
One click shinobi system in the world of one piece

My life was good, I had friends, a loving family, and a good job, I loved my life and my world, so why did God send me into this world filled with super-powered assholes, almost all corrupt marines, and noble assholes who all seem to be want my ass? - I have no taboos, which means that I will have no problem talking about things like gore, r*pe, torture, racism, and other things like that. That doesn't mean I condone those things. That's about all I wanted to say, so enjoy your reading. (No harem)

kingx_xdrk · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

First fight

While Aiden is ruminating on his little boat, the pirate ship mentioned by the system has not yet noticed the little boat, the reason being that they are currently celebrating due to the looting they just did, in addition to the looted resources, they were able to capture a few people that they can sell as slaves, some of them are pretty young women that some are forcing to dance in front of the crew while others are being locked up while some pirates take advantage of them.

One of the women is crying and screaming for help while a massive man with lightly tanned skin, about 6 feet tall, with no hair on his bald head, abuses her while laughing obscenely.

The man continues his back and forth in the young woman's vagina while laughing until an explosion on the deck stops him in his tracks, he grumbles an insult before reluctantly dressing and returning to the deck with a dark look on his face while continuing to grumble, "I swear if they don't have a damn good excuse for this, I'm going to kill two or three."

But when he opens the door leading to the ship's deck, his eyes widen as he sees the mast of his ship destroyed, several of his crew members on the ground, looking quite bruised, some even missing limbs, immediately, one thought comes to mind and that thought enrages him.

"Ehhhhh, I didn't think the explosive scrolls were so powerful."

All the crew members and the captain focus their eyes on the front of the ship, where on the edge of the ship, stands a rather tall young man, with a slim but muscular body, with peach skin, is sitting there, his black hair with some white strands are styled in a messy bun, leaving some white and black strands to frame his impassive though slightly surprised face, his mole under his right eye brings out those pink eyes.

However, upon seeing this man nonchalantly posed on his ship, the pirate captain's eyes darkened and rage made his heart flutter, a mere man attacking him, he's a pirate worth several million berries, did this little bastard not know who he was?

"You." The pirate captain points his finger at Aiden who looks at the tall bald man with total disinterest, which pisses Conrad off even more, something Aiden notices right away.

"Ehhhhh, it's funny how you don't have hair, you can see your veins when you're angry, hahaha". Aiden bursts out laughing, which pisses Conrad off even more, and he decides to start moving quickly toward Aiden to attack him.

"Ehhhhh, you start fast you," says Aiden in his lazy voice as Conrad's arms turn a metallic gray color, which surprises Aiden who seems to have again realized something as he dodges the metal punch from the pirate.

"I didn't realize it, but your nickname steel arm comes from the fact that you can turn your arms into steel, it makes sense" Conrad, who thinks that the little bastard who attacked his ship, is laughing at him, gets even angrier and intensifies his attacks on Aiden who continues to dodge without any problem.

"The body enhancement with chakra is something amazing".

Aiden dodges another blow from Conrad by getting under his fist before delivering a chakra-laden kick to his stomach, but his stomach also turns a metallic gray color, still forcing Captain Conrad to take several steps back with an arrogant smile on his face.

"You're surprised little shit huh, I ate the Tetsu Tetsu no mi, which makes me a man of steel, my body is impenetrable."

Aiden looks at the pirate captain as if he is the last of the idiots before sighing and pulling his ninjato out of his storage scroll before looking at Conrad with a strange look, "Well, I think I'll finish this, I feel like sleeping"

The flippancy of his words infuriated the pirate captain who throws himself furiously at Aiden when suddenly, his whole body stops, and his eyes widened as he sees this.

Unfortunately, he doesn't have time to figure out what is going on when he feels an intense pain coming from his stomach, his eyes go down to his stomach to see a rather large horizontal gash.

The paralysis seemed to fade as blood dripped from his mouth, he brought his arms closer to the wound in a vain attempt to minimize the damage by backing away, but fell to the ground as he felt another pain in his legs.

His eyes went down to his feet in horror as he saw that both of his heels had been severed, causing his fear to rise as he knew full well what his opponent was doing, given the number of times he had done it himself.

Conrad looked up to see Aiden's annoyed, yet smiling face as he slaughtered his crew members who seemed helpless against this killing machine, and for the first time in his life, Conrad felt an emotion he never thought he would know.



As Aiden entered the ship, his chakra-enhanced senses picked up several sounds of grunting, groaning, and crying, of course, he knew what was going on, his former job had shown him far too many rapes for him not to know what was going on here.

Nevertheless, he had no compassion for these poor women, The only thought that came to his mind was a very simple one and very different: "If I don't get strong enough, this could happen to me."

And on this dark thought, Aiden starts killing the crew members while sparing the prisoners, who know, maybe one of them can sail.


The sea is calm and silent as the pirate captain, Conrad, crawls pathetically towards a lifeboat, his mind completely broken.

Ten minutes ago, he had just plundered a simple merchant ship and was enjoying his reward when this man suddenly arrived.

As he continues to crawl, he can hear the agonized screams of his subordinates inside the ship, and he frighteningly hears the door leading to the deck open, he wasn't stupid.

If he, having eaten a devil fruit, couldn't beat this man, none of these men could, knowing this, he crawls faster but is stopped when Aiden's ninjato comes to penetrate his leg as he speaks in a teasing tone.

"You're leaving without your crew? What a bad Captain" Aiden sits on the pirate captain's back before planting his ninjato in his arm.

"In the name of all the lives you've ruined, I'm going to ask you a question...". Conrad couldn't see it, but Aiden's face showed a lazy, yet satisfied look as he spoke that question.

"One thousand minus seven."