
One Night and 3 Billion

Rose worked for a large company but was harassed by her boss because her appearance was so hot that this man wanted to possess her. There was also another reason why he really liked her. Robert is a man of very high social and professional status, which makes it impossible for Rose to refuse him. He offered Rose 3 billion to sleep with him for one night. Faced with the harsh truth about her family, will Rose agree to a relationship with Robert? Read on to find out if he really loves her or is just playing around.

Phieuvu · Urban
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Chapter 2: Responding

As soon as Robert came down from the office, he and his assistant went out for lunch, but unexpectedly saw Rose running up to the office covered in coffee.

"What's wrong with her?" Assistant Davil looked at Rose and then asked a colleague.

"Elly spilled coffee on Rose."

"Oh, man! So she didn't do anything?"

"Yes, Rose put the entire lunch tray on Elly." Colleagues talked and laughed as if narrating a special play.

"Great! How does your boss feel about this?"

"That's interesting!" Robert raised his chin, not only appreciating but also very satisfied with her actions.

As the two walked out the main door, Robert suddenly stopped, turned to David, and announced: "Please come in and call Rose here." David was stunned, not understanding what he meant.

Robert pondered and then said: "Hasn't she had lunch yet?"

David understood and went back inside and pressed the elevator up. How could he not know that his boss was paying attention to Rose?

Rose was in the bathroom treating the stay in for a long time. When she returned to the office, she saw Davil waiting at the desk.

"Miss Rose!"

"Ah yes, David what are you doing here?"

"The boss sent me up to call you down to the lobby, and told you to take your bag and go out to lunch with him."

"I remember the client appointment is in the afternoon, right?" Rose asked again. She was a bit surprised by the change in time to meet her partner.

"No, he hasn't had lunch yet. Can you go have lunch with me too?"

Seeing Davil's enthusiasm, even though she didn't want to go, she hadn't eaten a single bite of rice yet. It would be nice to go out with him and get a free lunch. Rose silently pondered in her heart and finally took her bag and Davil to the elevator. Right now, everyone was still on their lunch break in the early afternoon before starting work. So now Rose doesn't violate the company's regulations when she goes out. It's already difficult for Rose to find a job after graduating. Unexpectedly, when she entered the company, many unexpected things happened that made her go crazy. Lately, the manager's sister always wanted to make things difficult for her.

"Miss Rose? What are you thinking?" Davil stood in the elevator mentally counting the time. Just after exactly 1 minute, the door opened.

"I was thinking today why our boss wanted me to come along."

"Well you have to ask this directly, I don't know.

The two of them walked and talked for a while and then saw Robert leisurely smoking, his whole body lazily leaning against the car.

"What took so long?"

"I'm waiting for Miss Rose, boss."

"I'm hungry when I get in the car." Robert glanced at her clothes, he frowned at the burning cigarette that was thrown to the ground. The top of the shoe pressed back and forth a few times, pulling Rose's hand to sit with her in the back of the car.

"Hey, you? Please let go."

"If I invite you to dinner, what makes you so scared?" Robert saw that she was far away and his hand tightened. He ignored the seat belts for both of them before sitting still. Rose silently assessed her boss, why is he dressed so casually today? Normally, even though she's flirty, her skin isn't exposed, but now her shirt collar doesn't even bother to be buttoned, revealing her toned chest comfortably. Rose couldn't look directly, but she could see when Robert moved his throat up and down very seductively.

"Where do we go?" David glanced at the couple behind him, he curled his lips.

"The restaurant is opposite the square, the rice there is very del.icio.us."

"Yes," the driver replied.

Not long after, the car arrived, and one after another they entered the restaurant. Robert still couldn't bear to look at her. When he saw Rose's clothes, the animality in him burst out.

"After dinner, go to the Y store to get her a suitable set of clothes."


Very quickly, the three people sat at the table. Robert gave the menu to Rose and Davil to choose first. Rose looked at the menu and quietly pushed it to David. The food here was too pricey for her to dare eat.

Understanding what Miss Robert meant by ordering food.

While the three were awkwardly eating, a voice startled Rose. She looked at the source of the sound and discovered a beautiful blonde girl greeting Robert.

Robert still nonchalantly ate his rice. After a while, she was the only one who slowly finished eating, so he sat and watched.

"Rose, how about I promote you tomorrow?"

Rose was startled when she heard it, why was he so nice to her today?

"I got promoted and moved into my room to work."


"I see that your cc-worker's environment is very complicated."

Rose looked at him without saying anything, she took the opportunity to eat.

"I feel the same way," Rose said and looked at him meaningfully, in this company, besides Elly and Robert, who cares about her? It was just the two of them and she was already annoyed.

Regardless of whether Robert teases or says good things, Rose doesn't care. Until he took her to change clothes to attend a party.

The city was a bit warm in the afternoon. Rose listened to her boss and changed into the new clothes he had just bought. He looked at her in the mirror and couldn't help but admire her body and her face, every delicate line.

He took Rose's arm and walked out, their appearance made many people look at them. Robert looked at Rose and smiled sarcastically: "I'm not praising myself, but if you come with me it won't hurt you at all. There are so many girls who want to go with me but can't."

"I'm thThen you should choose Elly."

"Hmm… I see what you mean." Robert said while gritting his teeth.