
Omnipotent system of the Otherworld's Judge

Due to some unfortunate circumstances, Aster found himself in the midst of a cosmic energy storm. He was supposed to be migrating from Earth to another place called Gaia along with millions of people. He was supposed to have a world of possibilities for his future, literally. But instead, he was going to die. 'No, I won't accept an ending like this!' With the massive amount of energy mixture overcharging his soul and destroying his body, he desperately searched for a way to live. And he found it. What is the most powerful thing in the entire world? A lot of people would say dragons, demon kings, humanity's heroes, shadow sovereign, gods, etc. Aster would say the system. What is the thing that can make an average weeb a world conqueror? What is the thing that can make the smallest of ants into the king of heaven? What is the thing that can turn ugly people beautiful, weak into strong and mortal a divine existence? It's the system He found his way to survive. He channeled all of his excess mana into his system, mutating it... evolving it to something unprecedented, something unforeseen, something that has endless potential. Armed with a new responsibility and a goal, he sets out to enjoy his new life in this new world. *** The cover is ai generated. Edited by me on Canva Some stuff -No romance -No harem -69 chaps in and no young masters so far -The mc might be a bit of a pushover in the first volume but bear with me, the overpowered and the weak to strong tags aren't there for nothing. 20 powerstones- extra chap for the week. 40 powerstones- extra chap for the week. Try out "Apocalyptic Ravager!" It is my other novel.

Billurigan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
102 Chs


"Damn, this is so fricking delicious." Aster exclaimed while stuffing his face with meat.

Currently he was in a fast food restaurant, having the time of his life with its food.

The more a person strengthens their physique, their senses get sharpened. On top of a 6th sense of sensing mana, the existing 5 gets enhanced and that includes taste as well.

Because of this, high level awakener's palates change and they become able to distinguish flavors better. What might be the pinnacle of food for an ordinary level 1, a strong awakened might think it's salty so a delicate balance of flavors are needed.

Aster though, couldn't care less. He will eat anything as long as it meets his standard… and a lot of things meet his standard.

After a week of drinking bitter poison constantly, normal junk food sent him to heaven.

"Ahh, that was good." he said with a satisfied smile.

"It would be 4 gold in total." A kind looking waitress notified him of his pay.

After paying, he went around and explored the building more. He saw a few popular earth restaurants along with a few online cafes.

'It seems Earth cultures have influenced humans on Gaia quite a lot in the past 7 months. Hmm, I wonder if those full dive games can be made here with all those magic and skills, and animes too. If the animators level up and increase their endurance and vitality then they could work at a constant pace without getting sick or having other problems right?'

[The skill [Conceal] has leveled up]

'Well, it's not like people would play games as much as before now that there's a system for everyone now. It's basically a real life video game. Or it would still be popular since not many people can face monsters.'

'Enough fantasizing, let's get to business.'

He then went to a toilet stall and locked the door. He pulled out some glowing tablets from thin air and absorbed them.

[The skill [Enhanced Strength Lv 1] has been acquired]

[Description: Enhances strength by 1 point and extra one strength point every level up]

[The skill [Enhanced Agility Lv 1] has been acquired]

[Description: Enhances agility by 1 point and extra one agility point every level up]

[The skill [Berserk [EX] Lv 1] has been acquired]

[Description: Decreases comprehension by 5, and imbues berserk status effect but doubles physical attack, muscle power and speed by 50%]

[Duration: 10 minutes]

[Cooldown: 24 hour]

[Inflicts status effect: Weakness(-50% strength and agility) for a hour]

[Class: Berserker has been acquired]

[The skill [Bloodlust [EX] Lv 1] has been acquired]

[Description: Attacks the target's spiritual body with a hostile aura attack, 100% chance at inflicting fear and 10% paralysis if the target is weaker, slight intimidation to equal opponents and no effect to stronger individuals]

[Advanced soul fragment has been absorbed]

[+8 attribute points]

[+8 skill points]

"Hehehe, thanks for the new class, dumbass" He taunted the man, even in death.

Meanwhile, someone in a cloak was staring at Aster intently.

'Don't you have a little bit too much confidence in your concealment? My race is a master of illusions, you can't fool me hehe.'

The stalker snickered a bit and continued to observe him and waited for a perfect chance to strike.

Couple of hours later.

"Station 7, station 3, station 11 will depart within 15 minutes, please gather at your respective stations." A voice on a speaker was heard.

"Alright, time to go to our station." Aster told his parents.

He had fun touring around the place and visiting various restaurants and arcades. It was a much needed vacation after all the fighting.

The station room was a gigantic circular chamber, enough to contain thousands of people, with 15 different hallways connecting to it. One was the entrance and the exit while the rest were hallways to different chambers for transport. Station 1-10 were air transports, 11 and 12 were sea and 13 and 14 were land transports. Each of the hallways had a mana barrier blocking it and a few guards guarding it.

Aster went up to a hallway labeled station 11 and queued there, which noticeably had far less people than the others.

'Well not many people would go to Kyolastix from here so it's acceptable, no need to be paranoid.'

He observed his surroundings, raising his vigilance. He got an uncomfortable feeling.

"Station 3 passengers may go through the hallway and board the ship." A voice from a speaker was heard and a massive amount of people went to the hallway, greatly reducing the population inside the chamber. Once everyone from station 3 left, the mana barrier appeared again.

"Station 7 passengers may go through the hallway and board the ship." Another announcement was made and people shifted again.

