
The Indomitable Master of Elixirs

Author: North Night
Fantasy Romance
Completed · 10M Views
  • 1284 Chs
  • 4.6
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  • NO.200+

What is The Indomitable Master of Elixirs

Read ‘The Indomitable Master of Elixirs’ Online for Free, written by the author North Night, This book is a Fantasy Romance Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: She was the most powerful immortal cultivator of the 24th century, but was transported to a world of sorcery and demons....


She was the most powerful immortal cultivator of the 24th century, but was transported to a world of sorcery and demons. There, she is persecuted by her family and ill-treated by her scumbag of a fiance… Want to bully her? Haha! She would be teaching them all a lesson very soon! Amazing sorcery? Here's a Five-Blow-Thunderstruck talisman that will smite you to dust! Superb medicine? One pot of my elixirs can turn a good-for-nothing into a genius! A fierce and might army? I can conjure up soldiers from just a handful of peas! The evils we bring upon ourselves are the hardest to bear. Submit to me and prosper, oppose me and perish! However… why is that handsome Grand Tutor sending her signals with his eyes all the time? Grand Tutor: "Aren't you going to take responsibility for your own actions?"

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Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan anak sulung Tan Sri Zahabi dan Puan Sri Zarlili iaitu Zafran Faizi?  Sebut sahaja nama pasti ramai orang kenal. Dengan wajahnya yang kacak dan susuk tubuh yang menarik ramai wanita yang minat terhadap Zafran Faizi sehingga mereka sanggup mengerumuni keretanya seperti semut mengerumuni gula ketika hendak keluar dari tempat letak kereta.  "Kamu semua sudah kenapa? Tak ada kerja lain ke nak lakukan. Selalu sangat mengganggu Abang saja. Kamu semua hendak tahu tak? Kamu semua ni dah membazir masa dari dahulu sampai sekarang sahaja meminati Abang. Lebih baik kamu semua berhenti saja. Tolonglah."  Zafran Faizi. "Saya Aurora sebagai wakil antara gadis yang lain ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kerana sudi mendengar apa yang kami ingin cakapkan. Saya nak cakap, mengapa kami tidak boleh meminati Abang Zafri?" Aurora "Abang kan dah cakap tadi. Kamu semua tak dengar dengan jelas ke? Abang cakap tadi, Abang tak mahu kamu semua membazir masa untuk meminati Abang. Abang harap kamu semua faham apa yang Abang mahukan. Selepas ini, Abang sudah tidak mahu lihat kamu semua mengganggu Abang lagi. Faham!." Zafran Faizi Pada suatu hari...dirumah banglo, ibu bapa Zafran Faizi ,Tan Sri Zahabi dan Puan Sri Zarlili menyuruhnya untuk berkahwin dengan calon menantu pilihan mereka. Zafran Faizi tidak mempersetujuinya kerana ibu bapanya memilih calon menantu tanpa pengetahuannya serta dia tidak menyukainya.  Dalam hati, Zafran selalu ingin hidup bersederhana. Dia tidak mahu lagi hidup serba mewah kerana dia mahu hidup berdikari. Jadi, dia bercadang mahu lari rumah. Keesokkan harinya, dia pun telah lari dari rumah tanpa pengetahuan ahli keluarganya dan bibiknya. Semasa dalam perjalanan... dia ternampak seorang wanita dihadapan kedai runcit telah diragut oleh peragut. Zafran Faizi menolong wanita itu dan telahpun berjaya.  " Cik, Ini saya kembalikan beg Cik tadi yang diragut. Saya Zafri. " Zafran Faizi " Terima kasih awak sebab tolong saya. Kalau awak tidak tolong, pasti beg saya akan diragut. Saya Faizah Zafirah. Boleh panggil saya Izzah. Saya amat terhutang budi dengan awak. Boleh saya balas budi awak?  " Faizah Zafirah " Sama-sama. Tidak perlulah awak nak balas budi. Saya hanya menolong awak dengan ikhlas. " Zafran Faizi Pertemuan mereka seperti dirancang. Ya, Allah SWT yang Maha Mengetahui. Dia-lah yang mengatur segala-galanya. Mungkin Dia mahu kita bertemu orang lain, yang lebih baik untuk kita dan memberikan orang yang lebih baik kepada orang yang kita cintai. Bermula peristiwa tersebut hasrat Zafran Faizi ingin hidup bersederhana telah pun termakbul. Demi Takdir Cinta yang ditentukan oleh Allah SWT, Zafran Faizi ingin berkahwin dengan Faizah Zafirah. Biarlah berbeza darjat, asalkan dia dapat menemui cinta sejati.

