
One click shinobi system in the world of one piece

My life was good, I had friends, a loving family, and a good job, I loved my life and my world, so why did God send me into this world filled with super-powered assholes, almost all corrupt marines, and noble assholes who all seem to be want my ass? - I have no taboos, which means that I will have no problem talking about things like gore, r*pe, torture, racism, and other things like that. That doesn't mean I condone those things. That's about all I wanted to say, so enjoy your reading. (No harem)

kingx_xdrk · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

A little mistake

[A quest has been completed, here are your rewards.

Katon - Infernal Dragon's Embrace: Spits out a powerful jet of flame that looks vaguely like a dragon.

Katon - Supreme Fireball: Spits out a huge fireball.

Katon - Balsam Technique: Sends out a multitude of small fireballs.

Return the body of the pirate captain to a Navy bounty collector's office for the rest of the quest reward].

Aiden looks at these rewards with a satisfied look on his face as he drifts to an island that one of the prisoners pointed out to him, as much as he would like to test his new skills, the system reminded him of the risk of burning the ship and ending up in the middle of the ocean without a boat like a moron.

Convinced of these words, Aiden lounges on the boat until he gets to dry land.


After a few hours of sailing and napping, Aiden lands on an island that is partly forested with two villages, one to the east and one to the west, but Aiden doesn't know this as he walks through the village towards the bounty collection office, which "friendly" marked by the system.

Aiden enters the office, he goes to the reception which is held by a rather old woman wearing a navy uniform who looks very annoyed, but our protagonist who doesn't care doesn't see it and goes in front of her pulling out the head of the pirate captain he killed saying in a lazy voice.

"Iron-arm pirate captain, Iron-arm Conrad, I would like to receive the bounty."

The woman quickly looks between the head resting on her desk and the young man who just put it down with wide eyes.

"Did you kill him?" She says in a shaky voice, which annoys Aiden a bit, who merely holds out his hand in annoyance, but still lazily.

"Money." This question seems to bring the woman back down to earth, as she exits into a back room, beckoning Aiden to wait.

After a few minutes, the woman returns with a suitcase containing Aiden's money, our protagonist takes his money and leaves without saying anything, not knowing that the second he stepped out, the woman pulled out a den den mushi.

Purururu purururu gacha

"What, a problem?" The woman calmly inhales before speaking simply, "Conrad got killed." There is a long silence before the person on the other end of the phone answers, "I'll tell the boss." before hanging up.

Meanwhile, Aiden enjoys the money while drinking, deciding to stay on this island for a few days, not suspecting that an army of pirates now wants to kill him.


A week later, Aiden is sailing on his boat, in the distance he can see a rather large ship, with an oval shape, and normal masts, but with a fish as the figurehead.

Aiden's stomach rumbles, knowing full well that it is this one ship.

He quietly navigates to the ship and docks before heading inside the restaurant and begins to settle in and wait for a few minutes in front of a 16-year-old, whom Aiden easily recognizes as the future cook of the straw hat crew.

As Sanji is about to speak, violent tremors shake the bar as the cooks go on alert, while Aiden gets a grim face as he sees the holographic interface in front of him.

[Mandatory quests:

Every act has consequences, for you, your act was to kill Conrad, your consequences are now to be chased by his older brother and his crew.

Kill the pirate captain Red Tiger Simmons.

Destroy the crew of the red tiger


X2 Suiton jutsu style

X1 Raiton jutsu style

X1 summoning Jutsu

X1 summoning card]

Despite the enticing rewards offered by the system, Aiden's lazy nature whispered in his ear that he should get the hell out, but the temptation of the rewards was too strong, so he walked out of the restaurant to see no less than 5 pirate ships.

On the largest one was a person standing on the figurehead, looking right into Aiden's eyes with eyes filled with rage.

"Who are you?" Aiden speaks in his weary and lazy voice as the man in front of him gets even angrier at the shinobi's flippancy. "Wait, I don't care." Before someone makes a move, Aiden joins those hands together with some excitement to perform the mudrâ of his very first ninjutsu.

"Katon - Supreme Fireball"

The next moment, an unbearable heat is felt as a fireball the size of the main pirate ship heads straight for the pirates.

"What, a demon fruit?" Obviously, at this moment, Simmons' heart missed a beat, as he did not expect someone from East Blue, the weakest sea, to possess such a powerful demon fruit.

