
Omniverse Journey To Kill The Author(Genshin Impact Arc)

In the world of Nirmek Earth, a young man named, Venus Eros Ambrosio, figured out that his life was nothing more than a cheap alternative version of reality written by some third-rate author. Having discovered the secret of his reality, he immediately fell into the hands of the author, who would revel in the phenomenon and change things as it pleased. Nothing could be done to stop this being that existed far beyond his existence, after all, he was a mere creation derived from the mind of the same being he was trying to oppose, was it even possible? That was when the system first appeared and began to give him knowledge, and even reward him as he completed the scenarios the author put forth. Eventually, he was told of 'The Facade' title which would be his first step to true freedom, from this tyrannical being. Now having finally gotten 'The Facade' title and had sex with his sister, Venus decided it was time to have sex with his mother, before departing on his adventure through the Omniverse, in order to kill the author. _____________________________________________ 1st World: Genshin Impact Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or anything aside from my added original content. [Tags: Incest, genderbend, Androgenous, Loli, 18+\Lemons, R*pe, Beastiality, Harem, Netori, Monster Girls, Super Powers, Eye Powers, Sex Slaves, First-Time Intercourse, Fellatio, Rare Items, Mind-Control, Magical Space, Magic, Cultivation, MILF, Beast Girls, Game elements, Hentai, Sex]

Kikinori27 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 6.5: Before Entering Teyvat

[Report. Before the process begins, it is possible to utilize your free essence draw instead to improve your conditions. From getting you and your harem top physiques of the world your entering to a better background for the said world. Would you like to take this deal? Yes/No?] The system made an offer.

(Fine, I'll take it. This benefits everyone rather than just me and, this sounds like a better deal overall anyway.) Venus accepted the deal with little thought put into it.

[Report. Initiating world integration... process complete]

Just then Venus and the three girls disappeared from the Nirmek world without a trace, besides the fact that they were once here, were left behind.

Soon after a dark portal with a reddish tone to it opened in the now-empty living room, and from it emerged three entities, all of them wearing red robes with hoods hiding their faces. The entity at the front looked around before speaking.

"It seems we were far too late... To think a good tool like Haruto, would actually hide the existence of such an individual from us... No matter, humans could never pose a real threat to us anyway. Let them hide."

The three individuals then turned around and left from the same portal they had come from, leaving the house to once again be empty, for a very long time.


In the infinite sea of worlds, there was a bit of everything to be seen, and in this cascade of possibilities, there was a world known as Teyvat, one full of magic and mystical creatures that in many other worlds would be nothing but fairy tales, unfortunately, unlike in fairy tales, things didn't just end happily forever after in Teyvat.

Many thousands of years ago, the inhabitants of this world roamed in it as the Seven Sovereigns, the lords of the dragons standing at the top ruled over the other dragons and their followers, the Vishaps, dragon-like beings. That was all that composed this world, these beings of pure elemental energy lived as the primordial life of this world.

This era of dragons lasted for a long lost to time period, before that who would be known as the Primordial One appeared in the world and changed everything. After it hatched from an 'egg' in a figure that would be better described as an androgynous figure. Using the shell of its own 'egg' to split the 'universe' from the 'microcosm of the world.', before emerging from the world as its true ruler, and claiming the heavens to be its eternal throne.

Now a part of the equation, the Primordial One challenged the Seven Sovereigns to rule over the world, and using its powers the Primordial One creates four shining shades of itself to fight in this battle. It was an arduous and long confrontation, but in the end, the Primordial One was victorious and using what this world was, it began to establish a new one. While those of the Seven Sovereigns who were lucky enough to survive escaped into the deep sea.

Once the Primordial One was done with its creation, the world was now different from before as three realms stood to divide it, the light realm for beings of pure elemental energy similar to those who once dominated this world, the human realm for humanity, and the Godlike Archons were to be able to exist and prosper, leaving the last one, the void realm as a desolate and endless abyss where only the denizens of the abyss themselves can exist.

As it always does, time passes, and as the Primordial One works with its shades to finish the creation of this new world, with animal life and the three moon sisters, that who would be known as the Second Who Came appeared, and a war for who would rule the world broke out once more. The destruction caused by this battle was immense and many losses accumulated. Who won? That is a question that many have come to ask. From those who have a long enough history to even have minimal knowledge of these events, it seems that the Primordial One came out on top, but whether that holds true or not, who could say? Only the victor themselves could be true proof of it.

Even still the world continues, but yet again at some point, while a traveler from afar came by, love flourished between them and a native. As one might have come to expect from romance, it was a tragedy one that ended in their separation and the death of the three moon sisters, the corpse of the last one standing in the sky as the sole moon.

From then on many other stories and lives came and went, as this world healed itself to be better until once again the peace was disturbed, when seven seats opened in Celestia, the God land. Due to this, all the Godlike Archons would now battle for those seats to attain true Godhood. Blood was shed until the seven seats were occupied.

