
Omega: A Legacy Reborn

Follow the adventures of Richard and his friends as they enter the popular online virtual game of Omega as they battle against other players to become the best team in the world. As an addition to that, they must discover the history of the Legendary Pieces, legendary artifacts with unique powers. Some sentient, most of them even corrupted by previous owners. Throughout this journey to become the best team in the world, they will have to fight Black Hat and some Grey Hat Hackers, other owners and even other entities that will try and destroy the game they love or even worse...The World. So, Hop in and watch as History unfolds in this Online adventure. Are You all Ready? Because Here...We...Go! Entering Omega NOW!!

Richard_Omega · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Chapter 44: Beauty & The Brute

"One is a beautiful Puppet Queen...the other is Brute Force..."

'Intruder Alert!! Intruder Alert!!' The beeping sound of the alarms echoed through Rois et Reines HQ. The soldiers were armed and ready to fight these intruders. They never thought it would be a bunch of teens. Using their guns they shoot the intruders but to no avail because...one of them was covering them with a metal wall. Hearing heavy metal in her headphones Genre was covering her friends from the onslaught of bullets before looking behind her and seeing more soldiers coming their way with her other hand she rose another metal barrier to cover them from the bullets. After a couple of minutes, a small hole opened from each side. Out of it came two arrows from the front wall and, light from the other.

*Beep, Beep, BEEEP!!!*

"GAH!!!" From the front side, a surge of electricity came from the floor below electrocuting the soldiers that were attacking them, while on the other side a pink wave appeared wiping the soldiers that were ambushing them from behind.

After the dust settled and every soldier was defeated the blonde-haired small teen pushes her wall barrier down.

"Great Job Genre!!" Praised the pink-haired teen.

"Humph, not bad for a Wall. Although, it wouldn't have been necessary if I took them myself." Harry told.

"We're trying to preserve as much Capacity Power as we can. Frederick's arrows aren't that high, Aeris can use her Volna Energii in her magical class." Adel explained to the black-haired teen who just simply scoffed at her.


"Um, guys this isn't the time to fight among each other." Richard tried to cut the tension with a dagger...it sort of work?

"Still, I knew we were going to fight an army but this army seems infinite." Sexan thought that they would have taken care of the majority of the soldiers in this HQ since there was a large number of them where they landed. He could easily have counted a thousand and it still would have been small. Luckily, for them thanks to the president's modification on D.O.B.I. They were able to attack and defeat them with the element of surprise. Now, they might not be lucky with that element.

"Different Rhythms...ahead...one of those weak...seems concerned..." Weak...concerned...Is that Alice? If so...!

"It must be Alice...and from the looks of it...they are there also." How did the brown-haired teen know? Because...their legendary pieces...the were glowing now more strongly. It was the worst-case scenario. If Alice was with them...that meant they will have no choice but to face them eventually. Knowing them...that is exactly what they want.


"So what's the plan?"

"I say barged in, kick all their assess, and retrieve her."

"And put Alice in danger? Are you crazy Kishima!?" Sexan refused to go recklessly forwards. As much as he wants to save Alice, he doesn't want to put her in a graver situation that she might be currently right now. A weak Rhythm, that girl must be scared and concerned. She might think they are going in here without any weapons nor armor. Wait until they get there and she will be surprised that her friends...have a fighting chance against them. They will win!! That he can promise!!


"9 of them..." 9 people were shown on her monitor. They look...different. That girl...this is very interesting.

"It seems they were ready for a situation like this." Grew was impressed by these children.

"I see...so this is them in that world of theirs." Rusher can see now...this must be how they looked in Omega. Something is different. His legendary piece, Kula's legendary piece.

"Oh?" Ah! It is responding too.

"To think they were this strong...Maybe they will be able to entertain my pets after all." This somehow made the purple-haired woman smiled. Who should be her pet's lunch today? Maybe that black-haired boy...or that blonde-haired small petite teen...Maybe that masked boy he seems to have the most meat.

"Should I introduce my gang first! They are heading toward my room!" Mol said. He was itching for a fight. Destroying these kids with his very own army will be a cakewalk. It doesn't matter if they have this power they are still going to get their skulls crushed.

"You do what you want Mol...after all, you are free now." That puts an even bigger smile on the muscular mass man's face. Freedom to do whatever he wants...looks like the boys will be back in town today.

"Everyone, get ready in case they bypass Mol."

"They won't reach the main room...Don't even bother you two." Mol was very confident.

"Alice Hishikawa..." The red-haired girl looked at him fearfully. Her friends...was this the president's idea...a fail-safe in case of this situation? Maybe...Maybe they can...! But...now...what is going to happen to her!?

