
Omega: A Legacy Reborn

Follow the adventures of Richard and his friends as they enter the popular online virtual game of Omega as they battle against other players to become the best team in the world. As an addition to that, they must discover the history of the Legendary Pieces, legendary artifacts with unique powers. Some sentient, most of them even corrupted by previous owners. Throughout this journey to become the best team in the world, they will have to fight Black Hat and some Grey Hat Hackers, other owners and even other entities that will try and destroy the game they love or even worse...The World. So, Hop in and watch as History unfolds in this Online adventure. Are You all Ready? Because Here...We...Go! Entering Omega NOW!!

Richard_Omega · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Chapter 45: Poupées De Jour Creux

"Sometimes we do not want to remember...something painful..."

This situation was not a very good one. Regalia and Magdalene were out of commission and she got a bullet on her shoulders. She could summon dolls to protect her no problem the issue is that with her being unable to move her left shoulder, she will be at a disadvantage against her opponent. Now Especially since he has a backup on his side.

"You are wondering how was I able to survive that attack of yours. My gang stopped your attack at the last second by shielding me...They should be coming back soon." As Mol said from the ground a drilling sound was heard. As a hole was created five more skeletons appeared one of them holding a giant drill, two holding Giant shield, one holding a hook chain, and the last one being huge and more fat than when Mol was before going into this form. That must have been the one who took all the damage considering it had a huge hole where his stomach was before it regenerates back its bones.

"I will have to admit nobody has pushed me to a point that I will have to rely on my gang appearing. Alright, boys...Is skull-crushing time." Vanishing the former gang known as Concasseur De Crânes went to attack the white-haired girl who dodged the drill from one of them. The wrecking balls both hit the dolls that went to protect her. Deflecting the bullets and calling on more dolls, Emuna commanded them to attack the gang that was coming their way. Slicing them with their battle-axes and crushing their skulls with mace the dolls took care of some but the biggest one was a problem he was absorbing damage left and right. Every blow didn't have any effect on it and the big skeleton destroyed some of the dolls left and right. This wasn't working not on her default form. Meaning...

"Core Shift: Powerhouse!" Now with new strength. the dolls manage to stagger the Giant Skeletal being but he wouldn't budge nor fall. However, from above appeared someone.


As the sound of a chainsaw ripped through the thick skull of the enemy, the now reformed Regalia put more pressure until she was able to cut it in half.

"Master." Magdalene now reconstructed went to her master's aid.

"It seems that it will be more difficult than I thought." Emuna knew that cutting them into pieces or blasting a hole through the thing will not cut it. She was correct they were reconstructing again. So, this must be the power of the M.I.S.T. It will give people unique abilities at the cost of their skin...that would be the case but...She can easily tell why that hasn't happened.

"Oh, Your dolls are still active and running. However, I wonder how long are you going to last with that bone finger deep inside your shoulder." He has a point, there is no safety in this Modification, that was the trade for them being able to be their Omega Forms in the real world. They can be teleported here for the safety of their planet but when it comes to their safety...

Luckily, she can use Core Shift infinitely so the Core Shift restriction was lifted for this. Those things were agile especially the big one despite its size. Beyond lightning speed, she would categorize their speed. Plus their regeneration ability, if Dolls of Arrêt was not enough to damage the big one then...

"We will have to resort to that, then..." Magdalene has an idea of what that meant...

"Master, are you sure? There is no telling how much Capacity Power it will consume! It might end up hurting you in the end!" Using Doll of Arrêt might have depleted the white-haired Capacity Power to maybe below the 6,000,000 even lower since she was summoning her sisters to protect everyone from bullets. Although, the blonde-haired girl helped to mitigate the use of their master's Capacity Power.

"If that's the case we have That form to get the sufficient amount we will need for that attack to succeed. We came here to save Alice Hishikawa. We can't afford to hold back against the enemy, even if it is for my safety." The white-haired responded to her doll.