Those who occupied the seats would come to be known as the Seven Gods, they who established the continent with the same name as their world, Teyvat, were held as its rulers and protectors for ages to come. Seven nations arose and with them a seven-element system related to these same Gods. With the Gnosis given to them in Celestia, they could connect to their divine powers and keep their standing.

Just like all the times before, the world would recover from this battle and its effects, most of whatever took place being lost to time, only a few could be said to have a recollection of this past.

A world filled with conflict and a long long forgotten history, one which has experienced much change, and yet there it stands, a world where people can live. That is the world of Teyvat.


[Report. Background generated. The Ambrosio is a noble family of Mondstadt, well known for their half-human nature and farming lands, their specialty being grape production, having the best grapes in all of Mondstadt and working in conjunction with the Ragnvindr, they live a high-end life, as high-end as one can get in Mondstadt at least. Being one of the few noble families to not have been exiled, when the fall of the aristocracy took place in the territory, they are looked at positively by the people. Due to their half-human nature, some of the more well-studied individuals have speculated them to have Illuminated Beasts in their ancestry, hence these half-human elements in their appearance, but only the Ambrosio themselves know the truth.]

[Report. Before the full integration can begin, Master and his harem are required to select what kind of bloodline, they would like added to theirs or if they would rather simply have their human bloodline boosted. The possibilities are many in the world of Teyvat. A list will be present in all your minds subconsciously just choose, but please choose carefully.]

In a space where the seven colors of the rainbow were acting as if they were the atmosphere surrounding a planet, Venus found himself and the three girls standing on a white floor with nothing aside from the system messages to be found.

"Everyone, you should decide if you want to remain fully human or to gain other characteristics. You just have to think of it and the rest will be taken care of for you." Venus spoke to the girls who were still looking around in awe of the location in which they found themselves.

"Wait! You can't just keep doing that. What's going on? And Where are we?" Elesia stopped Venus as she narrowed her eyes looking at him with her hands resting on her waist and a voice that carried her confusion.

"Well... To begin with all the supernatural and fictional stuff that you see in movies, books, and TV Shows exist somewhere in other worlds and even in our world, angels, demons, spirits, and even Godlike beings are real, you were just oblivious to them. I myself made a contract with a Godlike being and now, intend to go to those other worlds to collect a special something, as it's part of my contract and I want to build a harem... Among other things. So right now using the abilities given to me, we are going to enter a new world where magic and mystical creatures exist. Not that I know much about this world in specific." Venus explained with his half-truths while his arms were crossed.

"Hahaha! I don't know how you pulled this off, but I'm serious, this is not time for some fairy tale joke." Elesia laughed.

"He's not joking, it's just like when we were talking, this is all real." Mera added.

"... After what I saw at my school... Yeah, there's definitely something crazy going on here. I don't think he would lie just to prank us or something like that, that's just not his style... At least not in serious moments." Sarah also expressed her thoughts.

"Give me a few minutes... I need to think for a bit." Elesia requested.

"Go ahead." Venus Let her go, and she distanced herself from the group.

"Don't worry, I already talked about many things with her and she won't have too much trouble once she accepts a few things. Just give her a bit of time." Mera came next to Venus to reassure him.

"I know... You should be worried about what you're going to choose." Venus responded.

"I already did. I know exactly what I want, and I hope this patron of yours isn't all talk or I'll be disappointed." Mera smiled as she retorted.

"Ohhh! What did you choose?! I'm so indecisive right now! There are just way too many possible choices!" Sarah chimed in on the conversation.

"It's a secret! As for your struggle, if you want many bloodlines, why not choose them all? If Venus' Patron is as amazing as he claimed, that should be easy enough to do." Mera suggested with a smirk looking at Venus, shifting both's focus on him.

(Can we choose more than bloodlines?) Venus questioned.

[Report. Yes, but doing so diminishes the purity and thus effectiveness of the bloodlines involved as they all receive the same percentage of purity when multiple are used with an upper maximum of 20 bloodlines can get chosen, leaving only 5% of the purity to each. However, it is possible to increase purity later, but it is quite costly and hard on the individual to do so. Recommendation: It is most effective to choose up to 10 bloodlines together, anything beyond that complicates things.]

"Of course, bloodlines can choose many bloodlines, but I don't recommend choosing more than 10 or they start to get too weak." Venus replied.

"They get weaker... Then forget it... Actually! I know what I'll do!" Sarah was a bit disappointed but soon stars popped up in her eyes as she had an idea that burned in her soul with excitement.

"She's energetic..." Mera watched as Sarah was brimming with intensity.

"You'd be surprised by how flared up she can get over some things... Anyway, I'll make my own choice." Venus then focused on his own choice.

(I already have demon bloodline and the dragon in my fingerless glove should definitely give me some dragon stuff eventually, so... What other bloodline do I have an interest in here? Elves? Illuminated beasts? Yokai? Those are the ones that sound interesting from the list of options.) Venus began to reflect on what to choose.