
Omniverse Journey To Kill The Author(Genshin Impact Arc)

In the world of Nirmek Earth, a young man named, Venus Eros Ambrosio, figured out that his life was nothing more than a cheap alternative version of reality written by some third-rate author. Having discovered the secret of his reality, he immediately fell into the hands of the author, who would revel in the phenomenon and change things as it pleased. Nothing could be done to stop this being that existed far beyond his existence, after all, he was a mere creation derived from the mind of the same being he was trying to oppose, was it even possible? That was when the system first appeared and began to give him knowledge, and even reward him as he completed the scenarios the author put forth. Eventually, he was told of 'The Facade' title which would be his first step to true freedom, from this tyrannical being. Now having finally gotten 'The Facade' title and had sex with his sister, Venus decided it was time to have sex with his mother, before departing on his adventure through the Omniverse, in order to kill the author. _____________________________________________ 1st World: Genshin Impact Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or anything aside from my added original content. [Tags: Incest, genderbend, Androgenous, Loli, 18+\Lemons, R*pe, Beastiality, Harem, Netori, Monster Girls, Super Powers, Eye Powers, Sex Slaves, First-Time Intercourse, Fellatio, Rare Items, Mind-Control, Magical Space, Magic, Cultivation, MILF, Beast Girls, Game elements, Hentai, Sex]

Kikinori27 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 6: Finally To Another World

AN: Yo!! It's Kiki again!

Again, almost nobody voted so.. it was a tie between Genshin Impact, TBATE, and Mushoku Tensei. So I left it up to luck and Genshin Impact is the first world.


-Outside The High School-

While the siblings were headed to check on Sarah's ex-best friend, there were two women watching the school from a distance.

"Did we really have to stay outside waiting for them to do all the work??" One of the woman, who was wearing a super-thin bikini armor complained as she looked at the school.

"Well, darling wanted us to stay outside and in case anything went wrong. You should be happy he's showing a slut like you this kind of trust." The second woman, who was wearing a high-slit party dress, responded.

"Tsk! Don't test your luck, if he didn't like you, I would have killed an arrogant bitch like you long ago. Plus, he likes my ass way more than yours, so who do you think an ass man like him values the most? Those fat lumps of meat you call breasts won't help you here." The first woman retorted.

"Oh please, don't even start. So what if you have a fat ass? You're useless in anything that isn't combat. You couldn't even do something as simple as setting up a concealment barrier around the school, and I had to do it even though you love to brag about how you have overall more energy and power than me. Okay, then do anything that isn't fighting, you muscle brain. Who wants a wife who can't do anything? Not even basic chores like cleaning and cooking? And you want to say you're better than me?" The second woman didn't hold her punches and dropped them on the first woman.

"You!... It's not like a pervert like him would care! So yes! My fat ass is enough! Plus if you're so useful, why did the drooling girl find out about the lust energy accumulation before you?!" The first woman replied.

"Hmph! Bringing Yoruyoru to the conversion because you're losing? Your muscle brain is truly too simple." The second woman smirked.

As their discussion began to go deeper into a full-blown argument, both women began emanating strong pressure as they looked at each other in clear anger and dissatisfaction with their pretty faces contorting into what one might call a warrior's gaze. Similar to a certain red tomato kunoichi.

-Inside The High School-

At the same time inside the school grounds, an average-looking Japanese young man with black hair was accompanied by four girls as they explored the place, paying attention to their surroundings.

"I'm not so sure... We're actually going to find anything here. This place has a weirdly strong lust energy density, but maybe it's just some sort of fluke. Not everyone that happens has to be because of a demon, an angel, or a spirit... Right?" The young man expressed his skepticism toward the situation as they had been finding more and more cases of odd things just happening because of something that took place hundreds of years if not more years ago.

"Fine, that might be the case, but we should at least let Yoruyoru eat the lust energy away or the school will experience some... Trouble..." One of the four young women with him vocalized her thoughts before stopping to blush at the mental image of the consequences that they themselves had experienced in the past due to lust energy.

"Consequences you say... Maybe it's not that bad..." The young man began smiling in a goofy way thinking of possible situations as he let his perverted mind take over.

