
Omega: A Legacy Reborn

Follow the adventures of Richard and his friends as they enter the popular online virtual game of Omega as they battle against other players to become the best team in the world. As an addition to that, they must discover the history of the Legendary Pieces, legendary artifacts with unique powers. Some sentient, most of them even corrupted by previous owners. Throughout this journey to become the best team in the world, they will have to fight Black Hat and some Grey Hat Hackers, other owners and even other entities that will try and destroy the game they love or even worse...The World. So, Hop in and watch as History unfolds in this Online adventure. Are You all Ready? Because Here...We...Go! Entering Omega NOW!!

Richard_Omega · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Chapter 43: The Infiltration

"Two Groups, two different goals..."

It is time...

"Is everything ready?"

"Yes...Hishikawa was very helpful in accelerating the process." The girl has been very cooperative since yesterday. Listening to Kula's requests and even helping her out by giving her the materials she needed for the serum that will make them free of the M.I.S.T. In a way of course. All of this...it couldn't be archive without the owner of the legendary piece: The Raging Sphere.

"Where is she now?"

"With Min taking a bath together before they go and eat some lunch."


"Is it ready yet!?" Yelled the tall muscular man.

"Yes, soon we will be free?"

"Great, I can't wait to go all out for once, is been a while since I have seen them without having to take the risk of getting eaten myself." Ah, yes, his gang...they might not be...themselves physically but mentally, they are still the vicious group that they once were before the M.I.S.T. And majestic 12 took their lives.

"Where is Grew?" the orange-haired girl asked.

"Tall and scrawny went to grab something to eat."

"I am surprised you are not there stuffing yourself." Said Kula through one of the monitors.

"CARE TO SAY THAT TO MY FACE AGAIN?!" Kula ignored him before putting the final touches.

"Kula, get ready to administer the serum to us in 3 hours we need everyone here."

"Another report?"

"Yes...This might be the last report before he makes his move." Right...LeDutch invasion of Japan...they still need to deal with that situation. They might leave that country alone...but LeDutch...sometimes grudges are not easily forgiven.

"Right...I will get it ready by then."

"Good...Mol, make sure no one gets in here." Rusher was more cautious since that incident. The tall muscular guy shrugged his shoulders...just another day in the office in his eyes.

"Whatever, I have nothing to do anyway." He has let the soldiers off today since they need to be mentally and physically ready for the invasion. No point in tiring those maggots...



"...Careful on your words..." Rusher was well aware of that...talking with LeDutch has made him more careful in choosing his words, the last thing he wants is to make LeDutch think that they will betray him. Not like that has crossed their minds, he still doesn't trust him completely even now that they have found an alternative. Salamander he also has to be careful of him. He is a seasoned veteran after all and unlike him, he is very loyal to the mustache man.


"Ugh!" Where...Oh that's right they got teleported back to earth and as soon as they got back his body went numb and he just collapsed from exhaustion. Well, he feels better now. Short hops, stretching, a few push-ups, and sit-ups yeah, I think he is good to go! He slowly looks at his legendary piece. So...this is it huh? The day that they will infiltrate. It is all or nothing, they can't fail now. Only one shot...one opportunity...Where had he heard that before.



"You have awakened."

"Jessenia." The lilac-haired maid bowed to the brown-haired boy. The brown-haired boy wouldn't lie he was hoping to train with her too but she is not part of this mission.

"Your friends have awakened as well, they have been waiting for you." Oh, so the others.

"Ah! Right! Er, did they sent you to pick me up?"

"No...I was sent here by Milady." Milady?

"Who?" Jessenia realized that the boy wasn't aware of her mentions about her being Ayane's very own personal main maid. He also wasn't much of a nobility kind of guy so...

"My apologies Master Kurosagi, Milady is Ayane Hishikawa." Oh!

"Ah! Alice mother? Wait she is here?!"

"Yes, she sent me to pick you up, she is with the other adults in Master Kishima's C.E.O. Office." So, Alice's mother was here. Alice's mother, her grandmother...so everyone in her family is really...


"Is anything wrong?"

"Ah! No! Is just...I wasn't expecting meeting both Alice's grandmother and her mother already."

"You have met in the past already."

