
One night stand with the billionaire

After her break up with Henry, her fiancee who she promised to love and build her life with. Abby decided to move on as she can't stand the pain any more but the most surprising thing is her one night at the club with she assured herself that it's just to take away the memories of Henry, yet she was confused as hell. Damien Blacks was one of the top richest billionaire in America, he's got everything he wanted yet something was missing from him, but after his one night with the brunette haired lady he felt completed but was pissed to discover that she ran away from him after that night. What had fate in stored for this two?

Royal_Anna · History
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20 Chs

Chapter 9 Meeting a billionaire

(Meeting a billionaire)

Well, I don't even consider her my grandmother, she don't like being referred to as a grandmother so it's high time I refer to her as Catherine.

"Young lady, seems you've forgotten your place in this family, I hope you remember your last punishment, you should mind your speech." She smirked and seeped her black coffee.

"Oh really? Family? Like hell I consider that, you guys never treated me like family you know, I was just ignorant right? Nick is right, you made everyone inconsiderate and evil like you." I retorted

"Shut up Abigail!" My mum yelled and I smirked

"You know why you were never in the spotlight Abigail? It's because you don't worth it and you are worthless, all you do is to disgrace the Jones family and I should have tamed you when you were younger," Ma Catherine spoke in a spiteful tone

"Me? Worthless?" I scoffed

"Abigail i said enough!" Mum yelled at me

"You have to see how prosperous I am now, but you, you're just worthless to me and some people here that will try to mask it up with respect, you don't even worth the name 'grandmother" I said and received a hard slap on my left cheek from my mum

"I said enough," mum warned

"Oh, so you can slap me now, wow, I never knew I had a mother who could slap me because she never took care of me." I said as mum lifted her hand to slap me again but I caught it this time

"How dare you?" Mum said as everyone gasped

"Giving birth to me didn't give you the qualification of being my mother, don't you dare lay your hands on me again." I threw her hand away, recalling those memories of my childhood, she never took care of me, all credit goes to late Nanny sarah. Mum was never there for me, only following Ma Catherine's orders, she made me apologized to those who wronged me and always scolds me for no reason in public. She only used me to her advantage and made my childhood and teenage life bitter and painful memories for me. She also chased me away from the Jones Family 3 years ago because I tried to defend myself.

"Are you nuts Abby, you dare talk to your mother that way?" Hollered Dad.

"Oh really? I don't recall having parents you know, i thought I was alone in this world, both of you made me do things contrary to my will. You don't know the meaning of the word 'parent' and I promise to be a better parent than any of you were." With that I turned to leave

"Stop right there Abigail." Ma Catherine ordered, I turned towards her and she was red of anger, just as I wanted, I smirked.

"What now ma'am?" I asked with a raised brow

"You should apologize to the Smith family for what you did to them or never step your feet here again." Ma Catherine commanded

"Oh am scared.." I laughed at her foolishness

"Ma Catherine... I will even choose to stay away from Seattle city than apologize to a man who lied to me and cheated on me.. Making me wait 3 years and then decides to dump me like some piece of trash all because of your useless match maker stuff." I yelled and saw the surprised look in everyone's face

"You do know who you're talking to right Abigail?" Aunt Maggie, Nick's mother said and I nodded with a smile, I was glad I reacted this way

"Look at the piece of Trash you birthed Mila, I should have known you were as worthless as your mother." Ma Catherine yelled

"Suit yourself, I don't wanna see your ugly faces." I stomped out of the villa and drove my car angrily to the hotel, I packed my stuffs and booked an early flight back to New York. I changed into my casual shorts and T-shirt, I then ate my Lunch and decided to visit some places here before I'll leave again as I don't know when my next return will be. I walked to a nearby restaurant where I bought some locals Nanny sarah do prepare for me. I did some videos too and visited one of the beaches around, i decided to return to the hotel and prepare myself for tomorrow's journey. I was flipping through the pictures I made when I accidentally bumped into someone

"I'm sorry." I apologized

"It's fine." It's a male, I lifted my head to a pair of grey eyes, *motherfucker* I muttered "Hey, we meet again, Coleen." He introduced himself again, like hell I'm interested in his fucking introduction. Who am i kidding? I'm becoming tough this days, all credit goes to Henry, that bastard. I looked up into Coleen's eyes again and it was calm, guess we can just be friends for a night right?

"Abby," I replied as I shook his hand and he smiled

"What a beautiful name for a beautiful woman." He flattered as I angrily withdrew my hand from his, is he really trying to flirt with me? I was about leaving when he grabbed my hand

"Okay, okay, you're really pissed over minor things." He chuckled "wanna see the sea from the mountain top?" He asked me and I nodded. How did he know I love watching the sea. He held my wrist as we walked to the hills, I enjoy watching the sea waver whenever the wind passes through it

"So.. You're from?" Coleen asked as he intertwined our fingers making me frown as I retreated my hand from his making him chuckle

"Switzerland." I answered sharply and he nodded

"I'm Coleen Eden." He introduced and I gasped, he's really Coleen Eden?

"You're really Coleen Eden?" I was surprised

"Yes, my father own the hotel." He stated. I felt embarrassed, how could i be pushing Coleen Eden away, The Eden family is one of the 4 top billionaires in Seattle city. I sighed

"I'm sorry, I had no idea you were Coleen Eden." I apologized and he nodded pushing my hair to the back of my ears

"It's okay," he smiled at me, staring at me and suddenly, he brought his lips closer and closer to my lips, I stood up instantly

"I need to go back to the hotel, I've got a flight to catch tomorrow." I said, he volunteered to come with me.