
Prologue [Offline]

It was the middle of the night. The wind was howling. A new threat was coming to Colorado.

The Carnival Master was quick at work. He placed candles all around his magic circle, and lit them, one by one. There in the middle was a dead homeless woman, bleeding.

He quickly recited the ritual. When he was done, the candle light glowed purple, and fog began to appear. The Carnival Master laughed maniacally. His plan was beginning.

He sent letters out to 5 people to complete his task. Bring magic to Colorado, then take it by using pawns. The first step was to drain it from a hidden object.


To my esteemed evil doers,

I have given you a chance to redeem yourselves. Work for me, and help to control the magic that has infested this town. Time to get some revenge for what they have done to us. I hope to see your evil works… come through.


The Carnival Master.

But that was years ago. Back to present day… in 2017.