"Huh?" Of course, the boy won't remember since he was a baby when he met Ayame, and then he was the age of 6 when he met Alice's grandmother. People sometimes tend to forget faces, especially at such a young age. Meeting people from different parts of the world and fighting them virtually online didn't help in the cause either.

"Milady has known you for years. She was...not very trustful of your family. A long time ago an incident happened that made your father come with a decision of kicking Milady out of their team after he promised that he will not be separated from her. Milady took that very hard and felt betrayed." That's what happened?

"Is that why you were hired by Miss Hishikawa to keep an eye on us."

"Not hired, tasked. And yes, I was tasked to keep an eye on you. Milady felt that Lady Alice will be betrayed by you the same way that Xino betrayed her."

"But I will never do that!! Alice is my best friend! I don't know what exactly happened on that incident but I am sure that Dad would never betray a friend! I am sure he had a reason I mean, Dad has always done things for a reason. Even if he wasn't at home at times, he always had a reason and he came back once in a while. Now is even clearer why he couldn't come home consistently, he was protecting mom and me from black hat hackers. I am pretty sure he was in a similar situation back then!" This boy...Jessenia couldn't help but smile and admire the boy. He is indeed the right one...She knew it from the moment he started training with her during his session with Lady Alice. She is sure now...This boy will bring Lady Alice back to her lady.

"You are quite an exceptional boy, Richard Kurosagi. Very well, I am passing you the task of protecting Lady Alice, Also give this message to her..." Maybe he can make mother and daughter...rekindle their relationship.


It was good that the dark atmosphere was gone from the room. Leos Kishima was now waiting for Richard to come in order to execute the infiltration mission. Modding D.O.B.I. To make sure the kids will have a fighting chance if the infiltration does not go as planned was his very own insurance policy gift to them. He knew it will not be easy to retrieve the red-haired daughter of the Hishikawa family and the owner of the Raging Sphere, but he has fate in the kids they will pull it off. His son would have usually brushed this mission off as it will not be his problem at all. This, however, changed when he became Richard's rival. That changed him...Something change in his son, he still very overconfident but now he is less selfish than in the past. Richard Kurosagi must have lighted another fire inside his son...the light of surpassing a rival. Now the shoe was on the other side and his son would do whatever it takes to surpass his brown-haired rival. He might not show it but...he has great respect for Richard and it seems that their respect is mutual. They might not like each other and they are opposite sides of the coins in a way but respecting each other's abilities is something they can't just ignore...no Omega Warrior can. Then, there's Sexan Arifer, Holding a fake piece that they dubbed "Le Faux Dragon" meaning "The False Dragon" he has also exhibited a great regeneration ability thou this can be attributed by the fake piece itself since is a mirror of The Diamond Dragonite. Still...he has shown a resolve similar if not even far superior than the leader and core of Team Omega himself. He will boldly say that out of everyone here, he was the one who improved the most. Team Alpha just like everyone else here has still room to grow. Still, having their leader be the owner of The Rubik's Cube of Knowledge and also having the owner of the Sharp of Sinfonia help them battle black hat hackers during their years. And just like Team Omega is filled with different people from around the world. Emuna Chariot...What more is to say about the owner of the Coffin of the Soulless? Her dolls will be a great asset to evening the playing field against the soldiers of the HQ of LeGrace. Although her butler would not be involved in this mission he would be able to protect the mansion from invaders and if there would be a chance that he will join future battles against the black hat hackers. He will accept and follow his mistress until the very end. And then there's them...Team Omega how much those three have grown in less than 4 months. From being just a team with the name of the first Omega World Team Division Champion only good because they had a former champion in Kurosagi now...they might become the fastest rising Team to ever become World Champions. Them making a legacy be reborn and creating a legacy themselves. He cannot wait for what the future holds for them. Just like Team Alpha having two owners of legendary pieces helped a lot in their accomplishment. Richard Kurosagi, Alice Hishikawa, and Frederick Santos...All children of the first-ever Omega World Champions of the Team Division. And now, that Team expanded itself by combining themselves with Team Alpha...the future is bright on these children. Hopefully, his fate will last long enough to see them grow into one of the best teams in the history of Omega. You know what they say "Fate can change with a flip of a coin.".


"Ah...Welcome back...Richard Kurosagi." Time for the infiltration to begin.


