to mention my name, Xylie because it was both of us she wanted to scare not only me"

Rosie chuckled and led the way.

   We passed the first room, the second and got to the third and it was where the real deal is.

  Rory was in awe and Rosie was just smiling. In the sense of the art works that were displayed, I felt something different, like there was magic being present and I was damned right because the painting at the far end of the room blinked and I narrowed my eyes at it.

   Rory had not noticed that there was something odd about the place, she was busy pointing and Rosie explaining most of the things Rory pointed at.

   The next object which is the sculptural work of the Egyptian king moved a bit and the first door we came in through closed without a noise.

  I turned quickly and looked at Rory who was yet to understand what was going on.

   I thought to myself

   "What if Rosie is aware of what goes on here and her plan was to bring us here?"

The thought made me angry, I hate it when I am being betrayed by the one I trust. I don't know if I am judging her wrong but time will tell.

  I calmed down and pretended not to notice anything. Rory got to the sculpture of the Egyptian king and squatted before it.

  Some smoke came out of it and went into her nostril and she smiled then stood up. It was then she realized that something was odd, she turned to me and said something through eyes and I grabbed it.

   I bet Rosie did not know that we were aware that the place was spooky.

  Rosie turned to Rory and smiled then her smile vanished when no reaction came from Rory, I think she was expecting Rory to black out after she inhaled the smoke or she wanted to see if she could get through Rory's mind.

   I closed my eyes and for the first time, I saw who Rosie was.

    She was far from being the pretty lady she is, she was so ugly with her skin like that of a snake and she had a snake -like tongue. 

I finally realized that Rosie is a black witch. I was right all along, I knew there was something about her that I could not place my hand on and she actually did not know that we are witches too.

   I think it has to do with the cancellation spell Gina performed on me and I think Rory, same was done to her.