
One click shinobi system in the world of one piece

My life was good, I had friends, a loving family, and a good job, I loved my life and my world, so why did God send me into this world filled with super-powered assholes, almost all corrupt marines, and noble assholes who all seem to be want my ass? - I have no taboos, which means that I will have no problem talking about things like gore, r*pe, torture, racism, and other things like that. That doesn't mean I condone those things. That's about all I wanted to say, so enjoy your reading. (No harem)

kingx_xdrk · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Arlong's death

A quick and powerful punch hits Arlong's abdomen, quickly followed by another hitting his cheek, sending him flying a few feet.

Not wanting to give Arlong time to breathe, Aiden quickly charges towards the fish man to throw a punch that is dodged by Arlong who counterattacks with a punch.

Aiden dodges the blow and then kicks, which are blocked by Arlong.

Several minutes pass while the two exchange blows and unfortunately for Arlong, Aiden who has maximized his taijutsu and benefits from the boost of the raiton armor, quickly takes advantage with quick and powerful strikes and dodges.

"DAMN HUMAN." As he takes more hits, Arlong's anger grows, fueling his body to try to match Aiden's speed.

[2m, 48s]

Seeing how much time he has left, Aiden decides to infuse more chakra into his raiton armor to increase his speed and strength.

A powerful kick hits Arlong's torso, quickly followed by another kick to the chin and then a punch that is blocked by Arlong who counters with a powerful punch to Aiden's abdomen that is blown a few feet away.

'Damn, that bastard hurts, even though I'm a lot faster than him, with my current strength, I doubt I can beat him in hand-to-hand combat, in this case.'

Aiden deactivates his raiton armor before strengthening his body with his chakra and pulling out two kunai. 'Even though my speed is down, I should be slightly faster than him.'

Arlong quickly charges toward Aiden as Aiden takes a breath before dodging a powerful punch, quickly followed by several punches fueled by frustration and anger.

Aiden continues to dodge, looking for an opportunity and when it presents itself, he quickly goes on the attack.

Dodging another punch, Aiden stabs Arlong's right elbow with a quick motion, followed by a sharp blow to his right eye, earning a howl of pain from him as he leaps back to gain distance, the kunai still planted in Arlong's elbow.

As he puts his hand over his destroyed eye, Arlong notices that on the kunai planted on his elbow is a tag connected to it, and before he even understands what the tag is for, Aiden makes the snake seal with his hand, setting off a large explosion.

A few seconds pass before the smoke from the explosion evaporates, leaving a horrifying sight for the fish men present, Arlong bleeding with his right arm gone, but the look of pure hatred in Aiden's direction is a clear sign that the poison man does not care about his destroyed arm.

Even as his blood splatters on the ground, Arlong rushes towards Aiden who is caught off guard by Arlong's increased speed due to his rage and with this new speed, Aiden has a hard time dodging the raging poison man's blows.

While he was slightly faster thanks to chakra, Arlong's berserk state puts them on an equal footing in terms of speed, and unfortunately for Aiden, Arlong's already superior strength has been enhanced by his anger, putting him in a dangerous situation and sadly, what had to happen happened.

With terrifying speed, Arlong's teeth pierce the flesh of Aiden's ribs, and he winces in pain but wastes no time and tries to stab Arlong in the head, but Arlong sees him and with a powerful move, Aiden is thrown into the air.

Aiden takes advantage of his height to attack and performs several hand signals before inhaling, then, "Katon - Hōsenka no jutsu."

Several fireballs are fired towards Arlong who doesn't care and leaps into the air towards Aiden while taking several of the fireballs, what Arlong didn't see is that one of the fireballs is hiding a kunai with an explosive scroll attached, the kunai passes by Arlong and with a wave of Aiden's hand, explodes, sending the fish man flying to the side.

As Arlong lands in one of the houses, Aiden lands on the ground with a hand on his wound, a green aura surrounds the hand as he uses the mystical palm technique to enclose those wounds.

Meanwhile, Arlong gets up and walks out of the rubble of the house and strides toward Aiden with a heavy and difficult step, his left forearm completely torn off, his body covered with wounds and blood.

Aiden, with his wound healed, gets into a fighting stance, ready to continue, but to his great relief, after a few shaky steps, Arlong collapses to the ground, dead.

In the distance, Cain, Abel, and Akaza finish killing all the members of Arlong's crew in front of the stunned eyes of the villagers, especially a 15-year-old girl with orange hair who can't believe that the nightmare of her village is over.

But unfortunately for Aiden and his friends, they don't have time to savor their victory when many navy soldiers arrive and surround them while driving the villagers away.

While our four friends are in total confusion, a man with a face reminiscent of a mouse and a suspicious smile walks towards them.

"I am the captain of the 16th branch of the marine, Captain Nezumi, gentlemen, please follow us calmly."

Aiden's and these comrades' eyebrows furrow at hearing this and as the three of them prepare to go on a rampage, Cain, the wisest of them all, steps forward with a calm, but somewhat cold smile. "I'm sorry, but can we know what we're being charged with?"

Nezumi points at Aiden before speaking in a contemptuous voice. "This man is the property of a Tenryūbito, we are here so that he can return to his mistress." 'But if I deliver him directly to the Tenryūbito without going through the marine, I will have a greater reward.'

Following Nezumi's words, the faces of the four men turn dark, especially Aiden, who immediately demands an explanation from the system.

[The body that you live in was captured ten years ago when his village was attacked by pirates that they sold as slaves to a Tenryūbito woman, it was during a trip that the body of the former owner died as a result of the torture of the Tenryūbito, being dead, the body was thrown to the sea and washed up on the island where you started, I repaired the body and transfer your soul inside, and then you know the rest.]

Assimilating the information he just received, a feeling of anger rises in Aiden's heart as he stares at the navy captain before smiling calmly and looking at these three companions.

"Well gentlemen, it would seem that from now, we are pirates, does anyone have an objection?" Quickly understanding what Aiden has decided, the three shake their heads with smiles, seeing that, Aiden's gaze turns cold as he turns his attention to the marines, and in a voice devoid of emotion, he says,

"So, kill them all, and let's send a message to those sons of bitches."