So that was the case...The reason why she was kicked out of the team by someone who she saw as someone very special to her. It was to keep her out of harm's way. After that incident that almost got her killed, He decided that they could no longer risk her from hurting herself any more than she did. So they decided that it was better off kicking her out and making sure she couldn't join Omega anymore. Now it makes sense why he did it...It wasn't because he wanted to...it was because he needed to, he needed to do it in order to protect his friend.

"And here I thought he broke his promise...how foolish."

"Well, you are right."

"Xino!" To see her drinking wine...

"Hey, is our former co-leader blushing now?!"

"Shut Up!" It still irritates her thou...That is something that will not change her. Then again...

"This brings back memories."


"Remember when we use to have this meeting and we have this wild votes that ended up with silly contests." How can she forget...

"You and the others we're fooling around and it didn't solve anything in the end. You always said, "We'll solve it when the bridge comes." Honestly, such a foolish way of thinking I am surprised we lasted that long."

"But they worked in the end, didn't it!?"

"Doesn't take away on how stupid you were...Still, are to this day,"

"That's mean!!"

"That also started my first time tasting wine."

"Oh yeah, I was starting to wonder when was the first time you started drinking."

"But you know...It was also because of your resolve that we never gave up. And it seems that resonated with our children." Yeah. Now that she mentions it, Richard did became a fan when he told the stories of the battles that happened inside Omega. Wait, children?

"Are you telling me I inspired your daughter?"

"In a way, I never told her about my life when I was an Omega Warrior nor the times we fought the black hat hackers and Them. So, her being inspired to become an Omega player herself must have come from someone."

"Are you sure it wasn't someone else? I mean I was a very busy man, still, I mind you."

"Fufu, yes...you are."

"Hey..." What is with that shady jab?!

"Is your son awake?"

"He got up now."

"Good, then I can properly say something to him." That got a lot of question marks from the adult. Sometimes, he didn't get the red-haired woman.


"So the party is all here," Richard said.

"You were the one missing we woke up about an hour ago!" Frederick replied to his brown-haired friend who chuckled nervously.

"Kurosagi..." Richard looked to his left to see Sexan facing him.


"I am still determined to save her no matter what. Can you say the same?" Oh...With a grin, the boy responded to Sexan...the same old Richard.

"Of course! She is my childhood friend after all!"

"Humph." Sexan can only smile, this battle will be the long one but one thing is for sure...he will not fail and it seems his fake piece is as determined as him on that too.


"Ah! So good to join us you too." Leos said to the newcomers.



"Richard Kurosagi..."

"Er, Yes?" This is the first time he has spoken to Alice's mother. Hmm now that he looks at her, he can feel the aura of a businesswoman. If he makes a wrong move he might step on a line mine. No wonder Alice didn't oppose her, this woman is scary! Huh?


"Please...I beg of you...all of you. Bring my daughter safely!!" That came as a surprise for the brown-haired teen and the teens around the room. Only one person was surprised on the adult side and that was Jessenia. Never in her life has she seen her cold and calm mistress bow to anyone, it is always the other way around. To swallow her pride and bow to the brown-haired teen and beg a request from him...is unheard of!!

"Sure!" Ayane looks up to see a grin...A familiar grin, filled with charisma and energy. He was just like him...just like Xino.

"We'll bring her back, I promise!!" He can trust him...He can trust that promise.

"Thank You."

With that done the teens are ready to try again. This time they won't fail!! Now that they are given the blessings of Alice's mother to rescue her daughter from LeGrace they will accomplish this mission and bring back Alice safely!!!

"Everyone get ready! Entering Omega Now!!!"


Here they are again.

"Alright, kids just like last time. Richard, you know what to do, right?"

"Yes, president!"

"Come now! You don't have to be so formal Richard! Call me Leos!!"

"Right, President...I-I mean Leos!!"

"He is already a mess," Sexan said with a sweat-drop.

"Humph, loser."

After using his Archive Upload on everyone once again and once again doing one of his four uses again to go back to his Dragon Aura form before using the technique. Everyone was ready to once again enter the Hyperlink Site.

"Okay guys, ready!" Everyone responded with a nod.

"Okay 3, 2, 1!"

"HYPERLINKING!!" Once again they're inside the world network.

"Be careful..." Concentrating they all managed to get step 3 complete and were now on step 4.

"So where's the white hole?"

"Over here!" The all got where Sexan was without triggering as many Trojan fishes before entering the white hole.

