
Chapter 1 [Caught]

Donnie was leaning against a locker staring at the popular kids. "You know, it's rude to stare." A girl looked over his shoulder.

"Hey Cassie." Donnie said.

Cassandra Hayne had been Donatello Palm's friend as long as he could remember. "Okay, look. I know you like one of them, but if you keep staring at them, they're not going to like you at all. Not even as a friend." Cassie told him, walking around to look at him in the face.

"I don't care." Donnie said.

He continued to stare at the popular boys, staring at one in particular. "Come on." Cassie dragged him away so that he couldn't look at them anymore.

Right as she did, another popular boy came by and shoved Donnie into a locker. 'Hey Your Royal Gayness, stop being such a perv."

"Hey, jerk, why don't you stop being such an asshole." Cassie said.

"What? Do you and your boyfriend make out? If that's the case you must be a boy." The boy said, and walked away laughing with his friends.

Cassie looked like she was about drop kick him. "Cassie, it's fine." Donnie said.

Despite this, Cassie still glared at the boy. "We're going to be late for class." Donnie said.

"Fine, but if he does it again, I'm going to beat him up." Cassie said.

"Whatever Cassie." Donnie said, and they walked to class together.

They sat down. Everyone was still talking. The girl behind him was Scarlet Enrald. And the boy who sat next to her was Greyson Taylor. They were in English class, and the two of them started arguing about something when the bell rang after Greyson walked in with his usual blank face.

Cassie was talking with him about something but he wasn't paying attention to her. The bell finally rang. Cassie and him both had P.E. after English.

Though they didn't have the same class, they still hung out. The bell rang when P.E. ended and they both went into their separate locker rooms. Donnie started to get changed, when he heard. "Hey Donnie. Are you sure you should be in here and not in the other locker room? I'm sure you belong with the girls." The same kid who ran him into the locker in the morning said.

"Hey, you know, maybe you should shut up, Daylin." He heard a voice say.

"And what are you going to do about it Brandon?" The bully told the other popular kid.

"I'm not going to do anything. I'm merely saying that you should pick on someone your own size." Brandon was easily shorter than Daylin.

"And your my size?" Daylin said.

"No, of course not, are you blind? Go find a giant to pick on." Brandon said cooly.

All the boys in the locker room laughed. Daylin backed down.

Jasper continued to talk to Brandon. "Thanks." Donnie told Brandon.

"No problem. Just, uh… nevermind." Brandon said, and walked away.

Donnie finished changing and and left the locker room. Cassie was waiting for him. "I heard what happened. How crazy is it that-" Donnie covered her mouth.

"Will you shut up?" Donnie whispered harshly.

"I'm sorry that your crush, or at least one of them, stood up for you." Cassie moved his hand and whispered so that no one besides Donnie could hear.

"I don't care." Donnie said.

"Your a terrible liar." Cassie said.

"Whatever." The bell had rang.

For third period, they had separate classes. School ended. They met up. "I wonder why the sky is purple." Cassie said.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" Someone ran into Donnie, but he didn't say anything.

He knew that because he was gay, that people bullied him for no reason. Cassie was still bothered by it. "Cassie, don't-"

"Don't assume that I'm going to do something." Cassie was staring at the person who ran into Donnie with murderous eyes.

"I'm not assuming. I know you. I'm fine with it." Donnie said, grabbing her.

"That's the problem. You need to stand up for yourself." Cassie said.

"No, I don't. It doesn't matter, Cass. Just, leave it. Please." Donnie asked.

Cassie looked sadly at her best friend. "I'll try." Cassie said.

Sunshine Enrald ran past them, accidentally running into Donnie also. "Sorry, Donnie." Sunshine called as she ran away.

"Look see, you didn't even respond." Cassie told Donnie when he didn't say anything.

"She said sorry!" Donnie argued.

The two of them saw 2 popular boys and 2 social outcast girls walking away together. Of course, they were all friends before high school have even started. Cassie saw Donnie staring at them.

"Hey, stop thinking about it, let's go do something." Cassie told him.

"Like what?" Donnie said, as if a trance.

"Stalk them." Cassie said as a joke.

"Okay." Donnie said.

"No, Donnie that was a joke." Cassie said.

"Come on." Donnie said, and walked to the street, and crossed. Cassie followed, unwillingly.

"Donnie, stop it." Cassie said.

They saw them turn the street to head to the park. "Donnie-" Cassie grabbed him.

"Look, Cass, we'll stay there for 10 minutes and then we'll leave. We'll go to the store and I'll buy you ice cream and then we'll go to my house. Okay?" Donnie negotiated.

"Fine." The deal of ice cream got her.

They hid behind a bush. They couldn't hear the conversation, but Cassie could tell that it didn't matter to Donnie.