"I have never shown you my room, have I? Well, I think is the right time to do so." What does...What the...?!

"Where...!" What is this...?

"Welcome...to my room Alice Hishikawa. If Richard Kurosagi or your friends want to reach you...then by all means, but...if they want to get you. Then they must get through everyone else's room and defeat them. And let me tell you...that would not be an easy task." This scares her...her friends...they will go to war, and she is just here, defenseless, she can't do anything.

"Since we are here how about a little talk...do you know how the M.I.S.T. Was created?" That's right? He was the first "successful" soldier to hold this M.I.S.T.

"Oh and do not worry about this legendary piece. I will be handed over to you once all of this is set and done. What you do with it next it will not matter. You can avenge your friends' death but if you do...then you can kiss that deal of us that we made to keep your country alive goodbye and so is your own life." Richard...Everyone...PLEASE COME SAVE HER!!


Leaving this mission to their children was a bit risky on the president's part. But...it was for the best, training the kids to fight against people like LeGrace will give them the experience needed to fight against the X-class Black hat hackers that may show up during the days leading up to the world tournament and even during a said tournament. While he and every one of the higher anti-virus groups not to mentions the guardians will be there to make sure the tournament runs without any dangerous invasion, it is good for Team Omega, his son and even Sexan Arifer to be prepared for the upcoming wars.

"President you have a call." Oh, it must be Troy! Maybe he has an idea of what LeDutch is planning to do with the pearls and the legendary pieces that are in their possession. However, it wasn't Troy who called but someone else who he didn't know. Hmm, red hair, that dress looks familiar where had he seen it before...ah yes that time when...So he must be a member huh?

"Are you President Leos Kishima?"

"Yes, and who might you be young one?"

"I'm Red, a member of Majestic 12. You know about our group, correct?" Ah, so he...

"Yes, I think I have heard stories here and there about that group you are talking about. So, what is a member of a group working for a high power calling me here at this time of the day?"

"...President Leos...No Leos Kishima, we have information that you planned an infiltration mission and have sent 9 teens who are Players of Omega to infiltrate and retrieve 1 person that is inside this hidden headquarter. That headquarter involves a criminal mastermind wanted all over the world and a group that was involved with one of our members. You realize that doing that is crossing the boundaries between President and players not to mention, you the president is violating the safety rule that you implemented inside of the game itself and even outside of it. You nor your staff will put any players nor their families in danger of any virus, or program that will risk them from injuries nor their lives, regardless of being in or outside of the game." He is very knowledgeable.

"Ah, I see...Hmm, yes I did remember putting a rule like that somewhere in the T.O.S. rules."

"If you do then I suggest you..."

"I believe it is too late for that Mr..."


"Red, you see once someone has his mind on something it is very hard to change that person's mind. Besides...the 9 teens that are involved in this...they are a very special bunch and they are very aware of the risks of this mission. You also forget that while you can be a player in Omega there is also one more contract that neutralizes the players' only T.O.S. and that is the anti-virus program. It clearly says that once you are a member of an anti-virus team you are no longer abide by the player-only T.O.S. and you only need to abide by the anti-virus T.O.S. the anti-virus member can accept or decline any missions that are dangerous which can result in them being seriously injured or even death itself. It is a risk that a player itself has to take and must accept. We can provide the necessary treatment for that person to heal, but that person cannot sue nor file a complaint once their mind is set in stone that they will fulfill the mission. Now Mr. Red who did you think chose to go on a mission to rescue this 1 person? This one important person that these 9 teenagers would risk their lives for?" Leos always have a trick or two of his sleeves, there have been cases like this when a parent has come to complain about the safety of their child, however, if you don't read T.O.S. then you really can't complain about anything that is mention in said set of rules...nor you can manipulate it to your advantage. Besides, the kids would also help out on this argument since Team Omega is not the only young anti-virus team in this world.

Red seems to contemplate on this. The man seems to be as stubborn as Troy when it comes to being involved in other people's business. However, unlike Troy, he seems to be well aware of them. So...this is who his superior...

"...Very well...It seems there will be no convincing you from this point on to call off your rescue team."

"Nope, he is just going to keep going until you understand that my son and his friends wanted to be on this mission no matter what," Xino chimed in. He was just observing the conversation from afar and didn't want to get involved until it was necessary.

"So, How is Saya doing?!" The brown-haired father of Richard Kurosagi said with a grin. Xino Kurosagi, he was another person who was with his superior in the past. So his son was...

"Hey, I was going to ask that?!" These people...