"Phew, that was a close one. Is everyone here?" Good everyone is here and accounted. Now step 5 is...


"So many numbers." The pink-haired said looking around the massive amount of numbers along with some letters hidden below some.

"Yeah, but there is only one coordination we want. Let's make sure we get the correct one." Sexan said. This step was very difficult because letters can also be involved in the coordination. They have to be careful because if they don't get this right...they might not have another chance.

Let see...coordination of middle of Bermudas Triangle...Oh!! There's one number.

"Guys on the first row on the left there is an 8 with an eye on a triangle!"

"Got it!" Richard replied

"I see it!" The pink-haired touches catch it with her string

"Humph." Harry captures the number.

The rest do the same. Okay, 1 down about five min or 11 max to go.

"There's an A inside of a pillar with lights on it on the fifth row centered!!" Yuma told the others.

"That's two down," Adel said as she took the number then noticed one herself.

"A zero with a swirl representing a wormhole, on the third row the second zero that is beside a normal one!" They started to see a pattern here. It seems the Bermudas Triangle coordinates are represented by a mysterious phenomenon that is claimed to happen in said place.

"There are two here! A 4 and a D sideways! They are on the last row in the end!" The one Aeris mentioned looks like a rowboat!! So so far the coordination is 8A04D...that's 5 and so far the place hasn't changed its color. Ayame has mentioned that they will know when the coordinates are complete because for a split second the room will flicker green. So far it hasn't happened yet. So that means there are 1 to 7 more codes left.

"F...19...In the center...5th row."


"Oh you're right, F19 means flight 19?!" He doesn't follow...

"Well some of us don't know about that." They look at Richard.

"SORRY FOR NOT KNOWING ABOUT THINGS THAT HAS TO DO WITH HISTORY!!" The chuckled but...that's it!! Aeris noticed it...the room blinked green for a split second.

"Guys we got all of them!"


"I saw the room go green!" Oh!! That means.

"We're done!!" Great now all they need to do is get to the world network enter the code and press enter before the firewalls and Trojan Fishes get them first! So it was 8A04DF19...Yeah, it meets the criteria, and if Aeris said they were set to go then.

"So what now? Do we make a mad dash for it or..."

"Running will not be good we can't let the numbers crash with anything and we need to keep them united." She does have a point.

"Sneaking is out the question too, the Trojan Fish have already gotten our scent so as soon as we get out they will be coming after us." Sexan was correct.

"So what do we do now?!" They are stuck between a rock and a hard place. If they make a mad dash there is a potential chance that they crash toward a file running to the world network thus wasting all of their efforts. If they go slowly they are just inviting more sharks. Hmm...maybe.

"I may have a solution to that," Emuna told everyone, last time she succeeded because of a scramble so if they manage to do the same.

"Humph," Harry was alright with this a small sacrifice for just getting there.

"Aeris?" She was looking at some numbers. Those numbers...they were...



"Are you okay?" Now Adel was concerned.

"Oh, um is nothing don't worry."

"Aeris Rhythm...very uneasy." Of course, it was unusual those numbers...she has seen them before. Her Rubik's Cube of Knowledge had shown her those numbers before. She doesn't know why but seeing those numbers made her feel very uneasy. What was it trying to say to her with those numbers? 1981099? Why those numbers? For what purpose?! Is it coordination? A date? She doesn't know!!

"In any case, I guess we will have to recover a little once we get out of here." As much as he wants to reach their destination quickly, Richard is well aware that they will need all the strength they can get. They are almost there just a couple of steps and they will meet again.


So today is the day...

She was ready to see if everything has paid up. She felt weaker every time she got taken a bit of blood from Kula to create the vaccine. It is strange it wasn't even like a tube of it it was like a pinch of salt she will boldly say it was like 3 droplets of it. So why was she getting nauseous every time she gave it?

Also, she tried to understand the machine that Kula was using, the Quantum Regulator she called? Yeah didn't understand a single thing about the contraption, why did she even bother to understand it in the first place?! She is not a tech genius like Richard...Richard...she wonders when she will ever see...

"Thinking about a boy?" Min teased.

"Eh?! AH, NO!! I...Was...Er...thinking of...how great this water is!! Yeah!" Alice responded even flailing her arms as she was thinking of an answer.

"I...would drink it if I were you."

