
One night stand with the billionaire

After her break up with Henry, her fiancee who she promised to love and build her life with. Abby decided to move on as she can't stand the pain any more but the most surprising thing is her one night at the club with she assured herself that it's just to take away the memories of Henry, yet she was confused as hell. Damien Blacks was one of the top richest billionaire in America, he's got everything he wanted yet something was missing from him, but after his one night with the brunette haired lady he felt completed but was pissed to discover that she ran away from him after that night. What had fate in stored for this two?

Royal_Anna · History
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20 Chs

Chapter 8 Family meeting

(Family meeting)

"Yes." I firmly stated "do me a favor and stay away from me." I said in a friendly but mean tone

"Wow, here I was thinking we could be.. friends." He said and I frowned, of course not, I've already had enough of all this gaily men.

"Nah, I don't fancy male friends." I shrugged

"Well, you can give me a chance to be a good friend... I'm Coleen, you are?" He pushed further, I grunted. He looks good though, but I'm not gonna get stuck in that web again, not this time. I turned away and ran to my hotel room, then I slammed the door. Sheesh! This guys are really something aren't they? I switched into my PJs and went through my phone, I had a new email sent to me from Golden.T. Industry. I quickly opened my email and I squealed and jumped in delight

"Yes..." I was so happy as I went through it again


Congratulations Miss Abigail Jones, you're assigned the new job of a Research analyst. Come on Friday for proper clearance.}

I read it again and again to ensure it's not my hallucination or dream. I was so glad that I slept off.

The next day, I put on my straight knee length gown and curled my hair, then I applied a little makeup to give it the taste I wanted. I sighed , I really don't want to see those people, apart from maula and Cousin Nick, I'm not in the mood for the rest of the Jones. I carried my handbag and drove my car to The Johns' villa. About 1hour and 29 minutes I arrived. I put on my black sunglasses and climbed down my car, I took elegant steps into the meeting room, intentionally ignoring the greetings of the maids and guards. I entered the meeting room and all eyes turned towards me, my mum smiled at me, my eyes moved towards Ma Catherine. She's my grandmother and she controls the in and out of the Jones family as she's the eldest and richest in the Jones family, including Pa Austin, my grandfather with his family and believe me when I say I hate this woman, she's the one that made everyone in this family forget their affectionate and caring side, instead they're all hellbent on making money and became workaholics... I smirked and turned towards all the peering eyes of my so called family

"You all seem to be doing fine without me, so I guess I should keep the greetings aside, right grandmother?" I sneered, recalling how they fired me from my father's company


"Abby, sit, let's not do this right now." Dad warned

"I'm not doing anything with you, I don't have any business with you." I scoffed and sat down comfortably as I took off my glasses.

"Please cousin, you should show respect and regard for your elders."said Miami, my cousin sister who always tries to play the best daughter of the family, I sneered as Ma Catherine cleared her throat.

"So, we are all gathered here for two reasons, I believe we, the true members of the family knows. First of all, I will like to welcome those who came from afar. Now the first reason for this meeting is to notify you all of the huge contract we're having from italy, I will like to hand over this contract to Miami, I believe she will handle it well unlike someone." Ma Catherine said, I thought she was referring to me not until I heard a loud *bang* on the table that I turned towards Cousin Nick. I gasped, how could Ma Catherine be so mean, Nick had been the one ensuring the new company of the Jones family grew this far, yet she stripped him of his right in presence of everyone and gave it to that bitch Miami, I glared at Miami who was smiling from time to time making my blood boil. She's always been the perfect child for Ma Catherine and she always wanted what Nick and I had, she's just as evil as her parents.

"Thank you Ma Catherine, I promise that I will do my best to ensure the growth of this contract between Jones Inc. and Vales Industry." She said

"What do you take me for grandmother? You used me to build then shove me aside huh? Am I that worthless to you? I made Jones Inc. What it is today and now you take away my duty and give it to this slimy cousin of mine!" Nick angrily yelled at Ma Catherine and Miami

"No Nick, you lost your duty when you let your emotions got control of you, what did you think huh? You told me to my face that you fell in love with your secretary, are you so stupid?" Ma Catherine's tone was stiff and soft, I watched her with deep hatred

"Is it a crime to fall in love grandmother? You made everyone in this family who they are today, mean, loveless, workaholics who wouldn't even spare a little time for their family. I grew up in a broken and ignorant home, I won't want my children to grow that way, you arranged everyone's marriage making the children suffer and hatred erupt, it is all because of you.." Nick pointed out in anger

"Watch your mouth Nick, she's gonna kick you from this family and you will have nothing else to hold on to." Miami chirped in and my anger doubled, this snake is always supporting evil

"What should anyone want in this family anyway?" I decided to speak out as they all turned towards me in disbelief, of course, I was the obedient and meek child of the Jones family, but not anymore

"I was Abigail, the foolish child then, but now I'm Abby the wise child. Tell me Miami, why had you work so hard to steal away peoples' stuffs?" I asked as Ma Catherine cleared her throat

"Enough!" She commanded and I turned towards her, she was glaring at me, I smirked.

"Chill Catherine, those glares won't work this time." Every one gasped at my choice of words, yeah, I referred to her in her name cuz she don't deserve my respect.