Aster carefully inspected them, trying to get rid of his discomfort. Then his eyes met with someone else's. She wore a leather trench coat and had alluring pink eyes, an attractive face with a flirty expression.

Immediately, his discomfort was replaced with a warm and fuzzy feeling.

A little bit confused, he tried to use true sight but the woman disappeared from his view and appeared right in front of him and hugged him, which caused him to disable his skill before he fully saw her status screen. Fortunately, he managed to catch a glimpse of her name and race which caused his eyes to widen.

"Figured it out, eh?" She innocently said with a guilty expression before switching to an ecstatic one. Then, she bit him on his neck.

Aster, who was a bit too slow to react due to the charm effect, could only scream in horror in his head as an electric jolt ran through his body, usurping his control over his body.

No one batted an eye, not even his family as they were under an illusion skill.

Not being able to move was one thing but something else moving his body was something equally as terrifying for Aster.

He could only curse at himself and the young succubus when he entered the station 7 hallway by following the girl.


They soon reached the end of the hallway and saw something that resembled a spaceship.

They entered the space ship and the damned succubus guided him towards a room.

Inside the room, there was a single queen sized bed, a desk, a wardrobe, a small circular window showing cloudy sky and a lamp. Something so simple has never been so frightening.

Under the demon's influence he walked towards the bed and sat on it. The succubus stood in front of him and took off her coat, revealing a fancy black silken nightgown with a revealing back, to show a thin, scaly, obsidian wings and a long tail. Her fangs grew while two small bumps grew on her head. The glow in her eyes became brighter and ferocious, endless longing behind it.

The sight would have been enticing for most people, but Aster's frustration and animosity reached all time high, even surpassing his hatred for Blake.

He saw some shit with true sight within the gang members he had killed. He had witnessed hundreds of men violate young girls and boys and take pleasure in it. Worst of all, he saw their memories meaning he saw it in first person, further increasing his disgust.

But he had shown retribution to those savages and achieved revenge for those but he never thought he would be getting violated.

The succubus inched closer.

"Let's see how you really look like." She said before tearing the mask off, revealing his face and his mesmerizing eyes, which had taken the color of blood red once again to show his feelings.

"Hehe, not bad. I really like your eyes. You pass my test, well not that it mattered anyways. Your soul is too precious to be ignored." She said while salivating.

She then pulled her face closer to Aster's, which remained still contrary to his emotions and breathed on his neck, and then bit it. She injected her special poison that arouses through her fangs and it did cause stimulation alright, just not the thing that she had hoped for.

[Emergency mode has been activated]

[Cause of activation: Fledgling succubus]

[Appropriate measures will be taken]

Messages that only Aster can see flashed before his retinas and he slumped against the succubus' bosom.

She took it as eagerness and tried to bite his ear, only to puke out blood.

"What?" She managed to say before collapsing on the floor.

She instantly felt weak and her appearance aged 20 years. She looked up and saw Aster, or what looked like Aster, standing up, his right hand bloody yet covered in brilliant golden glow. His eyes now glowing radiant yellow.

"Di-, divine energy? But, but how?"

He took a step and prepared his fist. The golden aura took the shape of a blade and he stabbed it right in her heart.

"GYAAAGH" She screamed but nobody would help her. The room was conveniently adjusted with sound proof magic for some purposes.

However the succubus did not die despite having its heart destroyed. It quickly rolled backwards and leaped at him, her intent changed from using Aster to fuel her growth to killing him.

Unfortunately for her, she had greatly underestimated the thing in front of her. With one smooth motion, Aster dashed at her, beheaded it and appeared behind her while her body was still falling, blood emerging like a fountain while Aster did not show a single hesitation or a change in expression.

"Advanced awakened Lv 39 Demon:Fledgling Succubus has been killed" It whispered.

"790 exp gained"

A move like that required decades if not centuries to master yet he performed it flawlessly. He turned around and saw a violet fog mixed with red sparks floating above the young demon's corpse. It steadily floated towards Aster and went into his chest.

Instantly, his eyes changed from golden yellow to dark purple with a red outline. Combined with his indifferent expression and bloody clothes, it gave him a menacing look.

"Obtained Advanced soul fragment×1"

"Obtained Lesser Demonic essence×1"

"Obtained Essence of Lust×29"

"Obtained Essence of Greed×23"

"Obtained Soul tablet(Charm)"

"Obtained Soul tablet(Lesser Illusion)"

As soon as he finished announcing his kill, he suddenly kneeled over and started panting heavily. Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead and his eyes reverted back to normal.

"Holy, holy shit" He exclaimed.

His body was overexerted from performing that move but he didn't care, excitement can wait.

"I have to go back"

[[Whirlwind] has been activated]

Bursting through the door, he ran around the ship, looking for the exit.

'I should still have time, It hasn't even been 10 minutes yet.'

Huge gusts of wind followed him as he ran, creating loud noises inside a narrow claustrophobic corridor.

He saw the gate of the ship, now starting to close.

'Come on!!!'

With his remaining ounce of energy, he gathered aura in his legs and jumped. He flew like a bullet, cutting air and crossing dozens of meters in a second.

'I can make it!' He sighed in his head. But it was too early to feel relieved.

Suddenly, something hit him and the entire world went black.

[-1072 hp]


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I think I wrote this chapter well. If there are any mistakes that I made then please comment! I want to improve, you know?

Billurigancreators' thoughts