"I wasn't planning to." Alice sweat-dropped at the suggestion of drinking this water. Still...she dodged a bullet on that one. She needs to be careful.

"Isn't it nice?"


"Being here, training, interacting with people, taking baths together, talking about what the outside feels like?"

"I kind of have no clue since...you know being kidnap and all."

"True, but you got to know us better, right?" She did have a point. She probably will not have an opportunity to talk to them ever again. There are two possible outcomes...she either gets rescued by her friends and escapes through a miracle...or she is set free somewhere and Japan is saved. Either way, one thing will be saved whether herself or an entire country.

"You sure don't regret having that hairstyle?" *sigh* there she goes again.

"I told you, is fine. I am liking this hairstyle, it...brings back memories."

"Memories of your childhood life."

"Yeah." She remembers it now.

['Give it back!'] getting bullied, trying to get her kawaii kitten back but failing and falling to the mud.

['Look at the baby she is crying.']

['Hey leave her alone!']

['What are you going to do shorty?'] He did hit that boy hard twice. One in the stomach and the other in the chin.

['I-I remember him...he is that guys son...the world champion Xino! Richard Kurosagi!']

['That monster kid!!?'] She had to admit he did look like a demon when he glared at them before they scurried out scared.

['And don't bully any other kids again!!'] That was the first time she met Richard.

['Are you okay?']

['Hick, WAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!'] She... was a crybaby back then.

['Hey let's become friends.'] That was afterward when they were on the playground not too far from her home.


['Hey don't be shy, come on! smile, smile!!'] That grin full of energy, his upbeat attitude...the way he treated her...everything about him...

['Y-Yes...'] Although...

[I like your hair is soft and silky.'] That moment...

['Hawahawa.'] Is still...

['Ah, hey Alice!! Hmm, maybe she has sensitive hair.'] WAY TOO EMBARASSING!!

"Maybe...we should get out. The heat might be going to your head."


How embarrassing...she never thought she will blush about remembering her past with Richard that it will eventually get to her head to a point of getting dizzy.

"Are you sure you weren't thinking of a boy?"

"OF COURSE NOT!! STOP ASKING!!" It didn't help that Min was still pestering about it.

"Okay, if you say so." Honestly...


"What...?" She turns around and regrets it instantly...how do they get them to that level of growth?

"Why are you sulking?" BECAUSE OF YOU!!!

"Whatever. I was going to say this might be the last time we have a girl to girl talk. So I might as well tell you a bit about myself." Why...

"Why now?"

"Why not?" Hmm, she won't lie she wanted to know what their lives were before being a terrorist group bend on taking over the world probably...no she is sure they are aiming for that.

"I guess I can hear it..."

"Splendid! You see I used to be in a family similar to yours."

"What do you mean?"

"I once was part of a noble family, One that was recognized around the world. Ever heard of The Tabouillot family?" Alice has heard of them...she forgot when probably on one of his mother's talks when she was around 10.

"I heard of it a little."

"Well, I am part of it." She is a part of the Tabouillot family?


"Yes. My name is Min Tabouillot. At least that's who I used to be..." Huh?

"Where you disown or something?"

"Fufu, nothing of the sort. No...you see the Tabouillot family...no longer exist." No longer...

"No longer...exist?" she fears for what could have happened from the way Min was speaking and the expression she is showing currently.

"That's right, everything that day...I lost everything that day." The blood, the bodies...his dying words...the people responsible for it. The name of the group that was sent by the government...Majestic 12.

"I would love to tell you even more about it but..." She grabs something.


"Hyah!!!" What the...?! Is that...!!?

"How long have you been...here? Then again...Don't answer that!!" Min launched Grew toward the wall. If it wasn't for the fact that wall is harder than steel she would have broken it but instead, she just managed it to bend it.

"I hope you prepare yourself..."

"W-Wait can't we talk about this?" He had it coming...

"Oh, we'll talk...!" the purple-haired girl was talking just...




Why him...?

"...What do you mean?" There he goes again talking to...who?

"I think you are lucky she was restrained...she was like a rabid dog." Then again, he did have it coming. Who sneaks into the women's side?

"But it might be my last chance!!"

"Last chance...?" Somehow she feels like he wasn't talking about her. Alice was relieved but at the same time stung by it...That was strange...probably because of what he must have been looking for.