"Let me give you a warning before I leave..." That caught the attention of the adults even the ones who weren't involved in the conversation.

"Our mission is to capture and deal accordingly with Gregorio LeDutch and LeGrace...if by any chance any of your team interfere with ours, then just know that we will not show mercy to those who get in the way of our mission. Are we clear on that? Xino Kurosagi? Leos Kishima?" Ah, so...

"You do not have to worry about that? However, let me give you a return warning to you and your Majestic 12 group." The tone in Leos' voice was more serious.

"You do not want to have the entire Omega Corp. as your enemy. Don't believe me? Just ask your superior, see how that will turn out if it happens."

"...Humph, I get the feeling that this will not be the last time we speak with each other." With both warnings shot Red just logged off the conversation.

"Do you think it is a good idea to give them a warning as big as that?" Xino asked just as seriously to his friend and president of Omega Corp.

"I am pretty sure their superior will not let them do anything that will put their lives in danger. I mean their superior was one of us before that person became their big boss." Leos was pretty confident that their superior will find a way to avoid any disasters. Not very wise to gain powerful enemies when you have one that you need to deal with.


"Ah, Inès! Do you find anything about the twin pearls?"

"It wasn't easy but Bulldog, Nort Anna, Viper & A.V. Gamma worked hard and they found this." She gave a bulk of paper to her president. Eyeing the two adults saw and were surprised by one of the pages.

"This is...!" Said Xino as he saw the page.

"I see..." Leos can see why the legendary twin pearls were now connected with their legendary pieces. This was the answer...the pearls and the legendary piece owners...they had met before.


Is just up ahead.

"Is this the way Genre?" Yuma asked.

"...Yes...There's a strong Rhythm...up ahead. Alice's weak Rhythm...is with another one this one stronger than the one up ahead." So Alice and another member of LeGrace are in another room they presume.

"It doesn't seem that there's no other way to ignore this room," Sexan said looking around to no avail. They were closed in a one-way hall. They have lost the soldiers thanks to Emuna's dolls creating diversions but that didn't mean they were safe. So up ahead there was going to be one of them...one of the members of LeGrace. How strong are they?

"Let's get in...the sooner we beat the hell out of this one person the better," Harry commented. It was 9 on 1 there was no way in hell that one person could beat them...heck, they might not need to waste all of them. Fighting this one person will be a waste of time they just came here to rescue the red-haired powerhouse of the loser's team. Why waste time on these people? Opening the big door the room was filled with bikes...different styles and companies. From Cycler to Derby the bikes were around the room. Chains dangled on the roof while drums filled with fire were on each side and in the center of the room.

"Heh, so you finally show up. I thought you will never be able to get here." This man was huge!! That was the thought of Richard as he saw Mol. The muscular man was sitting on a metal throne with a hammer that was brown colored on his right hand.

"My name is Mol Crânes, I am the strongest member of LeGrace, and you will not make it out of this room alive." The strongest? Well, he does have the muscles but...He already knows who is...

"More Rhythms...beyond that door." So that where Alice and the other members might be in.

"If that's the case we don't have to waste time here." Harry just said. He has seen the muscular guy...Strongest...? Humph, he has seen this type all muscle no speed nor brain. He can easily defeat him, this is a waste of his time.

"We will have to bypass him thou," Sexan said. One of them will have to stay and fight this Mol guy. He looks at the weapon in the muscular almost bald man...he doesn't know why but he feels shills just looking at the weapon.

"So one of us will have to stay behind." Frederick was willing to volunteer...from the looks of it he might just have an advantage against a slow opponent such as this.

"Hmm...in that case...I..." Adel was going to volunteer too...however, to her and Frederick's surprise, someone else took their place.

"I'll take care of it."

"Emuna..." The small petite white-haired girl stepped in. Something about this man...was not connecting with her. Why would he alone be here? There has to be a reason why everyone else is in another room and not here. And his weapon.


"Richard!" The pink-haired girl questioned why would her childhood friend say that? They were leaving the white-haired girl to fend off this person alone. Who knows what he has up his sleeves?!

"We need to advance, one of us has to stay. Emuna has the numerical advantage that means she can divert the enemy and we can sneak to the door and keep going. I get the feeling that is how it will be in the next rooms." The brown-haired leader told his childhood friend. As much as he doesn't want to leave a comrade behind to fight alone...there was one person that was with Alice and that person is the most dangerous of them all.

"Emuna...We are counting on you. Be careful."

