
What will you do

" Oh, it seems the industry norm is to clear at least one dungeon on your own, then apply for a guild. " Zion said into the camera, looking at the information. 

" Are you not going to follow the norm ? " The cameraman asked Zion. 

" No. I don't have time. I don't think it makes a great difference in the guild's opinion. So, I believe it's better to act quickly now to submit my CV now rather than after almost all my friends are out doing the same thing. " Zion opined. 

' Ooooh ! Smart ! ' The camera man complimented Zion. 

The next guild even more strictly rejected him, just because he was a dungeon baby. 

So did the next guild, and the guild after. 

[ We do not accept applications from the Dungeon babies. ] 

The fourth guild put a plaque on the outside. It was a giant redgate in chinese style, with even the red lanterns & co, with all the bells and trappings of a martial arts dens. 

" New hunter ? " The door man asked Zion. 

" Yes. " Zion answered. The moment he did, the doorman pointed at the plaque with a practiced motion. 

" Are you ? " His next question was short too, as if he is saving on the effort of even asking if he is one. 

" Yes. " Zion answered. 

" No dungeon babies allowed in. " The doorman says, flatly laying a pole across the door. 

Zion was pissed, but there's nothing he could do. 

He had expected he would be rejected because he was a weak hunter and has a (S) level growth requirement, but he never ever thought that he would be rejected entry just because he was a dungeon baby. In fact, many guilds have plenty of dungeon babies working in them. Even some of the rankers are dungeon babies. Just what the hell is going on here ? 

[ It's time for lunch. ] The cameraman reminded him. 

" Alright. I need a whole lot of cheese and sugar to cheer up. Oh! There's a 'Boston Market' there. Let's go there. " Zion pointed to the shop. 

[ You really want to go there ? ] Cameraman asked. 

[ There's a steakhouse opposite. ] 

[ There's even a paneera bread ! ] 

" Why ? Do you dislike the 'Boston market ' ? I really need that pure carb punch ! " Zion said. 

As soon as he was inside, he realized it was chicken pot pie day. 

" Give me one pot pie and the buffalo chicken mac and cheese. I will take the combo meal, with the large soda, chicken a-la-carte, sweet potato casserole, mashed potato. For the soup, I will take clam chowder. All of them for here. " Zion ordered at the counter, then picked up his dishes at the end. 

The camera man was watching him silently. 

" What are you doing ? Go order your own. ! " he told the cameraman. 

[ That's two meals ??!! Isn't one for me ? ] The camera man asked in surprise. 

" No. Both are for me. " Zion answered. 

Somehow, he is extremely hungry today. Actually, he was hungry from the moment he got out of the thousand year pod. 

The camera director ordered a simple soup for himself, and watched Zion eat his food with relish. 

[ Just .. where does all that food go ? ] he wondered outloud, watching Zion's small frame. 

" I am a growing boy. " Zion shot back. 

Despite ordering two dishes, Zion licked everything clean, including the iced soda. 

Just as they were about to leave, Cerise's voice rang in his head. 

' I have a question. It seems we suddenly need to sign a waiver if we want to enter a dungeon. ' Cerise informed him. 

' My friend is asking me to take the lead and complain to the public examiner. Should I complain or not ? ' Cerise asked him. 

' This friend, is she a close one ? ' Zion asked. 

' not … really ?' Cerise's reply came. 

' Did you release all three cameras ? ' Zion asked. 

' Yes. ' Cerise answered. 

' Were you able to monitor them ? ' Zion asked. 

' No. our phones are confiscated. ' Cerise answered. 

' Then, don't go forward with any complaints. It could be a ruse. As for the waiver, if you don't feel like it, don't sign it.Just walk out if you don't feel like it.' Zion answered her. 

' My friend keeps on begging me. Also, this new player waiver, they say we won't have any rights if we don't sign it. ' Cerise complained. 

