
Prologue [Lucky]

Hello. My name is Oliver Sprouse. I am from the UK and recently my father moved our family to a small town in Colorado. I found out about the move 2 weeks before it happened.

On one of my last days in the UK, I was in the library reading to some kids slightly younger than me. I am 17. My dad came in and stood in the back of the group of people.

I saw him, but ignored him, and continued to read. "I'm glad you told us your feelings," Father said. "Lily," Mother said, beckoning to the little girl, "go on now and get into your night clothes. Father and I are going to stay here and talk to Jonas for a while." Lilly sighed, but obediently she got down from her chair. "Privately?" She asked. Mother nodded. "Yes," She said, "this talk will be a private one with Jonas." I finished the chapter.

I stared at my father, then back at the group of children. "Well, that was the first chapter of the Giver. If you guys enjoyed it, there are plenty of copies in the library to check out."

"But won't you read it to us every Wednesday, Oliver?" A girl who fancied my reading said.

"No, unfortunately I am moving out of the UK to the 'United States of America.'" I said the name mockingly.

"Oh. Well, thank you, Oliver for reading to us." The girl said.

I told everyone bye and his father and him walked out of the library. "Why do we have to move?" I was very against the idea.

"Oliver, we've gone over this. We don't have the money! Where we are moving, its cheaper. Look, Oliver, when we get enough money, we'll move back to the UK and you can resume your life." Father has said.

I sighed. Within the next few hours, we were on a plane to Colorado. After 10 hours of horrible turbulence and air sickness, we landed.

It was morning. My father drove my family, consisting of me, my sister Kareena, and my mother, to our new home. It was a lot smaller than our house that we used to live it, but we all got our own rooms.

Mine was downstairs. The room smelled bad, and the floor was slightly torn up, and there were small house throughout the room, as if someone had hung pictures up with nails, and forgot to patch the hole up.

"Well great." I said.

I pulled a nap- a blanket out of my travel bag. I scolded myself for still thinking like a Brit. I laid it on the floor, and pulled out a pillow. I laid down. Jet lag, it sucks, by the way. I passed out, and woke up a few hours later.

When I did, I found out that I was now enrolled into a nearby highschool. The only reason that I agreed to was because I didn't want Katreena to make fun of me for not having any friends. Not like I need a 7th graders opinion.

But at least they had a library there. "Father, mum, I'm going to go find the library." I yelled as I walked out of the new living area.

Surprisingly, I found it quickly. I walked inside, and started looking around. "No, Donnie, don't touch that." I heard a girl say.

I was going to go see what was going on, but the boy with her said something I probably shouldn't have heard. I paid no attention to the two friends on the other side of the library bookshelf.

I walked out of the row, and as I did, a boy ran into me, didn't even apologize and ran into the same row that the 2 other friends were in.

"Ugh." I said, getting up off of the floor and grabbed the 2 books that had fallen out of my hands.

I stomped over to the row, and saw something. There was only one boy there, and he touched a book, and disappeared. A book fell out of my hand, but I caught it before it hit the ground.

The gesture of me moving cause the girl to see me out of the corner of her eye. She had been sitting in the floor and got up. "Hello." She said.

"Hi." I told her.

The surprise of my accent was… Well, a surprise to her. "Your British." She said.

"Astute observation." I was being snarky, but a boy just disappeared.

"I'm Tanna." The girl said.

"Oliver." I said. "Well, see you later."

I turned and walked away. I got a library card and checked the books out. I tried to rationalize what I had just seen. There was a boy… then there wasn't. Maybe he had just… Walked around the corner.

No, we were in the middle of the aisle. It would be impossible to walk around the corner.

I stepped outside and ran into a girl. Or she ran into me. "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry." The girl helped picked the books up and helped me up also.

"What is it with everyone who lives here and running into people. Quite literally." I said, blatant.

"What? Sorry, I'm Sunshine. And I'm going to be late for something, so I'll see you around. Oh, what's your name?" The girl managed to squeeze in.

"Oliver." I said.

"Nice to meet you Oliver and again sorry for bumping into you." Sunshine smiled and then ran away.

She had dropped something on the floor. I picked up the bracelet and chased after her. I turned the corner. She wasn't that far ahead of them, but she wasn't there. Like she disappeared.

"Oh gosh." I said.

I put the bracelet into my pocket. Something weird was going on in this town. And I intend to find out.