
One Night and 3 Billion

Rose worked for a large company but was harassed by her boss because her appearance was so hot that this man wanted to possess her. There was also another reason why he really liked her. Robert is a man of very high social and professional status, which makes it impossible for Rose to refuse him. He offered Rose 3 billion to sleep with him for one night. Faced with the harsh truth about her family, will Rose agree to a relationship with Robert? Read on to find out if he really loves her or is just playing around.

Phieuvu · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 3: Tangerine

Robert made an appointment with his partner at a large, famous 5-star hotel in the city. By the time she and he arrived, everyone had already arrived. As soon as she opened the door, Rose was startled because she saw the old man she met at the bar last time, it turned out to be him!

"What's wrong with you?" Robert asked with concern.

"I'm OK." Rose looked at the customers the company was working with and couldn't help but complain, why did Robert do business with this old scoundrel? But after a second she remembered that her young boss was also a shameless guy.

"Hello Mr. Egan, how long have you been here?"

"It's been a long time since Mr. Robert had the opportunity to welcome you. I just arrived. Oh please allow me to greet the lady who is with you." Robert greeted Egan, who also politely responded.

"Yes, this is my secretary Rose." He looked at the old man with his beautiful eyes narrowed in a sinister way. This old man was a habitual omnivore.

"Rose? Oh, beautiful name, even more beautiful person." Egan reached out to shake her hand. Rose reflexively wanted to dodge but was stopped by Robert.


Rose did not expect that he recognized her, her eyes did not dare to look straight and his eyes glowed as if he saw delicious prey. Robert vaguely realized that she was avoiding her, so he didn't rush to make Rose scared, but Egan's hungry eyes made him unable to bear it so he patted his shoulder and pulled her into the bedroom.

He could take advantage of this point in Egan to get him hooked without wasting any effort. Well, he could take advantage of Rose's appearance, she was enough. But he wants to eat your Rose? Are you dreaming?

The two sides talked and drank, Rose had no way to avoid Egan because Robert brought her here for business purposes. He knew that Mr. Egan loved beautiful girls, but now he was madly in love with her. Just like that, Robert arranged for Rose to drink with him for a while, making him so drunk that he agreed to everything, so the 2 million USD contract was easily completed. Egan was still infatuated with Rose, and he even planned to take her to a private room. But luckily Robert stopped it in time.

Sending Egan off to his assistant, Robert rubbed his forehead and looked at Rose. What? Is Rose angry with you?

Robert's body was quite tall, Rose only stood up to his chest so her small expressions were seen by him.

"Are you angry that I didn't let you go with that old man?" Robert took advantage of the moment the two entered the elevator and pressed her close to the camera's hidden corner.

"Robert, don't think that you are the boss and I don't dare to scold you, are you crazy? Why did you know he was a pervert and still asked me to serve him drinks? Rose said while angry.

"Perverted? Who's a pervert?" Robert hesitantly used his finger to tease her lips.

"That Egan guy used to harass me." Rose's voice softened. She thought that if Robert hadn't stopped him, she would have been taken away.

"Really? I said he was a pervert. So I'm not a pervert, right?" Robert used his strong arms to hug Rose's round butt, not forgetting to squeeze it hard.

"Ah… you despicable person. Quickly let me go."

"What? What did I do to you? Robert asked awkwardly. He leaned over and bit Rose's neck, leaving red teeth marks. After letting go, he carefully kissed her.

"Damn it Robert what are you crazy about?" Rose felt so much pain that she couldn't run, her legs were tightly held by Robert's legs and she couldn't move.

"You know, the way you look right now is driving me crazy. If it wasn't because I liked you, do you think I would have let you stay at the company?"

"An intern with no experience at all, are you competing against an elite employee in the secretarial assistant office?" Robert finished speaking, one hand caressing her tender thigh, the other hand tightly shackled Rose's hands. Rose's thin lips latched onto Rose's red lips and began to bite and suck frantically, and the stronger the hand's pressure on her thighs became more and more intense.

"Umm… huh… don't." Before he could finish the words, he swallowed them, their tongues entwined.

Rose was suddenly attacked and moaned. There was no denying the kissing and provocation techniques of a love expert. Robert was too cunning because he was under his control. Rose was like a hooked fish that couldn't move.

The stimulation made Rose scared. Underneath Robert's large hand continuously caressed her thigh, Robert's penis was expanding and rubbing her lower abdomen, making Rose unable to bear the stimulation.

"I can't forgive you, I can't let you take my perversion lightly." As soon as she released her lips, Robert whispered in Rose's ear.

Rose breathed heavily, she didn't have the strength to scold him, but in her heart, she kept asking about his family.

Lips and tongues entwined, gradually Rose was led into unstoppable pleasure by him. When she was excited and seemed to lose herself, she unexpectedly heard footsteps coming from outside the elevator. Robert quickly noticed, and he let her go and adjusted their clothes. Then, very seriously, he put his hands in his pockets and looked at the red number frame signaling that he was running. Rose still couldn't get over the excitement just now, she blushed and looked at him embarrassedly. It's just that Robert looked at her and smiled cunningly, and a few people outside also got into the elevator. The atmosphere was chaotic because they were busy talking and no one noticed the two of them, but Rose was alert and discovered that some part of Robert was still not completely down. She started to get revenge on her scum president. The elevator going down suddenly had a problem and shook, making everyone unsteady on their feet. Taking advantage of this moment, she turned her back and pressed herself close to his ear, her tongue licking Robert's earlobe and using her thigh to rub against his crotch. Robert didn't expect Rose to attack him, he almost moaned out loud from the pleasure. Rose saw him like that and smiled happily.