"Fufu, concerned about me, are we Richard Kurosagi...do not worry, I will be fine, now go you 8." The eight remaining teens ran toward the other side where the door that will lead them to perhaps another straight hallway was but not before stating their concern to the white-haired girl who assured them she will be fine...well Harry just left without a word which was what Emuna expected...well that and him stating that he has...an unfinished match with her. Fufu, yes, their fight or training for that matter wasn't done yet but...if they went any further she would've...

"You brats aren't going anywhere!!" The muscular man with his hammer slammed it to the ground before a massive quake ensue and the ground created spikes. However, the spikes that were going toward the teens were stopped by 50 dolls taking the brunt of the hit and stopping the spikes in their tracks.

"WHAT?!" The dolls dissipated before Mol had to block the string sword of the white-haired girl.

"I am your opponent now, Mr. Crânes." The girl despite her eyes not showing emotion smiled at the man. This brat...Was she...?!

"You fucking BRAT!!" Hmm considering the way he is attacking it seems this will be problematic if this keeps up.


"Yes, this will be difficult if we were to fight at our full capacity, it will also be troublesome for everyone else." Decisions...they could keep fighting here but that will limit how much she can do. That will give her enemy the upper hand. Emuna was surprised when she was touching a fleshy item before she realizes what it was...

('A net...no not any net...') This net was made of human flesh?!

"I got you now!" Emuna gasped as Mol's hammer went down toward her head before a loud cracking sound was heard.


The 8 remaining members stumble as the quakes became stronger.

"Whoa...!" The brown-haired teen with the Kris Dagger stumbled before falling flat on his face. Sexan, on the other hand, he held his ground but was struggling to move forward like the others. Sexan looks behind in concern. Would the white-haired teen be alright on her own? I mean technically speaking she wasn't as she has her thousands of dolls but...

"At this rate, they might end up creating a hole in the base," Yuma commented. That would be problematic because since they are in the middle of Bermuda's triangle it meant ocean.

"At any rate, we have to hurry the sooner we reach Alice the better." The pink-haired was also concerned over Emuna but has put her fate on the white-haired teen because out of all of them aside from perhaps Richard was the most powerful one. Even more, her legendary piece was glowing stronger the closer they went forward. That meant that they were getting closer and closer to a legendary piece user. The question was: which one?


Mol couldn't believe it...he was for sure that he had the white-haired skull crack but instead what he cracked was...A hollow doll. At the last minute, Emuna had summoned a doll to block the incoming attack just like they did with his previous attack. Emuna swung her string sword which Mol had to dodge but was nicked on his chest.

"You were not falsifying your claim when you said you were the strongest in your group. However, unfortunately for you...I am the strongest in our group." Emuna told as she had Regalia and Magdalene on her side and beside them...hundreds no thousands of dolls...Mol sees them...so many of them, they will overwhelm him at this rate. Even so...The muscular man wasn't done yet.

"I will say this from the way I observed that net was made of flesh. I wonder...did you make it out of someone? No...that would be impossible since that net was not there when we entered your room. No, this net of flesh...it was made from you, wasn't it?" From such a short period of time, Emuna has figured out what the big muscular man's ability was. That's what being an experience Omega players gets you. You become very observant of the opponent's movements, abilities, and motivations. She can read them on their emotions too. This is why she was as soulless as one doll can be...devoid of emotion that way her opponents can't read her easily.


"Did I hit the nail in the coffin? That means...you are not a normal human, are you?" Mol was getting angrier but...even so...this brat still doesn't know that he still has...

"Heh, that's right, so what?! I was gifted with this power. This flesh of mine no matter how much you tear I will just have to regrow it back. You can have hundreds if not thousands and it will make no difference! I will crush their skulls and then I will crush that petite body of yours and mount your skull as a trophy to those who think they stand a chance against us...LeGrace!!"

"Is that so? Very well, I assume this room of yours is different too...this is to fit your environment." Emuna now that she knows Mol wasn't a normal human being was contemplating whether or not to activate D.O.B.I. Teleportation to teleport them out of this environment. She was not going to risk having this environment be at her enemies' advantage. If she teleports them somewhere with an open space then she could not only maneuver herself freely but so as her dolls. It will also test how the man moves on an open environment too.

"I do not care about whether or not this room gives me an edge or not! What is important is that I can completely decimate you and show your lifeless body to that brat!! Plus, I don't need this whatever edge you say I have to crush you anyway." That curled her lips upward...That's perfect.

"Then you will have no problems if we change scenery then..." Emuna extends the hand that has D.O.B.I. Which confuses Mol. Closing her eyes the white-haired teen knows exactly where to go for this battle.