Kim_Jad · Fantasy
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Lord Frieza incarnate in Gensokyo

-=| Please Read Everything Below Before You Start The Story |=- Synopsis : A playboy weeb from our world, that doesn't know anything about Touhou, gets Frieza-sama powers and the appearance of Killua Zoldyck from Hunter X Hunter, then gets isekai-ed to Touhou Project world. Note: From chapter 36, 'High school DxD' will be initiated. Read According To Your Status : _If you KNOW what Touhou is > In case you find incorrect information in the story, it’s not like I didn’t know about it and was making things, but I've deliberately changed it to fits my story or it can be the characters themselves didn't know about it, it’s not like they have a freakish wiki about their world or anything. You might also found new characters or additional information about the world itself. _If you DON’T KNOW what Touhou is > The MC himself doesn't know a damn about it, so there is no information requirement to read this story. _If you KNOW who Frieza is > Come here buddy, you’ve found what you're looking for ( ° ͜ʖ °), but you JUST have to endure until chapter 10 and you'll get what you want. (─‿‿─) _If you DON’T KNOW who Frieza is > …Just type his freakish name in google, but i’ve made sure to explain everything about him in the story, so you don’t need to read his wiki page, just marvel at our Lord Frieza in Youtube and come back here :D. _If you KNOW who Frieza is and you also KNOW what Touhou is > Read this, i’m confident in my work ;) _If you DON’T KNOW who Frieza is and you also DON’T KNOW what Touhou is > Well, give me your damn brain, you’re basically gonna read a new novel. _If you KNOW or DON’T KNOW who Killua Zoldyck is > It doesn't matter, you only need to see his image on the thumbnail(He's the kid in front of frieza.) or google image, and you're good to go. -=| DON'T FORGET TO CHECK THE CHARACTERS APPEARANCES IN GOOGLE. |=- /* Search someting Like this : ('name of the character' Touhou) */ And you should find official or fanmade illustrations of that character. -= AUTHOR COMMENTS =- So, I've just got this idea in my mind for a while now, and decided to write it out. I've accumulated chapters and edited everything to get a good foundation before publishing this. HOWEVER, if this will continue or not... it all depends on you guys. I'm basically a lazy person by default, so if I don't see any comments, review etc... I won't write anything. IN OTHER WORDS, you're the ones who will get me to write new chapters, and I wish you good luck in that, if you want a hint... then you should start by having at least 10 comments in every chapter and with reviews of course. And I promise that I will read every single comment, so you don’t have to worry about that... after all, that’s my only entertainment in writing this story. *Wink* English is not my mother language, in fact it's so far from it and considering that i know 4 other languages, which means it's 6 languages in total, thus i can't help confusing beetween them, so spare me the grammar, vocabulary etc... but it's definitely readable, i try my best here, you know? if you can read this Synopsis then you will be able to read my story, this, i can at least guarantee it for you. Also, if you're a kid or don't like swearing words, you should probably avoid my book =] . And finally, if you want to try this book, then you have to absolutely at least read the Foundation Volume before you decide anything about the story, the Foundation Volume is basically the first 10 chapters of the book, they are constructed in a way that... well, you'll find the answer in chapter 10. If you didn't read them and still leave my book, then you are just ignoring a good story (;一_一) Anyway, Enjoy.