"But I didn't want to see her like that anymore." Hmm?

"What do you mean?"

"You saw her eyes, didn't you? Min was part of a noble family to have everything ripped away by night must hurt...I know how that feels..." Does he know?

"Did you had a family before joining LeGrace?"

"A family? Oh, I wouldn't say a family as big as Min or Mol but yeah I had one." So he too...

"Sorry, I must have made you remember something terrible."

"Oh! No, nothing of the sort. I lost my parents...well we lost our parents a long time ago! My family member is closer than you think." We? And closer?

"Closer? Does that person works here?"

"You can say that...Hmm, I guess I can tell you. I have a twin sister, she loves weapons, more importantly, she loves Guandao weapons. She seems to love Guan Yu's Green Dragon Crescent Blade." Oh, the weapon of the Chinese general from Romance of The Three Kingdom? There was an animation based on that story...thou it was a bit different than the novel book.

"So if she is here, then why haven't I met her yet?" By now she met everyone in this place...then again she didn't meet those soldiers that LeGrace killed so...maybe she hasn't seen everyone.

"She...is not the type of girl who likes to socially talk to others. She trusts me because I am his sister but...other than me I don't think she will show herself to anyone. Hmm? Oh I know, how about this...! Once we get the vaccine from Kula from your blood, I will introduce her to you, how does that sound!?" I guess meeting one person before she is set free won't hurt.


"Good...I can't wait for her to finally talk to someone who is not me...I always wonder if she has a sister complex." Grew chuckled...he knows...

"Can I tell you something before we get there." Oh!

"What is it?"

"Be careful of one group...they're a lot more dangerous than us...I should know I have my experiences battling them." Battling them?



"Maybe some other time. But I am serious...Watch yourself if the see how good that blood of yours is, us kidnapping you will be nothing but another weekend in the summer." She wonders who he was talking about...But the way he said those words...she can't help but be uneasy. Can he trust him? I mean he didn't seem to be lying about it, right? Plus, he might be correct, who knows what people know about their legendary pieces if this group knows about her legendary piece, what makes her sure anyone else who is as dangerous if not worse than them knows about her and her friends.


A group of people got out of the hole, the Trojan fishes went after them. They were careful with their run, after all, these coordinations were very important. The group of teens split up and try to dodge the firewalls getting in their way. The Trojan Fishes were very slick and outmaneuver the firewalls, they have done this before, they have lived for years this is nothing new!! Very sloppy of them

"Damn!" The kids were surrounded. Firewalls to the left, Trojan's fish to the right. Blocked from all sides.

"Tch." Harry hissed. They failed again. So much for that camouflage.

"Alice." They might not get another shot at this! I guess they can't...The Trojan Fishes catch them and with that, the firewalls followed...However, something was off...it was as if...this people...these aren't the same kids that entered the coordination room!! No, these were.

"Checkmate!" Richard said...or what it was Richard because all of them were...Dolls...Yes, that's right, Emuna's plan...worked perfectly. With her dolls and a little bit of Harry's Illusion as well as transferring some of their remaining Capacity Power they were able to create a perfect clone of themselves capable of confusing the Trojan Fishes and the firewalls alike. And by the time they realized it.

"And...Done." It was too late. Richard and the group look at the firewalls and the Trojan fishes and with a grin on his face, the real brown-haired leader of Omega said...

"CHECKMATE!" To no avail, the fishes and firewalls charged at them but because they already entered the code and "Press" Command...they were...

"Is this the place?" Sexan said.

"Only one way to find out." Only one thing left to do.


'Ending Session, Logging off the Omega world.' The world around them started to crack like a mirror before with a crash sound they appeared somewhere else...although...

"Huh?" The coordination should've teleported them somewhere more secluded.

"What the?!"



Meanwhile, the table was set, Alice was there to just look at the results of Kula's work. If this works they will be able to not fear the M.I.S.T. And then...Alice will be free of this...thou there is only one thing that bothers her...why haven't they given her the legendary piece back. She promised not to run away and they have their goal. All they need to do is inject themselves with her blood and it will be all over right? Then she will be probably back in Japan. So why doesn't she have her red sphere necklace in her possession already?

"So who should go first?" Rusher asked.

"I think you should be first, Rusher," Min told the blue-haired leader.