At this point, Zion slowly realized this conversation is resembling very many he has heard elsewhere on the internet. 

' Did you contact me just to complain ? ' he asked after a minute of pause, where Cerise ranted without pause. 

' I shouldn't have ? ' Cerise wondered. 

' No. You should. You absolutely should. ' Zion answered, feeling a little sweet. 

At first he was worried, but since Cerise is half a regressor, he's not worried. 

' Oh, look at these guys ! If I sign a waiver, I can pick a purple class equipment, but if I don't sign one, I will get the basic white long bow. ' She ranted on and on. 

Then all of a sudden, she paused. 

' I have a black color bow, and a blue bow. Which one should I pick ? ' She wondered. 

' Cerise, you do realize there are different types in longbows? ' Zion asked. 

' hmm… I think the blue one looks more expensive. I will just pick blue. ' Cerise decided. 

Zion came a hair's breadth close, swearing, but he did not. 

' indeed. That makes sense. After all, you are not going to use a bow at all. ' Zion matched for the time being, realizing this might be Cerise's way of stress response. 

' a bicorn or a poison scorpion , which one should I pick ? ' she wondered again. 

' Bicorn. Blast it with double heat. If possible, put everything you see in the dungeon into your portal. ' Zion was enthusiastic this time. 

Bicorn has far too many useful materials. 

' Then bicorn it is. I am entering the dungeon now. Bye bye. ' Cerise finished talking. 

Zion reached the next guild despite walking half dazed. 

' Is this a good progression or bad progression of a relationship ? ' he mused for a second about his conversation with Cerise. 

' Do girls talk like this with their boyfriend ? ' he wondered. All of his experience with Leste is telling him there was something wrong with how the conversation went, but he could not pinpoint what is so off about it at all. 

' Never mind. I will think about this later. Finish the task ..yep yep … Task completion ~ Here I come. ' he encouraged himself, and went on to the next guild office. 

The last six guilds are in the same area . 

Within the next two hours, he finished sending his credentials to all of these guilds. 

" It's not that we do not accept dungeon babies, but we do not accept dungeon babies who can not provide a pedigree certificate. " The last guild rejected him politely compared to other guilds. It's also the guild with least influence among all the guilds. 

Zion sat looking listless on the park bench as the camera focused on him. 

[ What will you do now ? ] The camera man asked him. 

Zion has no answer. He came to this stream, ready to get humiliated, but the reality is far crueler. It doesn't even have enough time to look at his face and scold before it discarded him. Instead, one look, and he was labeled 'useless'. 

At this point, one might be wondering, since that pedigree certificate helps, why don't you get it ? … Zion knew why. It made him feel all too much like a cattle. 

Pedigree certificate analyzes all the bloodlines in a dungeon baby's blood. This is important because certain types of monsters have increased or decreased agro because of the blood. It also applies to skills and how fast he could pick them up or not pick them up. 

However, what after getting a pedigree certificate ? In reality, once you go into a guild, will the guild use you for a hunt when you were rejected previously ? … the answer is no. 

They will only use you as a bait according to your bloodline, but never give you skills that will increase your power. Then, one day, you will retire after being injured too much. One look at the dungeon babies ranking among top is enough to know this. Almost all of them belong to a single bloodline. Either they are half dwarfs, dragon kin or half elves, but never a person with more than one bloodline in them. 

All of this went through Zion's head in a flash as he sat and thought about the answer to the camera man's question seriously. 

At this point, Zion's phone beeped. 

It's the reception of the first guild he had been to. Silver sword orientation rep was at the guild. 

" Are you done with the raid ? " the person asked the returning players. 

" Yes, Maam. It's done. " The hunter captain answered. 

" Good. Your final payment will be processed within an hour. " She went away after those words. 

This video was not shown to the stream, and Zion just put it down as if he was looking at an inconsequential message. Yet, there was a gleam in his eyes. 

" I have decided what I want to do. " He answered the cameraman. 

Next chapter