
One click shinobi system in the world of one piece

My life was good, I had friends, a loving family, and a good job, I loved my life and my world, so why did God send me into this world filled with super-powered assholes, almost all corrupt marines, and noble assholes who all seem to be want my ass? - I have no taboos, which means that I will have no problem talking about things like gore, r*pe, torture, racism, and other things like that. That doesn't mean I condone those things. That's about all I wanted to say, so enjoy your reading. (No harem)

kingx_xdrk · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Fight time

Cain's teasing voice echoes as Akaza looks at his fist, frowning as he speaks in a confused tone.

"Fish men boast of being ten times stronger than humans, I didn't think a single punch would kill him."

"Oi, captain, can I start killing them?" Abel's flippancy in uttering this sentence makes the fishermen angry, how could they not be?

To them, a being of an inferior species has just said that he can kill them so carelessly.

Aiden looks at the fishermen in front of him before looking back at Abel and nodding, giving the others the signal to attack.

But before he can move, Aiden's senses pick up a strong person coming at him at high speed.

Faced with what appears to be an attack, Aiden does not panic and simply tilts his head to the left to dodge a punch.

Kuroobi looks at Aiden with a slight surprise at seeing him dodge his punch so casually, Aiden doesn't think twice and connects his fist to the fish man's chin.

The lack of power behind this blow baffles Kuroobi a bit, as he backs away anyway as a precaution.

Aiden looks at his fist for a few seconds before sighing.

'It looks like the system is right, without chakra enhancements, my body is pretty weak, I'll have to start training, maximized doesn't mean mastered, right?'

Aiden puts this thought in the corner of his head before looking at the companions at his side.

Seeing the look on their leader's face, the three nod and walk over to the fishermen as Cain speaks in a teasing voice.

"Since I killed the one with the weird mouth in Arlong Park, I'll leave the two lieutenants to you while I take care of the small fry, how about that?"

Seeing these two companions nodding, Cain continues on his way, hands behind his back, passing by Kuroobi and Hatchan who gets a little annoyed at being ignored.

Hatchan raises his six swords, and Kuroobi readies his fist, both wanting to kill the overconfident human.

But before he can do anything, two figures appear before them.

Abel stands in front of the octopus man with an energy sword in each hand while he looks at him with a smile clearly showing his bloodlust.

While Akaza stands in front of Kuroobi with a calm face while his fist is ready to strike.

Akaza" Your opponent". Abel" It's me".


While everyone is fighting, Arlong looks at Aiden with a cruel, mocking smile as they think of the new human he is about to humiliate.

While the other is arguing with his system.

'Say it.'


'So you're the kind of person who puts milk before cereal, I'm not even surprised, you creep.'

[No, I'm not that kind of person]

'Then say milk after the cereal is the best way.'

[I can't]

'And why is that, traitor?'

[Because I never ate cereal, I don't even have a physical body for God's sake]

'You're looking for excuses, I see.'

[You don't want to focus on your enemy instead]

'Alright, but this discussion is not over.'

[I want to change host😭]

Aiden ignores the whining of his system before pulling out three shurikens and throwing them at Arlong who is surprised by the sudden attack but still manages to dodge.

Arlong wastes no time and rushes at Aiden, who widens his eyes slightly. Fast.' He thinks.

With his speed, Arlong quickly gets in front of Aiden, who has just enough time to enhance his body with his chakra and cross his arms in front of him before taking Arlong's punch.

Aiden's body is thrown back about twenty meters and even with his chakra-enhanced body, Aiden can feel great pain in those arms.

'It looks like I'm going to have to get serious about training, my body is too weak.'

Seeing Aiden's body thrown around by his strength, Arlong smiles before rushing towards him, his fist ready to strike him again.

Having already caught Arlong's next move, Aiden quickly thought of his next move.

When he is only a few feet away from his opponent, Arlong's body suddenly stops when his eyes land on Aiden's.

As Arlong is immobilized, Aiden's hands make several signs before his body is covered in lightning, and he disappears and reappears before Arlong.

'Fast.' These are the thoughts of a shocked Arlong as a lightning-covered fist connects with his chin and sends him flying several feet away, passing through a few houses in the process.

Despite the powerful blow he just delivered, a bitter smile appears on the face of Aiden as he looks at the holographic screen before him.

[Time your body can hold the Raiton armor: 5 m, 42 s]

'I get it, I have a weak body, no need to flaunt it in my face.' Aiden thinks with a small sense of irony before looking towards where he sent Arlong, a smile forming as the lightning around him crackles louder.

'In that case, we'll have to finish this quickly to go train..... After a little nap of course'