
Omega Summoner

In the year 2077, the first FIVR Game or Fully Immersive Virtual Reality Game, Pandemonium, has been created. Pandemonium which is the first ever fully immersive virtual reality game made in human history. In the universe of Pandemonium, Fantasy meets science. Where order is chaos and chaos is order. A universe of endless possibilities in which anyone can become the invincible hero fighting against the forces of darkness or a sage which dives into the abyss of magic and so much more. In Pandemonium, the inhabitants comes in all shapes and sizes. Adrian, our main character, who experienced an accident that caused him to be temporary limp used the game as a way for therapy but mainly to experience the new world of virtual reality. He will experience countless adventures and challenges and rise to be the most influential person in this new reality. Join our Protagonist on his new adventure to become the strongest. The cover is made thanks to all who supported my novel. Thank you!

XiaoKongxu · Games
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2018 Chs

I Want My Reward

The people around the seventh prince breathe a sigh of relief when they saw the cute evil spirit that he summoned. They also thought it as cute as they could not see the real appearance of the actual evil spirit that he summoned. The only ones that could see the true appearance of the evil spirit are actually Adrian, Levin Cloud, Princess Shini, and Princess Yinyue.

Adrian looked at the two princesses that could see the real appearance of the evil spirit and held out his finger on his mouth like someone saying to keep silent. The two princesses did not even speak as they knew that they would not be believed easily even if they explain that the image of the evil spirit is actually very sinister.

"Very cool, Prince Reishi. I believe that you know that Uncle Kui does not want you to use the abilities that you awakened for bad, right? Always make sure that you use it for your protection first and helping others as second priority." Adrian stated with a smile.