"D.O.B.I. Initialize Training Field. Players: Emuna Chariot, & Mol Crânes." The hell is this brat blabbering about?! Has she gone insane!? Suddenly Mol heard a voice over...where did...it came from there!!

'Name of the players confirmed, Initializing, Dimensional Omega Bracelet Initiator.' What the actual hell?! Where are they?! This place doesn't look like any other room in the HQ.

"What the hell did you do, you brat!?"

"I just sent us somewhere where we will be on even grounds nothing special. We can fight here as much as we can without ever holding back. Besides...It is better this way since there will be no seismic in our world that will bother everyone...in fact, no one will bother us at all in here." Emuna sees the man confused.

"It seems you are a bit lost, allow me to explain. We right now are in the world of Omega, a world different than our real one. Here we can go all out without the risk of destroying the base or in my case...the planet. You said that cutting you will be useless since you will regenerate completely no matter how many pieces we tear you apart, correct? Well then, what will happen if your flesh is obliterated from existence? Then there will be no flesh to regenerate is there?" So that's what she meant by...

"Heh, you think that will be enough to intimidate me?! WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TALKING TO?! I am Mol Crânes! Leader of the gang that brought terror to Bordeaux Concasseur De Crânes! NO MATTER WHERE WE ARE I WILL STILL CRUSH YOU!!!" he said as he slams his hammer down and a smaller seismic hit the training field.

"And if you think that this is all my strength you have another thing coming you stupid brat!! As a matter of fact, I will show you how weak you are compared to me!!" Just then the white-haired teen noticed a change. The man's body...it was getting surrounded by a blue mist. Before long Mol despite his huge size he...

('He vanished?!') Mol with his speed destroys 30 dolls with his brute strength and newfound speed. He was completely dominating them left and right. Humph, so much for the strongest of this group! He should've done this since the beginning! He would've had a skull or two on his wall right now! There is no way that he...


Emuna vanished just as fast as he did. The white-haired teen has not made her move until she could calculate the strength and speed of the massive brute man. Also, after seeing the way he damaged her dolls and the mist surrounding him there was no doubt about it...It was that mist.

"So that's what you were hiding from me. My, My, Mr. Crânes to hide such a thing from a little girl like me is so insincere! I feel a little hurt, unfortunately for you...I too was hiding something from you."


"Gah!" Emuna left a deep cut on the big man before Magdalene arrows from her crossbow pierced the head of Mol. Then there were six laser holes on his head from the other dolls. The big muscle of LeGrace couldn't speak...he literally couldn't because he had no head to do so, to begin with. His body fell to the ground squirming.


"Yes, it seems this fight has been decided."

"Shall we go back?" Regalia was more concerned about others other than her master and themselves. This opponent seems to not be the strongest in the group and if he was...that meant the other members of LeGrace would be simple to defeat. However, she doubts that is the case that meant that the man they just have killed was lying all along. His pride was his down...

"What the...?!" Regalia couldn't believe it...the body...it was still moving.

"Seems we should've obliterated him until not a single speck remains." just then flesh molded where Mol's head would've been before eyes, mouth, nose, ears, and finally a skull bone before not long Moll was once again reborn. This time he was angry...very angry.

"YOU FUCKING WENCH, I'LL MAKE SURE YOUR HEAD IS SMASHED LIKE A PUMPKIN!!" His hammer became, even more, bigger and spikes sprouted from the guard cross and the pommel became wider than the grip itself. The hammer itself grew massive too being just like half the size of the petite teen. Mol swung his hammer and a massive seismic occurred this one stronger than the previous one.

"Such power," Regalia commented on the sheer brute power of the swing. Without wasting any more time Emuna and her dolls went on the offense and execute their plan of destroying Mol until the last cell of his body was no more than ashes.


The seismic had stopped for a while. Does that mean that Emuna teleported herself and that Mol guy out?! If that is the case, that meant she deemed the big man someone that could destroy this base with only his strength. They wonder except for Harry...are the others just as strong if not stronger?! If that is the case then...they will have to go all out on them and teleport them to one of the sectors in Omega. Even if they get teleported in the same stage they will not be together since despite choosing the same stage it is not. D.O.B.I. Can only teleport you to the same place as a player if said player mentions your name to D.O.B.I. Otherwise, you will be teleported to another version of the sector. This is to avoid massive brawls with each team worldwide.

"Almost there...I can feel another Rhythm...this one calmer." So another member was up ahead. Closer and closer they can see the bright light of the room. Upon entry, the teens were in awe of the environment of this room.

"Whoa..." A botanical garden, there were plants everywhere. Some would say that this place looks like a jungle and they would just agree too.