"Master...Alright...I swore my devotion to you when you created me, we all did...as the servants of the Queen we must do whatever it takes...even at the cost of our lives." Having her dolls by her side makes her forget that she once had someone...someone she admired. Now she is a member of a team that will be in a world tournament...She wish...No can't be distracted by that...Someday...

"You are done talking? because we were getting bored!!" Mol was getting tired of these dolls and the white-haired teen. She was as annoying as those people. The ones that killed his gang and almost took his life. If it wasn't for this M.I.S.T. He would've ended up like them. Even if his gang is only skeletons, they are on his side.


[December 20th, 2032]

A gang feared by the citizen of Bordeaux were biking their way Milleis Banque Agence de Bordeaux. This famous gang of bikers has had a criminal record of stealing, battery, and vandalism.

"Alright boys were almost there, let's make the big bucks and then go to the next city!!"

"Yes, Boss!!" From Mohawks to pierced, from Huge to thin, these were the Concasseur de Crânes one of the most problematic gangs in France. They have been arrested several times before but as always they never changed. And why should they? They can get whatever they want and all they have to do is escape the police which considering they know this city like a book will be a piece of cake.

Mol was the second biggest man on the group but despite that he was their leader, His strength only rivaled by the biggest of the gang Lardon who could take punches too giving him the nicknamed "Punching Meat". The group was a total of 17. So it wasn't like they were a very small group they were pretty much almost a baseball roster size group. The bank heist went just, as usual, they go in Mol barks orders, 5 of them that were equipped with chains went in and get the money, the ones with rockets stayed on watch and the rest was watching over the hostage with him. If the other 5 needed it a bit of muscle Lardon will come to their aid. They were like a family, a family of thieves and scumbags but a family nonetheless.

"This way gang!!" Escaping from the police cars was also a thrill. The fact that they right now, literally are playing thieves vs cops was fun on so many levels. Even more when the twins' Mosh and Pit shot missiles at them so they could shake them up. Bystanders, be damn if they get in their way! They decided to split up on a fork: Lardon will be leading one team with Bones, Verdict, Mosh, Pit, Punk, Novato & Rock while he will lead the Chain Brothers, Slit, Gold, Ball, Break & Madman. Gold & Ball using their heavy wrecking balls destroyed some street lights making sure it hit some vehicles before they went over a ramp and jumped to the other side stopping the chase after they hid on a dark alley on the other side of the city. The others joined in after. They hit the jackpot! 1.5 million euros! With this, they can buy all the beer they can afford plus some improvement on their bikes and weapons. This dusty 9mm could use some replacement...Hmm, maybe a sub-machine gun or even a Warhammer or maybe both!!

"Hey, Boss we hit it big this time!!" The purple-haired Mohawk named Slit told his big boss.

"I cannot wait to buy everything from the market, an all you can eat meat!"

"At this rate, you'll waste all our money on food." Replied someone with a durag.

"Shut it Bones!"

"Well let's wait for a few minutes, how're your missiles boys?"

"All good boss, we might have 2 to 3 more fireworks," Mosh told.

"Alright then let's get started and have..."

['Your...Power.'] The hell was that voice?!

"Boss ya alright?"

"Huh? Yes, I am fine." Strange what...the hell...

"Hey has anyone notice this strange fog?"

"Yeah...Ugh, what the fuck it stinks!" Pit was right this fog reeks of corpses!

"Hey boss I think I found the source it must be this rotten rat, ugh yep, it must be that!" Well, it won't matter they just need to lay low for...

"So the trail ends here." Who...

"What the?!" Who are these people...they are all dressed in black. One of them was a male who has Short black spiky hair with sunglasses. The other was a woman with platinum hair. The taller one the male spoke.

"Looks like they must have inhaled some." Inhale some?! The Crap are they blabbering about?

"We cannot let them escape...with their record they will become a threat to society." So...they are...

"Heh, if you think we are going to let you take us you undercover F.B.I. You got another thing coming boys, Let's take care of this thrash and go back to the hideout!"


"These fools." The platinum-haired woman said before she took a semi-transparent sniper. With high speed, she dodged aimed and shot at the man. The black-haired man dodged a fist from the biggest man and shot with a small handgun but the big man would go down. So he resorted to another thing he shot another bullet only this one started beeping before.

