
Omniverse Journey To Kill The Author(Genshin Impact Arc)

In the world of Nirmek Earth, a young man named, Venus Eros Ambrosio, figured out that his life was nothing more than a cheap alternative version of reality written by some third-rate author. Having discovered the secret of his reality, he immediately fell into the hands of the author, who would revel in the phenomenon and change things as it pleased. Nothing could be done to stop this being that existed far beyond his existence, after all, he was a mere creation derived from the mind of the same being he was trying to oppose, was it even possible? That was when the system first appeared and began to give him knowledge, and even reward him as he completed the scenarios the author put forth. Eventually, he was told of 'The Facade' title which would be his first step to true freedom, from this tyrannical being. Now having finally gotten 'The Facade' title and had sex with his sister, Venus decided it was time to have sex with his mother, before departing on his adventure through the Omniverse, in order to kill the author. _____________________________________________ 1st World: Genshin Impact Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or anything aside from my added original content. [Tags: Incest, genderbend, Androgenous, Loli, 18+\Lemons, R*pe, Beastiality, Harem, Netori, Monster Girls, Super Powers, Eye Powers, Sex Slaves, First-Time Intercourse, Fellatio, Rare Items, Mind-Control, Magical Space, Magic, Cultivation, MILF, Beast Girls, Game elements, Hentai, Sex]

Kikinori27 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 5: Just Another School Day

From the moment they had their conversation, Venus and Sarah moved together, and both got to the high school where Sarah studied.

"Ok, we're here... What are you going to do?" Sarah asked as they were inside the school corridors.

"Just leave it to me and don't think too much about it, I promise a good show." Venus smiled and winked at Sarah without elaborating before using his lust energy, which was boosted by <Harem Aura>, <Lust Aura>, and <Ruler's Sins>.

The lust energy spread throughout as Venus focused on the image of the people Sarah had shown him photos of when they were still at home. This went on until he found all of them and used his lust energy, making them all aroused way passed the norm. They weren't just horny or excited, they started feeling desperately thirsty, to the point where any hole or stick would do so long as it satiated their itch.

Unfortunately for them, it didn't end there, aside from feeling this way, they were compelled to go to the main lunch square of their school, as something about that area felt attractive, as the lust aura was used to guide them like animals after their prey. They felt their satisfaction would be at its greatest there, and so, many students ran out of their classrooms without thinking too much about it, all heading towards the lunch area.

"Ok... *Huff*... *Huff*... It's all set up... Gosh...." Venus who was breathing heavily couldn't help but hold onto his chest as he tried to regain his breath.

"What's going on?! What did you do? What's happening to you? Are you ok? We don't have to do this if you're not feeling well!" Sarah immediately held onto Venus' hand and pulled him into her embrace seeing him suddenly get so tired, made her wonder if he was maybe somehow sick, and if so, why did he insist to come here in this state? Just to make her feel better? Did he really actually care? Her mind was slowly flooded with questions, but what she knew for sure was that she had to take care of her brother and worry about the rest later.

"Don't worry... *Huff*... I just pushed the envelope a bit. Anyway... *Huff* let's... Let's just go to the lunch... *Huff*... To the lunch area or we'll miss the whole show... *Huff*..." Venus just accepted Sarah's embrace and help in standing, because he was suffering a much worse whiplash than he had expected, after all, he was just using lust energy and it was never tiring before... But now that he has used it in a large area of effect, things were different, it wasn't that easy, and he would have fainted if he had to go on any longer.

(Stop! Stop looking at me! It's already uncomfortable and hard enough to deal ignore you when I'm well, now it just feels like your stares are being burned onto my skin! Damned readers! I'll be free from that cursed author and all of you eventually!) Venus who was experiencing fatigue could no longer ignore the constant watch that he felt through the fourth wall, as these eyes did not stop looking and their watch felt uncomfortable to him.

"Are you sure?! If you pass out or something happens, I'll beat it to you when you wake up!" Sarah looked Venus in the eyes with a frown on her face and a tone that didn't hide her worry.

"Yeah... I'm... I'm good." Venus' breathing was slowly but surely stabilizing and it felt like he had just been punched in his lungs, but he was getting back to normal.

(System, what happened to me?) Venus questioned.

[Report. You have experienced lust energy over-excursion and that combined with the fact you used it all, caused backslash and exhaustion. Rest, eat well and do some exercise, with a bit of time you'll be feeling better than ever. Worry not as something of this magnitude will not have any long-lasting effects.] The system responded.

Satisfied with the answer, Venus took a deep breath and shook his head before starting to stand on his own again. He wiggled a bit since he was not fully out of his state of dizziness or discomfort, but he managed to stay up and stable.

"... Fine, we'll do it your way. Just don't regret it later... *Sigh* you really are a nutcase sometimes." Sarah commented upon seeing him force himself up.

"Let's Just go... I'm doing great." Venus shrugs his shoulder with a smile while saying.

Not losing any more time, the siblings head to the lunch area where they find an orgy going on. As various students were fucking unabashedly and ferociously aggressively without care for who it was, as many were getting ganged on, both men and women, friends and or family, nothing mattered as they tried to satiate their thirst as hard as they could. Some who couldn't find any achievable human holes or sticks went the made-do way and began using the things around, from food to tables to utensils, whatever worked, worked.