"Do you love my garden?" The voice came from the direction to the left. There she was, the purple-haired woman with her some sort of Venus flytrap...No it was a Venus flytrap!! How...?


"Fufu, you are all just in time...My plants were getting hungry." Min was thrilled to fight against these children. Hmm, there are only 8 of them that meant one of them must be facing Mol. Hmm, from what she can tell it must be the young white-haired small girl. She is sure Mol will handle her after all he has still...

"Who are you?"

"My apologies, where are my manners? I guess introductions are in order, after all. I am Min Tabouillot, a former member of the now-extinct Tabouillot Noble family, and this...this is my garden."

"The Tabouillot family?" The pink-haired girl has heard of that family before. The family was originally from a village called Regret near Verdun. After the french revolution, a man called Louis de Tabouillot was appointed an officer in the Prussian Army by a special decree and thus was recognized as a noble from the Prussian family. But what does she meant by...

"Extinct?" Adel didn't understand what the purple-haired woman mentioned. By extinct it meant that there were no more family members aside from the woman in front of them...was she exiled from the family beforehand? She said former member so she must be!

"Oh, I heard of that family."

"Harry?" So his rival has heard of their opponent's family.

"A long time ago there was a report of a massacre in a mansion on Marseille. Over 100 people were found dead inside the mansion. They were part of a family that split all over the world from France to Germany, they just came because of a dance party...they never expected their lives to end in there." That horrible.

"That's..." Who would do such a thing?

"However, 2 bodies were missing...One of them was male the other female." 1 male one female? That meant that...

"Meaning...You are one of them, aren't you? 1 of the last survivors of the "Tabouillot Massacre"." So there has been news of it. So they didn't completely wipe all the information out of existence. Still...

"I am surprised someone like you have the knowledge to know of that incident."

"When you are the son of the president of Omega Corp nothing escapes you." There are still things that his father hasn't reveal he knows this...His father was good at hiding secrets.

"President? Ah, I see...you must be Harry Kishima. So the president sent even his son to a deadly mission."

"Humph, don't get your hopes up...Cutting you will be a snap."

"Fufu, cutting just me?" Harry rose an eyebrow at that. What is she talking about? Then Harry's combat experience kicked in he dodged something. Was that...!

"Whoa!!" Just as the black-haired dodged the others did the same. Those Venus flytraps...they were moving after them!!

"Let me tell you Mr. Kishima...My pets are not for show. If you are going to "cut me" then perhaps you should be concerned about where you stand."


The booming sounds of something hitting the earth rumble around the training field. With the area more open it has given Emuna more space to strategically make her moves accordingly.

"Hold still you damn brat!!" Despite his anger, due to his sheer brute strength, the man known as Mol Crânes was able to power out of attacks and keep his head in the game...literally. Still, he left himself wide open on several occasions some of them have resulted in his limbs getting cut which were by the way on some places of the sector.

The white-haired beauty...the Big Brute. Numbers vs Sheer Force who will win? She either overwhelm him eventually with her dolls or he will eventually overpower his way to her.

Hmm...there is something that has been bothering her.

"I am wondering...why hasn't the effects of the M.IS.T. Have been hitting you?"

"Huh?! I don't have to tell someone like you!!"

"Is that so? Very well...I have ways of finding out." The white-haired petite girl has a theory of why it hasn't happened. If her theory is correct...that means that they will have to end this battle quickly before the battle gets out of hands. Huh? Emuna was surprised to see one of the limbs of that she had cut launched at her. Using her speed she dodged it before one of her dolls completely obliterated out of existence.

('They can move on their own?') More of them coming their way plus...

"Where do you think you are looking!?" Him...blocking with her string sword both adversaries created a crater from the impact of the clash. Emuna commanded some of her dolls with iron chains and tied the big man in the air before descending at a rapid pace.

"Dolls of Arrêt." Emuna uses her Dolls of Judgment attack on the former leader of The Skull Crushers. Launching the big man toward the ground hard the man was going to bark and insult the dolls but his eyes widened. The sky...it was bloody red...that was the last thing that the man saw before he was engulfed in red blood.


Meanwhile, Alice was just sitting there. Now that she thinks about it this place...

"It all started about 7 years ago to be precise. I was but a soldier working for The Area, a secret facility that investigated the mysteries of ancient technology and even advances technology, and by advance, I mean technology from outside this world." Outside this...

"Y-you mean space?"

"Yes. You can say ancient technology can be interpreted like the technology we have on us. This room, for example, have you ever heard of the legends of Atlantis."

"Um, kind of...are you saying...Are you saying that this room has..."