About 10 minutes, Cassie started to complain. She wanted her ice cream. "Okay, let-" Donnie stopped.

"Donnie?" Cassie said, and then looked through the bush and gasped.

One of the girls, Samantha Rendoz, was holding a knife looking object. And the other 3, Jasper Chavez, Brandon Holt, and Kaira Grey, seemed to be fine with it.

Then it disappeared. The 4 of them started walking towards where Cassie and Donnie were hiding. They got up and ran to the store, hoping that the 4 friends didn't see them. Cassie grabbed 2 boxes of ice cream, and Donnie grabbed a bag of chips and then paid for the snacks.

"You saw that, right? I'm not seeing things, right?" Donnie said as they walked to his house.

"That's what I thought. The knife… it just disappeared out of nowhere like..." Cassie said.

"Magic." They said at the same time.

"But that's impossible, magic isn't real." Donnie said.

They walked into his house and walked into his room, not saying anything once they got into his house.

In Donnie's room, he had a mini fridge that could keep the ice cream cold enough not to melt. Cassie grabbed an ice cream and plopped down on Donnie's bed. Donnie sat down on his chair and started eating his chips.

"So… any new crushes?" Cassie asked.

"No." Donnie said.

"Really? Like, at all?" Cassie started eating her ice cream.

"No, Cassie." Donnie said, eating his chips.

Something fell and broke downstairs. Someone started yelling. The two of them went quiet. The person downstairs yelled for Donnie. He got up and ran down stairs.

Something else broke and the two of them were arguing. Donnie walked back into his room a few minutes later. "You okay?" Cassie asked.

"I'm fine." Donnie sat back down.

"Is he drunk again?"

"When is he not." Donnie said.


"I don't care." Donnie cut her off.

Donnie's room was the cleanest room in the whole house. The rest of the house was littered with beer cans and bottles. His mom had left Donnie's dad when Donnie was little. He had to deal with his dad growing up.

"You know, I think you should just go home for now, I'll see you tomorrow at school." Donnie told Cassie.

Cassie was going to protest, but decided against it. Donnie was already in a bad mood, and Cassie got up and opened his window. "I'll see you tomorrow."

She climbed out and hopped down to the lawn and started to walk home. She had to walk past the library on her way, and stopped there for a few minutes. In the back of the library were the erie books. She started looking down the aisle and noticed that someone had left a book on the floor.

She picked it up. "Destiny? Interesting." Cassie started looking for the place the book was from and found it.

The book next to the spot for the book about Destiny caught her eye. She pulled it out. Past. Present. Future. "Eh, why not." She took the two books to the librarian and checked the books out.

She continued to walk home. She got home and went to her room. Having to live with 5 boys who were all older than her kind of sucked, so she used books to escape.

She laid down and opened one of the books. So dust flew out of it and she coughed. "I guess someone hasn't read you in a while."

The past, the present, and the future are all controlled by time. The three obey the ruler, and work together to bring peace. The different areas of time are separated into 3 different objects. The ring of the past, the pendant of the future, and the chain of the present.

Each takes its own form to fit its era. Be warned, by collecting the three, you must bow and obey the ruler of time. Failure to do so could result in casualties. When collected, you will be sent into a challenge, and must escape in order to claim the object. If you don't, you could be trapped there forever.

The first is always the easiest. The second requires 2, and the third requires sacrifice. Going more into the challenge, it varies from the owner of the object. You will be put into the time era that the object complies with. You must follow the rules.

The object of past is set to those who are stuck in the past. Now, the past goes by every second it's not present, but by the rules of the object, everything 20 years and prior is considered past. Nothing less.

The object of future is much like the past, except you wonder what the future holds. Going into the future is tempting, and can drive one mad by what they see. Anything 10 years and farther is considered the future by the object.

The object of present is the easiest to control. Of course with every second passing, it becomes the past, but not according to the object. The present is the most constricting. You can only go so far forward or back before it is no longer the present.

The owners of the objects have specific traits that correlate with them. The person of present never thinks to far forward or worries on the past. The person of future is always thinking ahead, wondering what comes next, and is never in control of their own life. People unwillingly control them. The person of past only focuses on things that have already happened. They can't get over it. The past haunts them.

The objects are all controlled by Destiny. By time. By one person. Beware.

There was more to the book, but the last sentence caught Cassie's eye. "Controlled by Destiny, huh?" Cassie looked at the other book she checked out.

She opened it and found out that "Destiny" were objects. None were specifically correlated with time. "What am I doing? It's not even real." Cassie said to herself, and then closed the two books.

One of her brothers walked in, and sat down on his bed. What Cassandra Hayne didn't know was that she had just invited the objects of time into her life.