"Oh my God! This is fucked up!... I don't know what you did bro, but I love it! Can't wait to show them how much they resemble all the shit they said about me right now!" Sarah was shocked, to say the least, but was instantly happy with the outcome, before taking her phone out to film the experience.

Some people would eventually try to attack Venus and Sarah, but Venus beat the shit out of them in one move despite not being in the best condition, but as a half-demon, he was naturally stronger than normal humans, so these young adults who mostly had little training and even those who were part of sports or martial arts teams couldn't compete with him.

"Damn... I didn't know you could actually fight... If you were this good, why did you never agree to join my karate dojo, no matter how much I asked?!" Sarah who had already shot plenty of videos of her school colleagues having sex was now observing her brother deal with the situation, rather than focusing on the video she was recording.

"Karate is kind of meh, I prefer Muay Thai or MMA since they are more my kind of thing... Though Kickboxing and Krav Maga aren't bad at all." Venus answered calmly.

"Hmph! You avoided me so much, I was starting to think you hated my guts, even though I was always so nice to you... I was just confused for the longest time. I just kept trying and telling myself it was a lie... How could he ever hate me?... Eventually I would lose hope, but then you would act nice or do something for me just like now, and I would remember, yeah... He avoids me most of the time, but when it matters, he's there and that's enough." Sarah lost herself in reminiscing about the past.

"Tsk! The past is just that, it's important but ultimately dated. Let's just say I was living differently back then, and now I'm being more honest with myself, and that's why I want you.... Well, I've had these feelings for a while, and it's about time for the all-or-nothing." Venus expressed.

"Oh really?! And what does that all or nothing entail?" Sarah replied with a tinge of sarcasm in her voice as she was aware of where this was going and pouted.

"... A harem... It will probably be way, way bigger than I can logically and possibly handle, but that's what I want, and what I'll try to get... It most certainly is jerkish of me to go after other girls and then ask you to stay only with me, but you should already be aware that I am, in fact, a selfish type of jerk in a lot of ways. You don't have to be a part of my harem if you don't want to, but I can assure you that I do want you with me, and in my own way I do care. I won't say I love you cause honestly, I don't know if I can say that to anyone else but myself... That's just who I am..." Venus sighed before being fully honest with Sarah even if he didn't tell her everything, all he did say was sincere.

"... A part of me hates you for being that way, I won't lie about it... But unfortunately for myself, there's just never been anyone I wanted to be with more than you... I'm still mad, and I'm not going to fully do things your way, but I just can't see you just go and get other women without me being at least a part of it... Maybe I am a freak... It's all your fault! Why did you have to be such a degenerate?!" Sarah walked closer to Venus and shouted in his face.

"So, If what I'm hearing is correct? That's a yes?" Venus smiled at her with smug energy to spare.

"... What do you want me to say?!... Fine! I'm joining your stupid harem! Ok?!... Just shut up about it! Baka!... This damned onii-chan of mine!" Sarah responded and in the midst of it let her bad habit of using some Japanese she got from anime while speaking.

"Subashii... Umu Umu!" As a joke, Venus matched her energy and began to use anime Japanese as well.

"Don't make fun of me!" Sarah punched Venus' shoulder in embarrassment.

"I see, you really didn't learn anything from last time. I'll be seeing you in court, no forgiveness this time." Venus said with a fake hurt expression, not even trying to make it look convincing.

"Oh! Don't even start! Do you think I won't leave the harem if you do so." Sarah matched his energy and got smug with her response.

"Wait... That's illegal!" Venus played along.

"Hmph! So is having a harem, we're even that way." Sarah continued with the smug energy.

"Hahaha!... You're adorable, you know that, right?" Venus changed and gave her a genuine compliment.

"What's with that all of a sudden?! You can't distract me! Baka!" Sarah yelled with a blush.

"Not a distraction, just me saying the truth, but that's beside the point. I have a surprise for you." Venus revealed.

"What?!" Sarah was immediately drawn in as she did not expect it.

"Well, you mentioned your so-called best friend... So I decided to prepare a special surprise for the bitch. We better get there or we'll miss the good stuff." Venus told her.

"What did you do?!" Sarah was more so worried than anything.

"Don't worry too much, let's go!" Venus pulled her closer and began carrying Sarah like she was a potato sack in his shoulder.

"Onii-chan! What did you do?!" She asked again but instead of answering he just kept moving.

"Venus-Niichan! What did you do?!" She insisted but to no avail as he remained silent and she was forced to wait and see for herself.


AN: Yo! It's Kiki here.

The next chapter will finally bring in the anime and other fictional worlds you actually care about. Outside of that, as those who read the synopsis might know, I planned to have the Re: Zero be the rest world, but I'll allow you guys to choose another one of the low tier worlds.

Here's the low tier world list so far: Re:Zero, Avatar, My hero Academy, Demon slayer, Tokyo Ghoul, mushokou Tensei, Genshin impact, Chainsaw man, Jujustsu Kaisen, Cyberpunk: edge runners, Danmachi, The beginning after the end, Overlord, Re:Monster, RWBY, Tower Of God

Choose any of them, or just comment you would rather it stay as Re: Zero. Don't worry, I have plans.