
One Night and 3 Billion

Rose worked for a large company but was harassed by her boss because her appearance was so hot that this man wanted to possess her. There was also another reason why he really liked her. Robert is a man of very high social and professional status, which makes it impossible for Rose to refuse him. He offered Rose 3 billion to sleep with him for one night. Faced with the harsh truth about her family, will Rose agree to a relationship with Robert? Read on to find out if he really loves her or is just playing around.

Phieuvu · Urban
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Chapter 1: Her Dress Is A Little Small

Rose woke up late this morning and quickly opened the closet to get some clothes to prepare to change for the company. Unfortunately, her younger sister Bela took some of Rose's office clothes, leaving her with no way to get her old dress. wore it two years ago.

"Oh shit! Bela, don't let me see you!" Rose cried out angrily.

It was quite restrictive because Rose's body developed very quickly after the age of 18, her round butt and plump waist were no longer suitable for wearing it. Rose tried to suppress the uncomfortable feeling and wore it to work. When she moved her body, it was not comfortable at all.

Taking a taxi to the company, as soon as I got out of the car, I saw many men's eyes surrounding me. They were like hungry tigers staring intently at every position on the women's bodies. Rose ignored them and went straight into the lobby.

"Good morning Elly."

"Hello Miss Rose." Elly rolled her eyes at her colleague, clearly she was jealous of Rose's watch appearance.

"Rose you look a bit odd today." Obviously she saw this anomaly.

"That's right, I'm not feeling well at all so you can go." Rose replied and went to the secretary's room.

"What? What a stupid girl." Elly cursed while watching Rose get into the elevator.

Rose stood in the elevator and had to lean against the railing for a moment because she had trouble breathing. Oh god, she wished she didn't have to go to work today. Moreover, she was about to meet her boss, his eyes were inherently restless. Maybe she will be scrutinized by him! Rose wanted to immediately run home and take the day off from work. Unfortunately, this is her last chance to be promoted to official employee. If she is lazy at work, her boss will immediately fire her. Rose cried and thought to herself that today she definitely couldn't leave and go home, she had to try to work.

The elevator door opened, the wide hallway leading to the secretary's room next to the big boss's room. Rose gently wanted to return to her seat, but unexpectedly, just a few steps away, an arm pulled her into the specialized elevator of the senior level.

"Oh!" Rose immediately covered her mouth, damn why him?

 Robert pressed close to her, his hot breath blowing into Rose's ear with a loving sound.

"Your dress is a bit small today, isn't it? Looks like this place is about to explode." His hand touched her round buttocks, Rose realized that in the next second, if she did not resist, he would eat her whole.

"Boss, please let me go… do you know where this place is?" Rose gritted her teeth and said.

"Hmm… I know it's a company. And do you know? How dare you dress like that to seduce me?" Robert kissed Rose's white neck, he greedily inhaled the scent of her body.

"You're crazy, what does it matter what I wear to you?"

"Ah… so what Rose means is for the men in this company to see, right?" Robert smiled coldly and bit her neck, his teeth marks were still red and Rose painfully raised her hand to cover the wound.

"Are you a dog? I'm warning you, let me go or I'll scream for everyone to hear."

"Scream… the more you scream, the more excited I get."

Rose couldn't stand his torment. This place was a company. What would she do if someone passed by and saw it? She used force to lift her knee, causing pain to his lower body. Robert collapsed to the floor with an unsightly face.

"Ah… damn! Rose…you wait for me."

Rose took advantage of this moment to run out to sew but no one saw them. She walked for a while before confidently going to the bathroom to fix her clothes.

"Damn it, he makes me so uncomfortable." Rose stood in front of the mirror, her whole body untidy, her hair a bit messy, her collar wrinkled, and her bottom skirt was also lifted up.

She quickly prepared her clothes. Seeing that her neck was bitten red by Robert's teeth, the teeth marks were so obvious that she quickly took the tape from her bag and put it on it. To cover up all the traces, I could safely go out and return to my office.

The secretariat also had a few people who joined the company before Rose and an older manager, Mina, and a colleague who came in at one time with her, Elly. As soon as Rose came in, she immediately encountered Elly. Of course, they didn't like each other, so they really hated having to work together. Elly also has a well-proportioned appearance, she is from this area and Rose is an immigrant. It's a pity for Elly because Rose has an attractive body and works better than her, so Elly can't make her boss pay attention to her. Everyone is infatuated with Robert, but Rose, on the contrary, hates him.

Robert has a dinner appointment with his partner at noon, and there will be someone accompanying him in the secretary's office. Mina originally intended for Elly to let her go with her boss, but unfortunately her assistant Vivian cleverly reminded her that her boss only asked Rose to go with her. This especially caused Mina to look at Rose in a different light. She was very unhappy but could do nothing but say yes. Elly wasn't much better, she even intentionally spilled coffee on Rose's dress while going out to lunch.

"What are you doing?"

"Your dress is dirty, I'll help you change it." Elly responded with a sarcastic look. She turned around, brought the food and sat down at the table with a few peoplemale industry.

Rose clenched her fists, she would never let herself be frustrated, okay, the other person likes to play dirty, it's not like she doesn't know how to do it. Rose carried the tray of rice and walked straight to Elly, lifted her hand and placed the entire tray on her. Elly was surprised and opened her mouth in disbelief as she looked at Rose. The surrounding people gathered around to watch the show and chat happily.