*Boom* that takes care of the big man and some of them too. Now...

"That's the last of them." This was a messier job than they thought still if the trailer ended here that meant that their target moved quickly...ah they see.

"Let's leave our target just split itself and went toward the sewers." The platinum-haired woman informed her partner.

"Yes...Let them take care of the rest." He looks at the lifeless bodies one last time. it is a pity they had to kill them...then again this were criminals so no one will miss them. After leaving...they underestimated one man.

"Fuck..." His entire crew.

"Those fuckers!!" His family...His camaradas!!

['You want revenge?'] Who...?

['Do you...want...revenge...?'] Great he must be hearing voices in his head...he is going to die...but revenge...Of course, he wants revenge!! Those people...they must pay!!

"Of course!!"

['...Good...I will give it to you...REVENGE.']


That was the first time he talks to it...the entity the M.I.S.T. He had close calls with it too. He met Rusher not so long after that and he got to recover his comrade's corpses...albeit they were already rotten by the time he got them. But that time they inhaled the M.I.S.T. Connected him...it connected them...Once a gang always a gang. Now they were fighting for a purpose...revenge. Now that they were free of the consequences of the M.IS.T. They can have their revenge on the people who killed them...the people that have left him for dead...that black-haired man...that platinum-haired woman. He will find them and when he does...

Clashing with the hammer Emuna use her Core Shift to change into her scouter form and speed her opponent, Mol was able to block her attacks but was slightly at a disadvantage. He shot a bullet with his trusty 9mm that has evolved through the years into this bone version but the girl managed to dodged it and disappeared in a blur. Emuna using her speed commanded her dolls who's speed also increased by her change of class and slash Mol only this time the man was saved by his comrade Lardon.

"Lardon!" The big skeleton eyes glowed red before the attacks bounced off his big large mass of fat body. This didn't end here as more dolls opened their mouths to show laser cannons before shooting at the big skeleton. This moved the big guy to a point that it got him off the ground and hovering in the air. The Chain Brothers use their chains to help the big guy get back to the ground with a loud crash that lifted a chunk of earth from the ground. The struggle between both parties continued until finally more dolls armed their hands and transformed into missiles and shot at them. This, however, were all intercepted at the last second by the missiles of Mosh and Pit.

*BOOOOM* The loud roaring sound and explosion of all of this were so massive that if there was someone very far away from the battlefield he or she would've noticed it right away.

No grassy field anymore on the area just a fiery wasteland. The skeleton gang was all walking slowly out of the fires. Nothing, no dolls, nothing. However, after a few seconds, something in the sky shadowed their vision. Hundreds, thousands of dolls were all in the air. All have their arms poised with missiles before launching said missiles to the floor below creating explosions after explosions on the ground.

After the dust settled the dolls start scanning the area, there was nothing there. Did they defeat them? The answer...No. Above them the giant skeleton Lardon became even more massive and Body slam hundreds of them crushing them with his massive body. The other skeletons were in the air some attacked the mid-air dolls others just tied or shoot them before landing to the ground. One of them got ran through thousands of swords. This one was one of the chain brothers. Seeing their brother in peril the other two use two chains before grabbing some of them yanking them out of the brother that now have 10 swords stuck on his body. The undead never rests, never feels pain, only hunger is on their mind. The dolls...soulless no pain, no hunger, no rest, just a mission. Thou both sides have one thing in common...They are loyal to their leader.

Speaking of leaders, Mol and Emuna are fighting. Regalia and Magdalene have joined the battle to give the white-haired emotionless girl an advantage even if it was slight. The now thin man due to his slim body was more agile and could dodge the attacks much easier, couple with his regenerative ability this man was almost invincible. His only weakness now gone Mol can do whatever he wants. However, he needs to finish this quickly as he knows that sooner or later his gang will not last long and neither is he. All he needs to do is kill the puppet master and the master's dolls will follow. Easier said than done because Emuna was also a very agile human being. Using her string sword she blocked the attacks with ease and she follows them up with her attacks. Mol had to dodge the chainsaw sword from Regalia that was making that resounding sound not to mention now, he had to dodge arrows coming his way from above and below from Magdalene.