"The ancient technology that they had back before the city sank to the deep dark ocean below? In a way. But that's enough about the history of Atlantis. I had everything a soldier needed or at least still needs. Strength, Speed, determination...Qualities that I presume P.E.P.A. Still holds to this day."


"Private Execution Police Association. They are a special force that deals with missions that requires protection over important items. They as the name say will execute anyone who they deemed too dangerous for society. No questions if you are a threat to many lives you will be killed if they are tasked to either execute you or protect someone. There are rare occasions that they will capture their targets but those a far and few between." So it was just a strong task force...she imagined they work for the government since he talked to them like they were an important organization.

"You seem to not be able to catch all of it."

"...Um...I'm sorry..." Rusher chuckles at the young girl. She was just very different than Kula. Kula would've caught all that information in a matter of seconds. It just goes to show you how different humans are.

"Do not be. I was among the high ranks in my division. One day My commander and I were tasked to observe a project. This project was very unique, whatever we see there...it must be kept a secret."

"W-Was that the first time..."

"Yes...the first time I saw it...The M.I.S.T. This M.I.S.T. It can enhance a person's 5 senses, their speed, their reactions, their strength. Yes, this was a project...to create the ultimate super-soldier. A soldier capable of fighting on the front lines. Taking a hundred or even as far as a thousand soldiers before they get taken down. Let me ask you...didn't you feel like you could do anything when you had that strength you exhibited against me?" He must've been talking about the day she was kidnapped. She will not lie, she has had urges when she believed she could do anything inside Omega. But she thought that was because she was a powerhouse in the game, the ultimate attacker. But when her legendary piece activated. She felt something...she doesn't know what but she felt it...Was that ultimate strength?! Ultimate Power?! She just wanted to protect her friends...do her best to win and/or help them!

"I..." She doesn't know for sure...

"You felt it. That Alice Hishikawa is called ambition. We humans become ambitious with strength. If we can solve all the problems with just a push of a button we will take it at any cost." Any Cost...?

"Any...cost...?" Why did she felt dread? Fear when he said that?

"Yes..." He shows his mechanical arm.

"Any cost." He remembers vividly.


[November 20th, 2029]

"What is this?" The blue-haired young man was just looking at the chamber. He just didn't see anything everything was...foggy. This blue mist...just what is...

*Bang* What the actual fuck!! The heavy breathing. What the...

"What hell is that!?"

"That Mr. Rusher is the result of a fail test."

"Fail test?" That thing...that thing looked human, right?! His skin...it was...and he's biting his skin!!!?

"Yes, I am Dr. Listo Rowan I am the creator of Project M.I.S.T." M.I.S.T.? Is that what this thing is?!

"Dr. Rowan for years have been looking for a formula to create the ultimate super-soldier. Many have volunteer and failed...that is the result of it." That thing...So he was human!! Still...The Ultimate super-soldier. That could...

"Commander Knight is this your special soldier."

"Ah yes, Dr. Rowan I will like to introduce to you Rusher LeGrace, he has become our highest ranked soldier in P.E.P.A." Ah...!

"A prodigy I see." The orange-haired man adjusts his glasses before extending his hand.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Mr. LeGrace."

"Rusher is fine." he shook the green eyes doctor before looking at the chamber again. That thing was looking at him with a creepy smile. He was whispering something.

"Hey...what is he saying?" Rusher asked.

"Hmm? Do you want to talk to it?"

"I...Think I will pass on that one."

"It might be the last time you talk to him."

"I am good." Rusher kind of can read its lips. Something along the lines of...

'We're one...join us...we're M.I.S.T.'

"This way..." The blue-haired man took one last glance before walking toward the door. Hmm...?

"Hey...What is a child doing here!? I thought this was a secret facility, not a daycare!" He said pointing at the small girl who was looking at an ancient tablet.

"Hmm? Oh, that Rusher is my daughter Kula Rowan...she might not look like it but she is a prodigy among geniuses." That small brat, a prodigy?!

"What is she doing?"

"She is solving an ancient tablet from one of the aircraft that crashed one hundred years ago." Aircraft?

"Like an alien type?"

"Yes...We are here." Hmm, something tells him...Hmm? What is that? The girl had some sort of square with some equation on her hair holding it in a ponytail. He kind of seen it before that is Einstein's equation isn't it? What a strange...