"Hentai!" Another one of the girls spoke as she called the young man out on his perversion.

As she did so another one of the girls punched him right in the gut full force before saying. "B-Baka! You can't just imagine those things! We're in a high school! Seriously!"

"You didn't have to hit him that hard?!" the first girl confronted the third.

"Of course, I did! It's not like I got nervous thinking perverted stuff and hit him too hard or anything!" The third girl retorted with a blush.

"*Sigh* You're a lost case..." The first girl shook her head before going to check on the young man who was on the ground crying in pain.

"Gorilla woman." The second girl commented.

"Who are you calling Gorilla woman?! Don't you think I can't throw someone as small as you over to China?!" The third girl grabbed the second one by the collar while threatening her.

"Typical Gorilla woman behavior." The second girl responds with a deadpan expression and tone.

"WHAT?! I'LL-" Just as that third girl was getting worked up.

"Guys! I found the good yummy smell... Yoruyoru is hungry..." The fourth girl intervenes and the sound of her growling stomach can be heard by all the others.

"Everyone! Finding food for Yoruyoru is the most important thing right now! We can do the rest later!" The young man got up revitalized with newfound energy.

"... You're way too diligent when it comes to Yoruyoru... What is your prevented mind plotting?!" The third girl questioned.

"There she goes again jumping to conclusions..." The first girl shook her head.

"It can't be helped for Gorilla women like her..." The second girl added.

"How dare you?! Do you not know of the ten loli commandments?! Lolis must be revered and appreciated for their cuteness! Never harmed under any circumstances! Only a heartless monster would harm a loli!" The young man yelled at the third girl as he pointed at Yoruyoru.


"AACHOO!" Venus was rubbing his nose as he had just sneezed while still carrying Sarah.

"See! You're going to catch a cold! I told you we should have gone home!" Sarah complained.

"Relax, I just sneezed once, it's not the end of the world." Venus answered.

"It's!... My besto friendo! Where have you been all this time man? I couldn't even thank you for your help last time! I thought you were gone for good, man!" Venus looked to the side only to see something he didn't expect, the protagonist of his world, Haruto with four of his harem girls. As Haruto came running to Venus for a hug, after not seeing his 'best friend' for so long.

"Stop! Remember rule n.77!" Venus immediately yelled.

"Always stay at least 5 meters from any woman related to Venus!" As Haruto recited to himself he stopped and didn't move any closer to Venus, since Sarah was there.

"For someone who wants a harem, aren't you bit too insecure... Even for this..." Sarah commented seeing this.

"Tsk! I just saved from a lucky pervert encounter... You'll understand one day." Venus replied.

(I really didn't want to meet with Haruto until I was ready to take over this world... He calls me best friend because of how many times I was forced to save his ass, but I want nothing but distance plus... He pisses me off on a personal level for another reason... He's one of those harem protagonist who doesn't actually ever do anything with his harem, EVER... Unforgettable! That's why when I can back powered up, I'll cuck him.) Venus thought to himself as he looked at Haruto smiling at him.

"Well, it was nice seeing you guys but I have somewhere to be, bye!" Venus didn't waste time and immediately left with his sister still on his shoulder.

(This is also bad for other reasons, if they find out I was the culprit behind this, things will get problematic, so let's just look at Sarah's friend suffer, let Sarah finish things off, take a picture, go home and dip out of this world, otherwise things will get complicated.) Venus concluded and moved as fast as his current state allowed him to until he reached the gymnasium, where 3 super fat ugly bastard teachers had surrounded a female student, to be more precise the girl who betrayed Sarah.

"There look, the spectacle is about to begin." Venus said as they could now see it going on.

-School gymnasium-

"Oh my... She absolutely hates those teachers... Onii-chan... You're too malevolent..." Sarah couldn't believe what and was seeing as her ex best friend was fully indulging in fuckery with people she hated and just as she thought it was enough.

Soon her friend's eyes lost the glint that they had as the lust aura consumed them and she immediately began vomiting in disgust, but that wasn't all, despite hating what she was doing her friend did not stop and continued fully conscious, even as she vomited in disgust she didn't stop or try to resist at all until it stopped and Venus took them to her.