The white-haired small teen kicked the man in the head who backed up before grabbing her small leg and hurling her to the other side just to be caught by Magdalene.

"Master, are you alright?"

"Yes...thanks, Magdalene." Looking at her opponent she can see she has not much time...the wound on her shoulder was getting worse and she felt it on any swing she had to switch her sword to the other hand or blocked with both hands. Eventually, her arm will become numb on one of his attacks and she will be injured to a point of being unable to fight back. No choice...Huh? She was trying to avoid using this because she wanted to save it for a special occasion...but it seems that this might be the time and place. At least...the others won't see this...especially her battle maniac leader.


Inside Min's room, a brown-haired boy sneezed. Huh? That's strange why did he sneeze? Hmm, perhaps someone mentioned him?

"Ah!!" He almost became food!! The boy sliced at the plant but then he had to fight another one. Man, how many of these are they?! It is like fighting Emuna's dolls!!

('Fight all you want. So long as we are here, my plants will keep regrowing. Every time you kids kill one it will release two spore seeds and as soon as they hit the ground they will regrow. You are all in my garden and by the end of it you will become my babies meal for months.') Min's has always loved plants. She always had a fascination for botany and wanted to become a professional botanist. That was her dream, she wonders if that incident didn't happen if her life would've been better. I mean she had the nobility title, she had all the skills to graduate and get her degree, & last but most important...she had someone...all of that taken away...by one thing...one group...one incident that destroyed everything.

Harry uses his Master Slash cutting the plants in half only for two to sprout out of the ground.

"There's no ending to them!" Sexan using his wings flew to the air. The Venus flytraps then started spitting something at him. Dodging he then looked up to see that the leaves were dissolving.

('Acid.') That can be a tad bit problematic they are not in Omega this is real if that thing hits them they will feel real pain and even be killed by it. Plus cutting them seems to be useless that leaves two options. Someone with fire element or someone with energy-based attacks. One of them if not both can only be done by a Magical Class. Meaning that only 3 of them have the advantage: Richard Kurosagi, Aeris Russo, and Harry Kishima since all three are cores. The problem is...they might need them to go against the others, they might need as many of them as they can in order to take down Rusher himself. With the ability to slow time the blue-haired leader of LeGrace will be the most difficult foe they will face. He just hopes...

"You are a problem." When did she? Min was up in front of him before she kicked Sexan back to the ground.

Damn that hurt like hell! But to be able to jump that high...she is not a normal human...he will not be surprised if the others aren't either.

"I am getting bored of seeing you struggle I guess I will haste the pace so my pets can start eating you whole."

"Humph, don't get your hopes up."

"Oh?" Harry Kishima was face to face with the woman. He was in his magical form.

"If you think that your little plants will be enough to take us down. Then you are just as stupid as that Fat man that we previously faced." That tick the purple-haired girl.

"I would prefer that you do not compare me to that foul man."

"Humph!" With high speed, the boy vanished and attacked Min. The purple-haired woman dodged the slashes with ease, she then kicked the black-haired boy away who stopped before dodging the acid that some of the plants threw at him. Harry noticed that the moment he was getting closer to the purple-haired mature woman her Venus flytraps stopped their attack. So they won't attack if their master is in the line of danger. Hmm, also has they...No...he doesn't think so.

"Don't take your eyes off!" Harry blocked the kick before he backs her away and then Master slash the plants that attacked him as soon as he backed Min away from him. The plants just simply multiplied after a few seconds but the result was the same...they would not attack while Min was in range. Even more just a little more and...

"Tell me something...how long do you think it takes for me to defeat you?" That confused Min. Defeat her?

"Defeat me?" What a foolish boy? Him, defeat her by himself? The woman's lips just curled upwards.

