
Omniverse Book 1

The story follows a young boy named david aztlan who was once a normal human but now has become an alien race called the aztlanians who is trying to enjoy his long life to the very fullest by going on many fun adventure's and quests alike with his growing crew called the worst prodigy but in order to have his stolen freedom given back too him he has start by stopping the evil organization called the injustice order lead by king jester humane who is the last ancient human on the planet earth who is on a mission to exterminate the aztlanian race for good from planet earth david and his crew member's having no other choice decide to fight back fighting fighter's, monster's, alien's, and even gods themselves for a better and brighter future full of freedom and no restriction placed on them whatsoever.

UnknownKind · Sci-fi
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912 Chs

Chapter 14

But as david blast him with a huge air attack at close range sending him flying far away from him he goes up into the sky to try to do the same thing he's future self did by harnessing his true air attribute ability as he open both his hand up into the clouds also closing his eye's he can feel his own energy plus his haki stretching across all the air energy as he can feel them bonding together he tries to make a small air pulse attack appear in his palm but it just the size of a rice grain as he gets mad for failing he spots future david looking directly at him with a grin on his face knowing that he can't make a air pulse appear in front of him future david yells at him telling him to get down here so he can train him a bit before they get into a real fight with enemy's who are way stronger than they look david agrees to this both powering down to there base form as they shake hands they realized something about one another that he understands why mom made him leave her in the apartment she was ready to sacrificed herself for him and his brother's david ask if he gonna show him a new move or a way to fight better with his attribute and haki mix together for a greater deal of damage to the opponent's.

future david says that was the plan for today but they had a small sparring battle to do first future david ask his younger self what does he wanna learn today david says maybe he can learn how to used advanced armament haki like he did from his master when he was younger future david says that may take a while for him since he doesn't fully know how to use the normal armament haki level to the full it full capability so he has train on that first if he ever wants to master both the normal level and the advance level for either observation or armament haki he has to train his hardest if he ever plan on standing a real chance with the real monsters of the world before the extermination ever happen and there's alot of evil and good monster's in world itself that are the same level as his father and uncle along side his old master who he train with for many year's but he died of old aged david ask who is it the man who taught him the advance level of haki future david says that's a secret for him to find out when he is ready to meet him himself in the near future, david gets mad at him for what he said but he gets the whole timeline thing and how he can't mess it up.

Future david tell his younger self that he has to first train the basic use of haki then master the more advance level to it if he ever plan on having any chance to survive the true world power's plus more when he's old enough he will find out what that is and meet his master, david and his future self get well along with one another after a couple sparring and training missions as they talk about each other lives from different timeline and point in view as this happens they are suddenly attack by multiple missiles heading their way but future david destroys them all easily with one tiny air blast as the smoke clears out they spot the culprit who is trying to shoot at them up in the sky watching them as david gets a good view on who it is his whole face frozen from not believing who it is a gray and green color robot call neo as he tries to talk to his former comrade future david puts his hand in front of him stopping his movements but that doesn't stop him from flying towards his old friend face to face he ask neo what happen to him to have turn to the dark order in the past neo stays quiet looking at him and then down at future david he lifts his right hand to his earpiece.

Telling his boss he's gonna need about 50 soldiers to come to his location if they plan on capturing the two most wanted target's alive they agreed to this sending the androids toward his as david ask neo to return back home with them it's not too late they can rebuild the world to how it was full of life and not death and be part of a group that he likes and not force to join neo speaks for once but when david hears his voice he is caught off guard confused for a moment before getting blasted in the chest by his energy beam falling down to the ground hard future david ask if he's okay david gets up looking up at the droid he ask his older self who the he'll is that taking over neo body he replies saying he doesn't exactly he just turn evil after the war and just dissapear for a whole year before appearing back with a whole new body and weapons to go with his new looks and title slayer master david flies towards neo once again asking him who the hell is he and what happen to his old friend neo the a.i the droid drops his arms to the side telling david that he still the same person he knew in the past he just upgraded and evolved from his normal priorities as a guardian for a bunker that he can never leave.

David puts a hand on his shoulders telling him he will tell his promised to his own neo from a different past or timeline telling future neo that he told past neo that he promise to find him a body and give him the freedom he needs to stretch and grow as a normal person future neo show's a smile on his robotic face telling him thanks for helping his younger self get free but before anything else happens neo hears a voice on his headset telling him to complete his mission or he will replace in a snap he tries to fight it but he gets a virus implanted into him making him go haywire and nuts asking david to finish him off before he's completely overtaken by his boss david says he can never hurt a comrade in arm neo start to change his color getting a darker colors and eyes turning into a blood red but he tries to fight it as long as possible but he says that he don't got much time before becoming into a ruthless robot who has no emotions to tie him up and won't hold back even to his own friend's david face full of tears understands this is necessary raising his palm to his chest plate where his core is getting ready to fire a attack a cold hand stops him from firing as he looks he see a small squad of androids behind neo.

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