Ridoux_Studio · Anime & Comics
64 Chs

Wish Fulfillment System

After a long time, Isaac finally succeeded in transcending existence itself, something theoretically almost impossible. Or… he should have succeeded, had he really cut off all of his attachments and feelings, not just the ones connected to the world that he had lived in. In his ignorance, he hadn’t taken his attachments to worlds that he had deemed imaginary into account. Having been reminded of this fact, he found himself on the threshold to full transcendence. He had two choices: Either giving up these attachments as well to reach the goal that he had chased after for so long, or postponing doing so until later and using the byproduct of his attempt at transcendence - having turned into an omnipotent being beyond existence - to go on a journey in the infinite number of worlds waiting for him. To fulfill his last wishes and to meet the people that he had thought fictional before, Isaac used his newfound power on a single, tailor-made creation. The Wish Fulfillment System. This is a story about a number of lonely people trying to overcome their loneliness by sticking together, as well as the fates of the people connected to the system that Isaac created. --------------- My novel series "Reincarnation Cycle's Unfortunate Bug" on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CYHGRR8M/ Discord Server: https://discord.gg/NdAjjmXSDh Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sh1ro --------------- Hi there, Shiro/the author here. This story is one that I decided to write for personal enjoyment and so that I could share it with a few friends. I decided to start uploading it here so that a few of you can potentially get some enjoyment out of it as well. If you have any constructive criticism or notice a mistake, feel free to let me know, I truly appreciate any chance I can get to improve my writing. Now, if you don't end up enjoying the story, sorry about that. No story is for everyone. And considering that this one was primarily written purely for my own enjoyment, I don't know how many others will have the same taste that I do. Yes, during its early stages, this story will incorporate some worlds and characters which are at first glance similar to ones that you're already familiar with. I mean no disrespect to the authors of those original works, I was simply intrigued by their creations and decided to borrow them for parts of the story. - Current Release Schedule: 1 chapter every two weeks on Sunday, between 9 p.m. and 11 p.m. GMT+1 (More chapters can appear as bonus chapters, so this is the absolute minimum.) - Chapter length: At least 3.5k words per chapter - the average is at ~3.97k at the moment. (Yes, you're in for significantly longer reads than usual.) --------------- In case you want to support my writing endeavours or read more of what I've already written, I'd be very grateful if you checked out either of these: 1) My novel series "Reincarnation Cycle's Unfortunate Bug" on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CYHGRR8M/ 2) My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sh1ro Cover created by: https://twitter.com/amekojam

Shiro_the_Hero · Others
191 Chs

Reincarnate With Me~

"WHAT WAIT NO! Ok ok ok we can talk about this Mason..." she tried to negotiate as she hid in a hole covering her head with a simple block of cobblestone. "Why did you have to threaten Paul like that?" (the pandas name was decided then and there unfortunately for 'Paul') "I was just making sure youd hide instead of trying to fight. you know you suck at pvp" the voice teased over the headset making her face red... not in embarrassment but anger. this girl was quite competitive so almost instantly she broke the cobblestone and using basic skills if the game by jumping and placing a block under herself she got out of the hole readying to dodge an arrow and kill the skeleton. just to see Masons suit wearing character standing there with a single arrow in his leg. which if you're thinking shed tease him for getting damage it should be noted that, she in fact, has 9 arrows all over her characters body. including the eye. "I know you too well Coby. but good diamond scouting. maybe I should upgrade your equipment to iron..." Mason said as he turns mining the diamond before jumping up the blocks heading to the exit as coby follows close behind. "That's not fair! I had it handled I could've killed it myself!" she whined feeling looked down on. again. sadly before Mason could apologize an offer her cute animals to compensate her moody attitude the ground violently shook. not just in his city, Cobys too. "AH MASON!"she screamed as all the tables and chairs in the cafeteria started to move forcing people ti fall or get shoved by them as loose trays ended up in the floor tripping those trying to get out of the way of the moving furniture. "Coby! Dont tell me you have an earthquake too?" he asks as she could also hear screaming in the background of his mic. All across the world, at the same time everyone experienced the same thing. an earthquake which toppled sky scrapers, moved bunkers, crushed anything that wasnt made of steel... well some cars did fall into a giant crevice and get crushed when it closed itself. but even after all that the suffering didnt end. as government managed to get on their feet to start helping the citizens of their own countries... a tsunami hit. everywhere. storms raged, animals attacked after land was shrunken. it's almost as if the entire planet shrunk and the mass of water rose hundreds of kilometers. many lives were lost. in the earthquake, 8% of earth's original population died or were missing. the tsunami finalized any doubt about the missing being alive as a further 27% drowned or were swept out to sea. the storms caused further damage as another 5% died to lightning, freezing temperatures or just falling I'll from the wet and cold and barely any shelter. the animal attacks lost us another 17%. in total 57% of earth's population died in a span of a month and with most hospitals being underwater, crumbling or over run with wild animals of all shapes and sizes. the rate of birth declined as infants died in the arms of mother, fathers, strangers, and maybe if they were lucky... doctors. through all of these statistics, Coby and Mason survived... for now at least. ------------------- Authors note I'm not an english major nor did I excel at it in school. I'm just a casual worker who loves making up worlds before bed and have previously written fanfic about 6 years ago on wattpad. theres gonna be cliche cringe bs and probably poorly written scenes as well as mature content varying between sex, r4pe and torture. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