"Fufu, you definitely are fool of yourself. You are all struggling to fight my pets. And you are making things worse by trying to cut away my pets. Are you sure you are not the stupid one here." Harry just scratched the back of his head. So...this fool hasn't figured it out yet huh? Well not like it matters because this will be an even field soon.

"Are you sure about that?" What?

"You...You must have hit your head somewhere! Look around you! Your friends are on the verge of becoming food!! After they are finished with them all I have to do is..."

"Keep away and I am done...correct? Let me ask you...have you noticed why I am still slashing your stupid plants?" What is he talking about?!

"Do you believe for a second...that I was just slashing it because I haven't figure out that every time I slash it in half that I will notice the seeds that went to the soil on the floor and then re-growth by some sort of small mist that was around the area?" He notices...then why?

"If you knew then why?!"

"Ever heard of I do not know...Distraction!!? Or better yet...Have you ever heard of Illusion?" His voice...Did it...!!

('That's a female voice!') Then it dawns upon her...all this time...she wasn't fighting all of them in her room. In fact, since the middle of the fight...the boy in that flew in the air and she kicked to the ground...every slash that the others did, the walls of soil that protect them that were created by the blonde-haired girl. This whole fight...all of it...it was done by one person?! That's impossible!! But it was true, all of this was made by one person. There is one person in the group capable of creating multiple clones and fool other enemies. Even more, the figuring out part was...

*Kaboom* paper bombs! Only one person could do that too...it was none other than...!!

"I have to thank Harry for that...Otherwise." There she was with her kunai swords in hand. The beautiful black-haired kunoichi Yuma Ishitzu. Harry had this planned out as soon as they discovered that the plants replanted themselves and multiplied. The problem was that they didn't want Richard, Aeris nor Harry himself to fight her, they needed them for the other opponents. So there was only one opponent that could face her that could take care of the plants without wasting one of their cores. Enter the ninja scouter. Because of her speed, the ability to create clones and Harry's illusion technique in his magical form. Yuma would distract Min long enough to fool her because there were some plants...that moved toward the door. Those plants were none other than her group. Once they were out all she had to do was plant some of the paper bombs. The clone that got hit disguise as Sexan had planted the last two paper bombs needed to take out all the plants. The fire will take care of the rest. Now...is a one on one battle. It was her vs the purple-haired woman.

('Good luck over there guys.')


Thanks to Yuma the group could move on. Two more room, just two more rooms and they will be able to find her...the reason they got here.

"Another Rhythm, Ahead...No...two." Two? Are there two people in there?!

"Do you think is another soldier that is accompanying one of them?!" Frederick said.

"I doubt it. From the way that the rooms are filled. It seems that they have created them to be specifically for them to have an environmental advantage." Adel pointed out.

"It will not matter the sooner we get through this two the faster we can just finish this mission." The black-haired boy just wanted to fight the strongest in this group, from the looks of it, Rusher might be the one who will give him a better fight.

"There it is!" The brown-haired yelled as the door to the next room was on their sight. Whoever they face, they just hope that is not someone who can create an army of plants.


Back to the fight between Mol and Emuna. The white-haired girl has decided to use this. Even more when the fight was dragging on more.

"Magdalene...When I use this technique...make sure that Regalia backs away from her enemy...do the same with the others." So...she was going to use it...this form...it will stop the motion of every doll including herself for a few seconds. If their white-haired master is going to use it now...it meant that she acknowledges that they cannot win unless she goes all out and uses that attack. It will also lessen the risk of said attack...she just hopes they have enough Capacity Power to not hurt their master.

"This fight is getting boring is time to put you and your dolls to bed." The white-haired girl chuckles at this which confused the thin leader of the Concasseur De Crânes.

"What the hell so funny!?"

"Nothing...is just...I never thought...that someone's life can change with one transformation." There she goes again...talking nonsense.

"I have enough of your nonessential talk!!!" The man shot at Emuna before two dolls blocked him.

"Magdalene...call them...we are ending this in a single attack." Magdalene understood her master's command...this form...is a form that she doesn't want to see for very long for obvious reasons...they never mention it to anyone nor should be mentioned at all...this is a form that should be kept a secret from everyone...for the sake of...