"Hmm?" This thing again this is the third time this week that it has glowed like crazy! He doesn't know why but ever since he was a child at the age of 10 to be precise his father gave him on his dying bed. He said that this will change his life forever and that he must choose a path when the time comes. After that Commander Knight took care of him. He never knew his mother, she died about almost a year after giving birth to him. He has asked about it to his father and he said that she was a very kind and beautiful woman albeit she was very fragile. He said that he didn't regret having his son because that meant that his legacy will continue to this day...He was very proud to have a son such as Rusher. He bet if he was still alive he would be even more proud of the path he chose...to serve this country.

While this was happening the girl looked felt a vibration on her hair. She took it off and saw that it was glowing. Someday her dad said, someday you might meet the heroes that saved the world thousands of years ago. He used to tell her the stories of the legendary pieces non-stop. He said he was sent this legendary piece when someone from his family died two years after her birth. Her father had to take care of her alone. Her mother abandoned him and her after she gave birth to her. She just couldn't handle the pressure of taking care of a baby. Since he couldn't leave her with a babysitter he took her in here. At the age of 3, she could speak and now at the age of 5, she can read these letters. Something about them fascinated her. But now...this thing was glowing...perhaps...

Rusher is seeing the big facility. He was in awe...he still had that human thing in his mind but he has to ignore it for now. He can get used to living here until they complete this project! Who knows maybe one day he will be able to harness this M.I.S.T. And become a super soldier himself...Hopefully, he doesn't end up like him...


Emuna Chariot was looking at the crater they cost. It was bigger than the last time she used the Dolls Of Judgment. It just shows how much a difference training makes especially against those two.

"Master..." Is it over this time? Regalia wonders this...this time they made sure that not even a single cell remained of that man.

"Let us return...we might catch up with..." Emuna surprised saw a bullet go through her shoulder. What just...? Then she saw it.

"Master!!" Regalia and Magdalene went to aid their master. Where did that bullet come from!!? No one aside them, the muscular man and their master can enter this place!!

Emuna cringe touching her shoulder...there was no doubt...He was...Emuna once again gasped.

"Regalia, Magdalene, Move!!" Hearing their Master's warning a little too late the two dolls were hit hard by two wrecking balls, destroying half of Regalia's upper face and her arm and Magdalene's lower half.


"I have to admit...That was a scary attack you delivered there." Said Mol...

"But...unfortunately for you, wench...My boys just came to say hello to me." Mol's appearance...it had changed. His body...it was a lot slimmer...he was still buffed and fit but he was a lot thinner. He had horns two sprouting on the front of his forehead not to mention they were boar tusks that were connected to his mouth. But out all the different things his attire had a skull cracked open with blood pouring from the skulls eye sockets. Then there was them...His boys...two with chains wrecking balls, three with giant Bowie knife, 5 with chains that have spikes in them. And two with giant missile launchers. All of them wore clothes of a biker gang with black pants and the same jacket that Mol was wearing with the same logo in it. What's more, is that his boys were nothing but gray skulls you can say they were small Odokuros...because...they were hungry for someone's blood. The one responsible for shooting Emuna Chariot? Well, it was none other than Mol himself as he was holding a 9mm made out of bones. The bullet? It was a bone finger.

"Now then...How about I show you why we were called the terror of Bordeaux." It seems that this fight...will be a lot more difficult than what Emuna Chariot anticipated.

"Mol, New Form...His comrades rise from the dead!!"

Hey guys, it is me Jesus M. Arce (Richard Omega). You wonder how strong everyone is against LeGrace. Then let me show you the first Capacity Power Scale. If you want Capacity Power scales for the previous arcs let me know and I will work to it. Without further ado here it is:

Current Capacity Power:

Richard Kurosagi: 180,000 (Base)

Harry Kishima: 85,000 (base)

Aeris Russo: 80,000 (Base)

Sexan Arifer: 70,000 (Base)

Adel Moller: 65,000 (Base)

Yuma Ishitzu: 63,000 (Base)

Frederick Santos: 62,300 (Base)

Genre Lynn: 60,000 (Base)

Emuna Chariot: 92,000 (Base)

Soldiers: 10-15

Alice Hishikawa: ???

Rusher: ???

Grew: ???

Kula: ???

Min Tabouillot: 110,000 {Scanned by Richard}

Mol: 130,000 {Scanned by Richard}

Emuna Chariot: 9,200,000 [Full Capacity]

Mol: 1,950,000 [M.I.S.T.]

Mol: 9,750,000 [M.I.S.T. Deuxième évolution]

Note: M.I.S.T. multiplier varies but the Deuxieme Evolution (Second Evolution} will always be a times 5 multiplier.

Mol's multiplier is the weakest of every member at 15.

As for the others, I will give you the hint that they are 5 points higher than their previous adversary. here are the ranks:


Richard_Omegacreators' thoughts