Chaotic_Xavier · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Joueur Divin dans un Monde Similaire à un Jeu

``` Rappel : Il n'y a pas de pouvoir de l'amitié dans ce roman. (Attention : Ce roman comporte une étiquette r18 et contient du contenu mature.) **** Raydon regardait d'un air hébété les textes holographiques flottant devant ses yeux. ''Comment ai-je atterri dans un tel événement ? '' [Planète] : B7890-D4850 [Race] : Humain [Nom] : Raydon Demugen [Titre] : N/A [PV] : N/A [PM] : N/A [Force] : N/A [Agilité] : N/A [Endurance] : N/A [Chance] : N/A [Charisme] : N/A [Esprit] : N/A [Équipement(s) Magique(s)] : N/A [Enchantement(s) Corporel(s)] : N/A [Stockage Dimensionnel] : N/A [Temps jusqu'au réveil : 00:16:30] *** Dans un monde doté de technologies avancées et de jeux VR en immersion totale, Raydon est la seule personne à avoir obtenu le titre de « Dieu » grâce à ses accomplissements et à son talent dans les jeux. Mais, à la suite de certains événements inattendus, il a perdu la vie et s'est éveillé dans un monde différent. Dans ce monde, qui semble similaire au sien, il a découvert l'existence de personnes éveillées connues sous le nom de Détenteurs d'objet. Il est rapidement devenu lui-même un détenteur d'objet et a commencé à participer à des matchs contre d'autres mondes pour monter de niveau et obtenir des objets dotés de différentes compétences. Utilisant les aptitudes et les connaissances qui lui avaient valu le titre de « Dieu » dans sa vie précédente, il a commencé à faire des progrès pour devenir un véritable Dieu dans ce monde. *** N'oubliez pas de lire le chapitre auxiliaire (Explications importantes) si vous avez des questions sur le système ou la terminologie des détenteurs d'objet. *** Gardez à l'esprit que le MC est, dans l'âme, juste un joueur qui considère sa vie comme un jeu. Il a un esprit rationnel, mais il prendra des décisions irrationnelles si cela signifie plus d'excitation, de plaisir et de butin pour lui. *** Suivez-moi sur Instagram pour les illustrations des personnages. Instagram : goldenlineagenovel La couverture m'appartient. ''XimeoindeX'' Merci pour la touche dorée. *** ```

GoldenLineage · Fantasy
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150 Chs
Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4
Volume 5


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I can finally the read the novel. I love the manga very much. Y'all, the author of this also wrote Genius doctor black belly miss, we in for a treat. I love north night and her works 💜


This is unprecedented pill refiner : 9th miss.... Fans of black belly doctor and 7th miss theif will already have read 130 odd chapters of this novel as I have...Dunno why they changed the name here though.... I recognized the novel by its synopsis and voted for it. But I must say I am a little sceptical since only 15 chapters have been released !!!! 15 is very very less considering at least 50℅ of us know the story up to 130 chapters.... We will have to sit tight and wait at least 1 month if 3 chap/ day or 2 monthsif 2 chaps / day!!!! ... Also it means that we won't be getting many free chapters . So unfair.... When books like these r picked up at least 50 - 75 chapters should be realeased upfront since that much story is out since long.....


Reveal spoiler


From the same author of Genius Doctor, Black Bellied Miss. If you have read that story, you should know the writing style. Lots of face slapping, ridiculous plots against the female lead, insanely over powered lady. Nearly brain dead enemies. The chapters are very short. You can read one chapter in a couple minutes.


Hmmmm I wish this one is good. Look forward to it!! And please don't use diamond early, please!!! I would love to see this one. Love lots!!


Oh yeah, kind of late now but here's the review of this books editor: This story is one of many from North Night. There's just something about cold and ruthless female MC's which get the best of all us readers. What I like about this book—and which differentiates it from the others—is how it handles the issue with male leads. First of all, I find them a lot more interesting than the other MLs in similar novels. Their story gives an unique insight into what world they live and their powers carry interesting quirks that carry beyond 'being strong because the story said so'. Furthermore, our main lead is a lot less reliant on them, which I find great. The translating group has always proven to deliver quality work and I am proud to work/have worked for them. I urge you all to read it. Also, if there are any editing mistakes, let me know in the reply so we can change it for the future. If anyone here has seen my original books, they'd know I am far from perfect haha.