"Yes..." Magdalene's eyes turn orange. With this, all the dolls and even Regalia understood as their eyes went orange too. Regalia backed off from her opponent and teleported back to her Master. So her master is going to...that form...it will...but if it is the only way...she will be there when her master's mind...

"Kübler-Ross..." Everything is returning...such...painful...Her dolls...

From the shock wave of the explosion Mol was backed off and so was his gang.

"What the hell...!" The world can be cruel sometimes...it makes you do things that you regret...how long has it been...3...4 years? This form...it brings back heavy memories.

Mol and his gang have never seen anything like this. This girl...her dress was different. Black strapless dress with spiky shoulder pads the shoes crystallized but in a dark purple color. Having shadow eyeliners...her expression...no longer devoid of emotion...no this emotion she was showing...it felt real...like...she was on...

"Première Étape: Le Déni." The verge of grief.

This pain...is coming back...she...

"Regalia...Magdalene...don't let go of me." Their hugs...it is the only thing that is...


"We won't...Master." Regalia and Magdalene know how much this form hurts their master...this stage...she remembers something...something that cannot be returned back...no matters the reality that is on their master's mind...it is not real. That's why she needs them by her side...just so she can overcome this stage...

"You think because you change you will defeat me you cannot..." That's when Mol realizes something...The white-haired girl she was not there she was.

*Slush* usually Mol shrug his shoulder for such a wound but now...this feeling...This is real? No! He refuses to see this!! There is no way that this brat!!

"Don't move...I will finish you up soon." This...!!

"You think you can trick me with that!!"

*Bang* what the? Why is she holding...he has...His eyes widened...his 9mm...his trusty 9mm! It is gone...he saw another thing...This can't be real!! his comrades are right...

"...!" They are all...His comrades...How...then he saw it...he did it? That's a lie!! He didn't kill them!! He would never betray his boys!

"Do you...regret it?" What is she saying?

"Killing them...Killing your very own friends?" That's not true!!

"You can't escape it..." No!

"This..." Don't you dare...!



*SLASH* Emuna's face...filled with regret...she doesn't want to believe it...she refuses to believe it...this is what the transformation does, however, anything that her sword touches everyone that is around her that is human...or at least has a human soul...will be in complete denial...this includes herself...this is why she needs her dolls...it stops her from that...they are her shield...her shell...her reality. This...is just one...it is enough...she does not want to go further than this that is why...

Her thousands of dolls start to create something on the ground this was signs...A coffin with a star...A coffin with a moon...A coffin...with a doll...the others went to the air...they were ready to bury everything away...Mol...his gang...everything...they wanted to end all of this...that way...their master will not have to see any more memories...that will give her grief.

"I'm sorry..." those were Emuna's words...

"...I'm so..." Mol was hearing those voices...Ah...he sees...so he did do it...but...it wasn't because he wanted to...no that moment that she slashes him...she slashes his boys too...they attack him...and then he attacks them...He did kill them...but because she made it so he should...her having the gun...it never happened...If he realized it sooner...he would've escaped this...but now...He will definitely...

"...Sorry..." Die because he gave in to the first stage of grief.

"Poupées De Jour Creux." Denial. As the dolls embrace Mol and his gang the coffin expanded and united as one before the big coffin with the signs of the moon, the star, and the doll. As it opens Mol saw it...nothing...just an abyss...as hollow as anything...so this is what a Hollow day looks like...empty...Just like his revenge...

('I'm sorry my boys...I couldn't avenge you.')

('Hey boss what are you crying about.') What?

('You!') they were in the flesh...but...is this...this must be...

('Come on boss let's ride into the sunset, together!') That feeling...he might not get his revenge...but at least he can die together...with his boys...his friends...his gang...

('Alright boys...Let's make chaos...whenever we go...Probably Hell...but who the fuck cares!! THEY WILL HEAR OUR NAME!!! THEY WILL CHANT OUR NAME!! WE ARE...')