"Would you look at that? Someone's having fun?" Venus surprised the girl.

"Why- Why are you here?!" She questioned.

"Did you get fucked so hard your brain stopped working? It's a school gymnasium, of course, someone would come here sooner or later." Venus pointed out.

"No! No! You didn't see anything! I did nothing!" She immediately began to feel ashamed of herself and how she thread through her disgust and even drank her own vomit just to be with men she hated, she felt like a whore.

"Show her Sarah." Venus put Sarah down and she walked to the girl to show her the uploaded video of her fucking these man on multiple porn sites.

"You should be happy, now you get to be the bitch you truly are unbothered as everyone already knows that you'll do anything to get some good cock, right? Just be the slut you were always meant to be." Sarah recited the only script Venus gave her that she herself approved.

(If she wasn't so soft we could have done so much better than this... Honestly this revenge... If you can even call it that sucks, but as long as Sarah is satisfied it shouldn't matter... Revenge should be more so about how the avenger feels more so than about how much the target suffers... I have my style and she has hers.) Venus was disappointed but could do nothing as this was a decision that Sarah had to make, and he accepted that.

"No! I'm not! I'm not like this! It's your fault! You infected me with your slutness! This isn't me! This isn't me! No! No! No!" Seeing the girl's reaction did put a smile on both siblings' faces though.

"Keep telling yourself that, I'm not the one covered in vomit and cum naked in the school gymnasium. Fuck yourself and I hope die alone!" Sarah showed the middle finger before getting and walking to Venus, then they both left to finally go home.

-Back Home-

"Why were you in such a hurry?" Sarah asked.

"Since you didn't want to physically assault her or make her lick her vomit from the floor or your foot or whatever for the false hope that you wouldn't post the video, I didn't have any time to spare, we're getting out before things get dangerous!" Venus answered.

After they got to the living room, Mera and Elesia were there having tea together.

"Ok, I'll keep it simple." Venus kissed Sarah right in front of Elesia and Mera, before letting go of his stunned sister at his acting to actually kiss Elesia his own mother in front of the other two, not stopping there he pulled Mera in for a kiss as well, then stood the middle of everyone, Mera being the only one who wasn't frozen trying to process it all.

"So, now tell me, will you be part of my harem? Yes or No? Regardless of your answer, I'll be moving on, and going to do grand things in a wider world. I won't force you if you don't want to, but you should know that I won't be back any time soon." Venus wasn't going to waste any more time now that Haruto and his group were aware he was alive, he was bound to be pursued by some higher-ups of their faction.

"What do you mea-" Elesia was about to question the situation when Mera grabbed her hand.

"Don't question it now, we'll explain later. Just answer honestly, like when we were talking." Mera advised.

"Of course, I'll go! I already agreed and after what happened now that I think about it... It would be awkward to show up tomorrow. So hell yeah! Adventure!" Sarah was the first one to answer.

"I've already chosen to see you until the moment you die, I guess this is just another way to do it, so yes." Mera followed with her response.

"I'm not sure what's going on and it sounds insane if you ask me, but I can't live without you anymore... At first, it was just as a mother... But now, I feel that way as a woman and I'm not letting you get away that easily so... yes..." Elesia was still confused, had many questions, and even hesitated, but in the end, she followed her heart.

[Report. Quest 2: Package Deal-Familial, Romantic, and Sexual love

Objective: Convince your mother and sister to join your harem, before the Nirmek Celestial Council acts.

Failure condition: The Nirmek Celestial Council make their move before you are done.

Time Left: 2 days

Punishment: You will be forced into another world without those who have not joined your harem.

Reward: Harem Collector ring x1, Harem member ring x3]

[Report. Quest 2 has been completed and reward has been sent to your inventory.]

[Report. The world integration is ready... Selecting world according to parameters... Genshin Impact World has been chosen.]

[Report. Before the process begins, it is possible to utilize your free essence draw instead to improve your conditions. From getting you and your harem top physiques of the world your entering to a better background for the said world. Would you like to take this deal? Yes/No?] The system made an offer.