
Oh My Star

Life Of an ordinary girl in her teens drastically changes when she meets her Star but wait what that star isn't the same person she used to believe he is and the worst part is he actually is a rude scum who doesn't respect people around him What will happen when Hazel meets her Star whom she have loved for past three years but can't believe he is totally another person off camera

Hermione_Granger_5969 · Urban
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14 Chs

Ch .11- Feelings

Hazel thought that she would never think about these feelings again in this way she would not get hurt and think about things which she shouldn't and Derek could concentrate on his own work so she decided to stop visiting Emily's house . After a couple of days Hazel heard a knock at the door it was Emily she was looking very worried so Hazel asked her what Happened to you are you ok ?? Emily replied I am so sorry Hazel I wanted a favour from you . So Hazel asked her what was the matter and why was she panicking . Emily replied well actually Derek isn't well so I want you to take care of him can you please take care of him . Hazel was shocked why was she asking her to take care of him so she asked what about you ? Well I have a very important buisness meeting at another city and I can't delay it he is a very important client so can you please look after him as you know he is a star and he can't go to hospital without any bodyguard and this illness of his can be cured at home so please take care of him Emily replied with innocent expressions and hopefull eyes . It's true that Hazel wanted to run to him as soon as possible but she wanted to refrain herself from disturbing his life or creating a mess for him due to her feelings. But Derek's health was way more important so she agreed but then she asked well I remember you said he lives in the dorm how can I go to his dorms . Oh well that day he went to his dorm to shift his belongings to his new house so you can go to his house I will tell you the passcode Emily replied. She hurriedly told her the passcode and went out with her baggage . Hazel went to the address which Emily told it was a very big bungalow and while entering the house she had to cross the huge garden infront of the bungalow which had different kinds of flowers which made the air fragrant and made the bungalow look more beautiful . She was infront of Derek's door she recalled the passcode which Emily told her 0125.

It doesn't seemed a passcode which was carelessly choosen so she wondered why was the passcode neither Derek's birthday nor his debut anniversary . As soon as the door unlocked she went inside the bungalow well it did looked extravagant from inside but was in a total mess you could clearly tell that a single men was living all by himself in this house . She hurriedly went to the room she first Saw it was an empty room so she started searching other rooms then suddenly she heard a voice of something falling on floor from upstairs she ran upstairs and opened the door and saw Derek lying on the floor he was unconscious .Hazel ran towards him and touched his head he was suffering from a high fever and was sweating alot she tried too move Derek to his bed but he was too tall and heavy for her petite body so she had no other option left so she started to drag him and somehow put him on the bed then she went to the kitchen got a bowl and a clean cloth so she could nurse him . Hazel started to nurse him ,Derek was still unconscious but he was still mumbling some words as he started to sob Don't go ...please don't go.... tears rolled down from his eyes he was clearly having a bad dream but what was it why is he sobbing so much Hazel asked herself as her heart was aching for him . She then suddenly hugged him and said don't worry I won't go I will be here for you she said those words even when she wanted to refrain herself from approaching him she wanted to bury her feelings for him but she couldn't . She never thought that she fell in love with him that too deeply . She kissed Derek on his forehead and said even though you don't like me but I will definitely love you and protect you even if you try to distance myself from me I won't let any distance come between us I would be always here for you as she patted his head .