
One night stand with the billionaire

After her break up with Henry, her fiancee who she promised to love and build her life with. Abby decided to move on as she can't stand the pain any more but the most surprising thing is her one night at the club with she assured herself that it's just to take away the memories of Henry, yet she was confused as hell. Damien Blacks was one of the top richest billionaire in America, he's got everything he wanted yet something was missing from him, but after his one night with the brunette haired lady he felt completed but was pissed to discover that she ran away from him after that night. What had fate in stored for this two?

Royal_Anna · History
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20 Chs

Chapter 10 Wet dreams again?

(Wet dreams again?)

I wore a short black pleated skirt and a sky blue turtleneck top. I packed my hair in a ponytail and then I pulled my suitcase as I checked out of the hotel. I flung my suitcase to the back of my car, I glanced at my wristwatch and it's already 6:59am, I need to catch my 8:00am flight. I drove to the airport by 7:45am and then I bought a quick breakfast at one of the closest supermarket. Then in about 15 minutes I was on my way to New York, I plugged in my earphones and I slept off.

*His baby blue eyes were the most enchanting eyes I've ever seen, his soft sexy lips grazed over my skin and waves of pleasure rushed down my spine. His strong muscular hands brushed my laps as I moaned.

"Mr. Handsome." I whispered his Name*

I woke up instantly. I sighed, I can't believe I'm having that dream again, i keep having this same dream again and again. I ran my hands down my hair in confusion, why should i be dreaming of him again and again, had I made a mistake by sleeping with him?

"Ma'am, I think you should have a drink." The waitress offered and I gladly took a glass. I sipped my drink and suddenly my phone rang, it's Jane, I smiled as I answered the call

"Hello Jane." I said and she chuckled

"You forgot me Abby."

"No, how could i? Don't accuse me wrong."

"Okay, when are you coming back?" She asked in a curious tone making me giggle, she do missed me and I missed her too.

"I'm on my way young lady." I notified her, she squealed like a child and I felt warm inside, she just treat me like I'm her family and I love it.

"I really missed you Abby, I'm glad you're coming back, I should prepare your surprise package."

"I also got good news, but I'll only disclose it when I arrive home." I said

"Oh i can't wait for this good news.." Jane stated

"I need to go now, bye, love ya." She said and hung up, I giggled and stared at the screen of my phone

*what will I ever do without you Jane.* I thought

Damien's POV

"Dad can you please stop reminding me that?" I angrily requested, like hell I can't get a decent communication without this discussion getting on the way. I sighed heavily

"Why should I? You're turning 27 soon and yet you don't have a child to call your own, I had you at 25, yet you're not even bothered." Dad interpolated throwing me a deadly glare which I don't mind, I shrugged, I don't need these things.

"I don't care about that, it's my life and I live it as it pleases me." I stated, I hate discussing this over and over again, I just can't stand it. Dad sighed and placed his palm on my shoulder

"Son, I know your mother made you detest the idea of marriage, but you can't destroy your future because of that, you're a fine,intelligent and hardworking man. I doubt that a wise woman will ever treat you like your mother treated me, just get married so your grandfather could be happy okay?" Dad advised and left.

I angrily drove off, I can't stand this people anymore, is that how they behave? When a man just come of age then he should get a wife and child? Blah, that's arrant nonsense, I drove to my mansion. I opened the door, my eyes met with the person I don't really want to meet right now.

"Damien," she called and I squinted my eyes angrily at her

"What are you doing here Daisy, who let you in?" I angrily asked her

"Oh come on now Damien, are you always like this?" She asked using those puppy eyes on me

"I just came to see you, cos I missed you." Her voice became softer and I frowned. Daisy is one of the daughters of Sam Mesh, he's a family friend and business associate of the Blacks family. Due to the fact that he's a close family friend, Aunt Marabel and Rose decided to do the match maker stuff. I scoffed and turned to Daisy

"I'm not interested in you, so don't waste your time on me young lady." I whispered to her and walked upstairs to my room.

I took my shower and wore my night robe, then I went through some business meetings and contracts. Yet my mind was somewhere else, I can't live like this, I might never be able to see her again, I really missed her and can't seem to get her off my mind, Abby, her name sounds like music to my ears. I walked to my study and picked up a book to read, there was a knock on the door, using the remote control, I opened the door and a maid walked in with my dinner being pushed on the gueridon trolley. I ate my dinner and walked back upstairs to my room, it's midnight already and my room light is already switched off. I took off my robe leaving me on my pants. I don't really fancy sleeping with a shirt. I switched on the light to reveal a half naked Daisy on my bed. I flamed up on seeing this, it irritates me so much. Unlike Abby, seeing Daisy on my bed made me sick.

"Come on now Damien, I know you want it too, I promise to obey you and give it to you in any style you want." She pleaded, worsening my mood

"Get out Daisy!" I ordered in a hard voice making her shrink back "I don't wanna hurt you idiot, just get outta here." I ranted

"I can do anything for you Damien, I'll do anything in my power to have you, no matter what." She retorted in a determined tone. That's it, I dragged her away from my room

"D..Damien, what are you doing?" She asked as I threw her outside making her fall on the floor and intentionally spreading her legs to reveal her exposed hairy private part.

"The next time you'll make this irritating move, I'll have my guards take turns on you one by one." I warned and she shivered in fear as a tear slid down her eyes and I slammed my door angrily.