Feeling the heat approaching dangerously, Simmons decides to try to escape, but seeing that there is little chance of success, he decides to use his demon fruit to escape.

Meanwhile, the pirates on the other ships are paralyzed with fear, how could they not be, when their captain told them he was going to kill a person, they didn't expect that person to be able to spit such destructive fireballs.

So of course, none of them make a move, even when they see Aiden in the air making more signs with his hands and the last thing they hear before all hell breaks loose on them is:

Katon - Balsam Technique


Simmons' success to jump onto another ship, completely transformed into a hybrid tiger-like creature with red and black fur.

As soon as he stepped onto the ship, screams of pain reached his ears, Simmons looks up at his crew who seem to be dropping like flies in the face of a rain of fireballs from the sky.

Understanding the danger, Simmons acts smartly and quickly heads for the baratie ship without worrying about his crew falling under the rain of fire.

Simmons quickly arrives at the baratie and watches in fury as these five ships burn, accompanied by the screams of agony from his crew members.

Who would have thought that he, a pirate with twelve million berries and owning no less than five ships under his commander, would end up being destroyed by a newcomer from nowhere, what's more in East Blue, seriously what is such a monster doing in the weakest sea?

"Ehhhhh, so you're the kind of captain who gets away with abandoning his crew like your brother, huh?"

A lazy and mocking voice comes to his ears, which makes him rage as he looks at the person who is the cause of his misfortune.

Starting from the death of his little brother to the annihilation of his crew, he sits there looking at him mockingly and standing nonchalantly, just seeing him like that only increased Simmons' rage.

"You know, none of this would have happened if....." But Aiden didn't get to finish his sentence as Simmons' fist slammed into him, and the red tiger's eyes widened as he saw Aiden turn into smoke.

"Stop getting excited, you're giving me a headache." Simmons hears Aiden's weary voice before he is thrown hard against one of the walls of the baratie ship by a chakra-laden kick from Aiden, who just looks at the hole he just made in the restaurant. "If anyone asks me, I'll say it was already like this when I got here."

"BASTARD." Aiden's gaze focuses back on his opponent who is looking more and more like a raging beast charging at him without a second thought, hunger starts to set in, and Aiden decides it's time to end it.

As the enraged tiger rushes at him, Aiden draws his ninjato concentrating his chakra on his legs.

While Simmons is only a few feet away, Aiden looks him in the eye to use his paralyzing genjutsu before taking advantage of the fact that the red tiger stops for a second to quickly charge and deliver a clean and precise ninjato blow to the pirate captain's neck, decapitating him cleanly while his blood spurts out with the ships on fire in the background.

[A quest has been completed, here are your rewards.

Suiton - Water Prison Technique: Lock your enemies in a sphere of water.

Suiton - Chaos Wave: Spit a powerful stream of water from your mouth.

Raiton Armor: Create a shield of electricity over your entire body to increase your strength and speed.

Summoning Jutsu: Giant Falcon

Summon Card X1, allows you to summon a Naruto character who will be under your command].

Despite the more than good rewards, the only thing Aiden wants at the moment is to eat and that's exactly what he did, for free, since Zeff wanted to thank him for killing the pirates that were threatening his restaurant.

Of course, Aiden didn't explain the fact that these pirates were there for him, he didn't need to tell them, right?

Unfortunately for our young shinobi, a navy ship was standing not far away and filmed the whole scene, to say that they were surprised that such a powerful man was in the weakest sea would be an understatement and unfortunately for our lazy protagonist, this video is being sent to the navy headquarters right now, which is going to lead to a succession of problems for him.

But for now, Aiden knows nothing about it and sails quietly after a good meal.

"System, what's that summoning card?" [These cards allow you to summon people from Naruto's world randomly, you can very well have Madara Uchiwa as well as you can have a ninja some conch] "I see, in that case, let's use it and pray for a good turn." [launching in progress....congratulations, you have won Akaza the third higher moon].

A white light appears in front of him for a second before disappearing and giving way to a tall muscular young man with skin so light it looks white or gray, adorned with thick blue lines, short pink hair, and those yellow eyes.

He is dressed only in a short haori, sleeveless, dark purple-pink, cut at the waist, left open to expose his chest, and loose white pants that he rolls up to the knee, with a blue rope belt, and a chain of large round beads around each of his ankles.

When he sees him, the first thing he does is kneel in front of me as I look at him blankly.



[I think I got it wrong somewhere]