'CONCASSEUR DE CRÂNE!!' With that the final chapter of the most notorious gang in all France came to a close...just like the coffin that closed itself on the ground below.

"D.O.B.I. End session." said the white-haired girl.

'Ending session, login out of the world.'

Descending to the ground...Emuna's transformation faded...this pain...this regret...it is all coming back...she wishes it will just go away...but...no matter what...every time she goes into this form...she will remember it.


"I...I need to rest..." Just as Regalia thought...it must have drained a lot of her Capacity Power...to a point that she is too tired to even move. At this stage, she will be easy pickings for the enemy.

"But...the others...will..." Emuna cringe...the shoulder wound is still there...she can feel her shoulder going numb...at any minute she will not feel her shoulder at all.


"We must continue...our mission is not..." That's when it happened...someone just slashed her...

"Master!!" Who...? She dodged the next one but because of her now bleeding shoulder, she was too weak to block with her sword...Regalia took the blow for her...

"Regalia!!" The doll burst into flames...

"M...MA...STER!" Regalia was turned to ashes.

('Damn.') She really can't fight this enemy!! using that form and that attack almost drained her completely. The only thing left to do is...

"Rosalinda, Melodious, Brilliance!!" Escape!

The three dolls dressed in a glowing green Gothic dress glowed before they opened their mouths and release a ray of light blinding the assailant. Magdalene took this opportunity to take her master and escape the room. Login back in will take time and her master is in no condition right now to fight. The best thing they can do is hide in one of the rooms and wait until the right time. She just hopes that the others will make it...they might need help with this one...who knew there was just another...


Everyone in LeGrace felt it...it was as if they were all connected by the M.I.S.T. Mol...their muscle...and leader of Concasseur De Crânes...Is dead.

"That Fat ass..." Min despite the insult couldn't help but feel a bit of grief for the man. Rest in peace, you big man and join your crew in hell...

Rusher was silent...Alice wondered what was he thinking before he spoke.

"It seems that your friends managed to take him out."

"What...?" Take him...?

"Mol...He is dead." That big man...He is dead!? H...

"We have underestimated them perhaps...but...it will not change the outcome...sooner or later as long as I am alive or Kula is active...Your friends...will never succeed in their mission." Rusher can assure this because so long as they have their legendary pieces...there is no person on this planet including other legendary pieces that will stop him from reaching their goal...revenge on the Majestic 12.

"With Mol's Death, A new Battle will begin in the next chapter...!"

Current Capacity Power:

Richard Kurosagi: 180,000 (Base)

Harry Kishima: 85,000 (base)

Aeris Russo: 80,000 (Base)

Sexan Arifer: 70,000 (Base)

Adel Moller: 65,000 (Base)

Yuma Ishitzu: 63,000 (Base)

Frederick Santos: 62,300 (Base)

Genre Lynn: 60,000 (Base)

Emuna Chariot: 92,000 (Base)

Soldiers: 10-15

Alice Hishikawa: ???

Rusher: ???

Grew: ???

Kula: ???

Min Tabouillot: 110,000 {Scanned by Richard}

Mol: 130,000 {Scanned by Richard}

Emuna Chariot: 9,200,000 [Full Capacity]

Mol: 1,950,000 [M.I.S.T.]

Mol: 9,750,000 [M.I.S.T. Deuxième évolution]

Emuna Chariot: [Kubler-Ross Premiere Etape: Le Deni] {Kubler-Ross First Stage: Denial}: 16,100,000

Kubler-Ross multiplier is 3.5 for each stage, the reason why her Capacity Power in here is 16,100,000 instead of 32,200,000 is that; Emuna used this transformation at 50% of her Capacity Power. Her attack Poupees De Jour Creux (Dolls of the Hollow Days) requires 10,000,000 Capacity Power in order to perform so even at her fullest Capacity Power she wouldn't be able to perform it.

Hope this clarifies everything in this chapter. Any questions feel free to leave them and I will be sure to answer them. Until then I will see you on the next upload.

Richard_Omegacreators' thoughts