"I agreed with Min on this one, you were the first of us to have the M.I.S.T. So is fair to say you should be the first one to be free." As much as he wants to reunite with her...Grew knew that his leader was waiting for this all of his life...well everyone does but no one more than the first "Successful" M.I.S.T. Subject.

"I don't mind waiting, I waited years to reunited with my comrades, what is 5 to 10 minutes more!" Mol can finally see them...the first thing he will do is to talk about the good times with them...He can finally talk to the once-powerful Concasseur De Crânes.

"Rusher...You created this group. With your leadership we managed to get a second chance at life, I am sure...that father and The Commander will be proud."

"Kula, Everyone...Humph." Rusher couldn't help but smile. Yes, this group...A former gang leader, a former noble aristocrat, the daughter of a genius scientist, and two siblings. Their lives changed by one group. This time...they will be free and when they get free of this curse...You are next Majestic 12!!

"Alright? Alice Hishikawa...I will only say this once...Thank You. All of us from the bottom of our hearts will thank you because without you this freedom...will not be possible. Alright, Kula proceed." That was the command for the orange-haired girl to administer the serum. Rusher felt something...something different.

"Feel anything different?" Hmm...Let see...the blue aura appeared on Rusher. After a few minutes...

"It works!!" It was a success, The M.I.S.T. It wasn't consuming him it was as if the effects...were neutralized. Even more...he feels more powerful. With this new strength, this will be...

"I'm next!!" The muscular man said. He cannot wait!! Result...

"OH YEAH BABY!! CHECK ME OUT!!" Mol was flexing with the M.I.S.T. Goodbye you stupid thing!!! Now he can use it as many times as he pleased and the first thing he will do...Is payback that bitch that was with that guy they fought not long ago.

"Incredible." So this is what Rusher felt. She felt a rush of power but at the same time her M.I.S.T., Is as if it was clashing with something and losing. So this is what it feels like to be free...free from the M.I.S.T. Consequences. With this, she can finally recreate her noble family again!!

"We can finally see each other for more than 15 minutes without any risks." Grew was happy...finally...he can see her...well more than ever, who knows they might be able to relieve the better days on those wavy worlds.


"We did it Rusher...we're free." She wishes her father could see this. Who knew that the solution for the project that her father worked so hard to perfect, it was just one legendary piece away. If only...if only he was alive to see this...he will tell her how proud he was to have the world's greatest genius.



'Intruder, Alert!!' So it has begun.

"So they're here." Rusher smiled. It was going to happen sooner or later. Well, then how about they show these kids what happens when they get in their way.

"Shall we give them a warm welcome." Min wanted to show her full potential now that she doesn't have to worry about the consequences to these kids...Hmm, maybe they will be entertaining...she doubts it.

"Shall we go, introduce ourselves...Hmm...you want to meet them?" Grew was very happy to give them a warm welcome.

"HEH, this won't last long." Mol thinks the soldiers should handle these brats, but...if those useless baboons can't handle them, then his gang will be happy to show why they were the terror of Bordeaux.

"Leave Kurosagi to me," He looks at Alice who was now concerned that her friends were here. They did it...they infiltrated but...now they were going to...

"Him and I...have unfinished business." Rusher will make the brown-haired regret why they shouldn't have come here to infiltrate in the first place. He doesn't know how they found them but it won't matter because by the end of the day...those kids will die.


Phew...that was close...if they didn't have this they will be dead for sure!

"Tch! This is the people that kidnapped her?! What a bunch of weaklings." Harry said. These people were a waste of Capacity Power, even at half of their strength currently, they still wipe the floor with them.

"Looks like this infiltration didn't come out as planned," Emuna said.

"YOU THINK!!!?" Still...

"We can't lose focus now...remember guys, we still have a mission regardless of being discovered or not," Richard told everyone. He is correct they have one thing in mind and one thing only...Save Alice and get the hell out of here.

"Right." Sexan was very focused. He promised himself that he will not fail and that he will save Alice Hishikawa. It does not matter who stands in his way, he will defeat them, and then he will finally meet the beautiful long red-haired teen again.

"Alright guys, Operation: Rescue The Ragging Sphere Owner and Friend Begins!!" Just hold on Alice Hishikawa...your friends are coming to rescue you!!

"Team Omega InFiltrates LeDutch's HQ!!"

Richard_Omegacreators' thoughts