

Doomed to die! Facing such a fate, Ian Cloud, the crippled genius, has to make a choice… Either to wait for his impending death while decaying slowly, or to run into its embrace head-first for a chance to struggle and live on! Follow Ian as he enters the astonishing world of ‘The Lost Realm’, a super realistic VR game where danger lurks everywhere and getting logged out equals death. Will he manage to survive now that he is no longer restricted by his physical flaw? Or will he lose his last chance to fix his broken reality? ~~~-~~~ Disclaimer: This is purely a work of fiction and its events are completely made up. ~~~-~~~ - Check out my other novels: = Only I Am A Reader = My Plot Armor System (Current Release Rate: 7Ch/Week) (Current Gift Event: 1 Castle = +2 Extra chapters) - Discord: https://discord.gg/E7kYDhB

LightningAsura · Games
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527 Chs


[ 'Unknown Vanguard'

Title effect: - your defensive abilities are amplified by 10%. ]

[ 'Unknown Hero'

Title effect: - ???? (requirements to fully unlock the title are not met) ]

[ 'Demon's bane'

Title effects: 

- Low-Tier demons are intimidated by you while Mid-Tier and higher demons will be instinctively hateful towards you.

- you only receive 90% of the damage when attacked by a demon. ]

[ You have received 3 points for your achievement! ]

'A quest-starting piece?'

Receiving 4 consecutive titles, with 1 of them having an extraordinary buff with quite a wide range, all at the same time was quite surprising, but the quest hint seemed to be even more so, and to be honest I found that quest to be quite interesting…