I normally prefer novels with a male MCs' POV but this female MC is also great. She is bold and shameless, cute yet ruthless enough to match the male MCs in similar cultivation novels. I was drawn to this book first because of its comic "Peerless Refiner". The ML is so very pretty in the comic! =(^o^)=<3 <3 <3 Everyone should take a look at it at least once! (Though of course NOBODY can match our most beautiful and handsome Senior White from "Cultivation Chat Group".)


Author, nice plot but the character names are confusing me. Plz give us a introduction of characters. Keep up the gud work. But if a lightining strucks the person will be death immediately🔫💥💥🔫💥💥🔫 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 🔫💥💥💥💥💥🔫 🔫🔫💥💥💥🔫🔫 🔫🔫🔫💥🔫🔫🔫 🔫🔫🔫💥🔫🔫🔫 ✨ 🎍 🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃 🎃🔥🎃🎃🎃🔥🎃 🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃 🎃🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🎃 🎃🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🎃 🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃 💀😱😱😱😱💀 😱🍟🍔🍩🍕😱 😱🍕🍟🍔🍩😱 😱🍩🍕🍟🍔😱 😱🍔🍩🍕🍟😱 💀😱😱😱😱💀 I'm hungry ☁☁☁⚡☁☁☁ ☁☁⚡⚡⚡☁☁ ☁⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡☁ ⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡ ☁☁⚡⚡⚡☁☁ ☁☁⚡⚡⚡☁☁ ☁☁⚡⚡⚡☁☁ ☁☁⚡⚡⚡☁☁ ☁☁☁⚡☁☁☁ ☁☁⚡⚡⚡☁☁ ☁⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡☁ ⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡ ☁☁⚡⚡⚡☁☁ ☁☁⚡⚡⚡☁☁ ☁☁⚡⚡⚡☁☁ ☁☁⚡⚡⚡☁☁ ☁☁☁⚡☁☁☁ ☁☁⚡⚡⚡☁☁ ☁⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡☁ ⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡ ☁☁⚡⚡⚡☁☁ ☁☁⚡⚡⚡☁☁ ☁☁⚡⚡⚡☁☁ ☁☁⚡⚡⚡☁☁


I actually started to read this book after I saw the update of its manga is so late. And I finished it in two days🤩🔥 I should admit this is one of the coolest novel I ever read in my life. The way ji fengyan improved her strength and how hard she tried to become immortal. And our grand tutor or we should said cute liu huo continued to follow her. All the thing of this story is amazing, exciting, breathtaking and brilliant. I really don't know how I should express my emotions about this novel. 😍 😍 😍 🔥🔥 I will never forget these two couples. Let me say I'm in love with ji fengyan abilities they are so wide and cool especially the one that can put life into things.


Oh man this one i read a long time ago but i cant wait to see the full story now!! But i love the Main Female lead and her give no f's attitude towards things and dumb characters that stand in her way!


Reveal spoiler


dropped. got bored. everytime someone bullies her she just stay put and after awhile of dialogue she casts spell to make them kneel. every single time. nothing better???


[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend] [img=recommend] [img=recommend][img=recommend] [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]


Here's my opinion after reading 300 chapters, 99% of them, mc just laughs at the enemy, let them abuse and flaunt their own power. 99% of the times, she doesnt do **** and just lets the enemy or whoever is it, piss her off, and in only 1% of the chapters does she actually do something about it. So, if you have patience to read a novel like this, go ahead, the novel is good, the female character isn't, she is OP if you compare her to the people who try to antagonize her, but she doesnt do **** unless they piss her of till the very limits


It needs at least 4 chapters to match 1 from other stories, so 2 chapters a day feels like only getting half a chapter a day. So the only negative thing so far is the release rate that needs to be increased.


The manhua is FANTASTIC and I'm hyped for the novel version!!!! I'm gonna vote the **** out of this the rest of this year. It's a transmigration novel of a female badass MC. I didn't notice any annoying factors that typically destroy this type of novels in the manhua version, so I have great hopes for this.


I am so very much finding myself liking the story just on the summary and reading other readers reviews just by itself so I felt I must review it too😝😝😝😝 I am liking the story so far😍😍😍😍 So keep the chapters updated daily please!!!🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 Its going to be one of my top novels I'm sure!!😜😜😜 LOVE it for now 💕❤️💕 💕 soooooooo more!!!!! Okay! Great❤️❤️❤️❤️


❤️❤️❤️❤️💛💛💛💙💙💙💛❤️❤️🧡🧡❤️💛💙❤️❤️❤️🧡🧡💛 This author never disappoints. 💙💙💙❤️🧡💜💜💜💜💜💙💙💙💙❤️🧡🧡💛💛💛💛🧡❤️💙💜💜💜📚💙❤️❤️🧡


Great Novel! I couldn't stop reading. Characters was awesome. Story Plot was great. Keeps you on edge. LOL. Highly recommend Read. Cheap chapters.


nice story 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊💯💯💯🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩💯🤩💯💯💯💯🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩


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